June 2020
We remain forward-focused as we pivot towards reopening centers to ensure that the most vulnerable children in our community have access to diapers, formula, meals, education and safety. This begins with our summer programs. Many parents are returning to frontline employment meanwhile our centers can only physically bring back enough children to accord to Public Health Madison & Dane County and Head Start guidelines. Our attention and aid is shifting towards the inescapable housing crisis and providing direct relief to families suffering economic hardships from COVID-19. Both locally and globally, we are still very much in this pandemic.
Our Project Reach Dane Reopen team is currently planning the reopening of our full day programs
this summer.
Our primary focus for reopening summer programming is the physical and mental well being of staff, children, and families. Right now this includes:

  • Staff will return two weeks before children to receive training on new health policies, set up the classroom environments, and meet with members of the mental health team for support.
  • Parents will receive an orientation to our new procedures prior to return.
  • We are creating a resource page on our website to direct parents to.
  • Class sizes will initially be smaller than normal
  • Extensive outside time
  • Clear-front masks for teaching staff to display non-verbal facial cues.

We are in solidarity with Black people and people of color who have faced unjust oppression by law enforcement and systemic racism.
It is our responsibility to not only commit to the path of learning and listening but to actively denounce and fight against it every day. Reach Dane employees recieved this email direction yesterday:

We have been watching the protests in Minneapolis, Madison, and around the country in response to the murder of George Floyd.  Being silent right now means being complicit in the murder of Black people in America.   As an organization that serves predominately children and families of color, we have an obligation to address the systemic racism in our country and communities. At Reach Dane, we have a long journey ahead of us in implementing our developing long-term goals around social justice and becoming a truly anti-racist organization. I believe this journey is some of the most important work our organization can be doing right now. As a person with white privilege, I am showing up for racial justice by amplifying the voices of people of color and instilling educational resources into our agency and share these commitments back to our audiences.”

-Jen Bailey, Executive Director

Teaching Tolerance | Diversity, Equity And Justice

Teaching Tolerance provides free resources to educators-teachers, administrators, counselors and other practitioners-who work with children from kindergarten through high school. Educators use our materials to supplement the curriculum, to inform ...

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Free Bikes 4 Kidz Madison is Donating 112 Bikes
to Reach Dane Children in Two Weeks.

These little pedalers will take home freshly-cleaned and newly-tuned bikes/trikes that are appropriately sized for our 0-5 year old kiddos! This partnership kicked off in January but bike delivery was post-poned due to COVID-19. We are working to get helmets to these families. If you are interested in supporting or supplying us with toddler helmets, please contact jeverson@reachdane.org


Mission Statement FB4K Madison is creating a sustainable supply of bicycles for all kids by collecting extra bikes from the community, refurbishing the donated bikes with the help of volunteers and giving them back through a diverse network of...

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Our Meal Program with Little John's Restaraunt
and Chef Dave Heide is Wrapping Up.

This 9-week program served a total of 28,332 meals beginning on April 14 th and will end on June 12th.  Beyond food security, this meal program strengthened the communication between family outreach workers and their caseload families. Parents and guardians report that it alleviated parental stress and provided comfort. It also provided employment to displaced culinary staff and supports the local food vendors that lost order volume when restaurants closed their doors.
Children enrolled in our full day summer programs will recieve from-scratch, nutritious center-based meals prepared by our nutrition staff!
The United Way of Green County Grant Award

Our Green County EHS Program was awarded a grant from the United Way of Green County COVID-19 Community Response Fund. Thank you for this support and live united!
East, Red Arrow, and Stoughton centers had their parking lots resurfaced in the last two weeks.
They cannot wait for familiar traffic. Thank you to our maintenance team for keeping our lawns mowed, vans and buses maintained, and buildings safe during the shutdown!
We Are Hiring Immediately and Enrolling for Fall
Nutrition Services Provider

Social Emotional Specialist

Currently enrolling children ages 0-5 for Head Start and Early Head Start Programming beginning in Fall.

Enroll for immediate access to diapers, formula, and supportive services.
We have deep gratitude for your interest in our organization and the work that we do.