Houston Herald

June 2019
A publication of
Houston Baptist Association
Reaching Our World For Christ
From Your Associational Mission Strategist
Summer is here and I am excited about what God is going to do! We have the camp ready for our association camps and there many people who helped! I especially thank the Nina Adams Family, David and Pam Dollar, Pat Story and Stan Bowen! I am also very grateful to all the churches and individuals for the contributions for our new Chapel windows. I am now anticipating the great things that will take place during our camps and I want to encourage you to pray daily for our directors and all those who will be serving at our camps as well as the campers who will be attending!

Please be in prayer for our Vacation Bible Schools. Many of our churches will be having a VBS during this month. I am believing that we will have many professions of faith this year! I am looking forward to getting around and visiting as many churches as I can during their VBS. I love this ministry and I believe it is the greatest evangelistic outreach we do in our churches. If you have any decorations or materials left over, you can bring it to our HBA office and other churches can use them if they are in need of them! I also want to encourage our churches to send in a report to our office of the results from VBS! This will help us to know what God is doing in each of our churches!

In a couple of weeks, my wife and I will be attending the Southern Baptist Convention. Please be in prayer for our convention. There are many issues that we face, and we need to handle those issues in a way that brings unity to our convention and glory to God. I am proud to be a Southern Baptist and we have the best mission’s organization in the world! Your giving to the Cooperative Program provides funding to all of the mission and evangelistic efforts!

I am grateful to serve this association! I pray for each Pastor and church that God will continue to guide and bless the ministries and efforts of sharing the Gospel!

Bro. Gary

Upcoming VBS Dates:
Vienna First- June 2-6
Smyrna- June 9-14
Northern Heights- June 2-7
Pleasant Grove- June 2-6
Arabi- June 9-13
Byromville- June 17-21
New Life- June 13-16
Ebenezer May 31-June 2
Penia June 16-20

Please pray for

■Asssociational Missionary Gary Leutzinger
■Summer Missionaries Kellen Evans and Abigail Thongbai
■Church planters Drew and Shannon Cunningham, Santa Cruz Area, California
■Pregnancy Care Center–Crisp, Dooly, Wilcox
■Lost and unchurched people
■Revival in HBA churches
■Unity in our churches and unity among our churches
■Churches without pastors: Pinehurst, Byromville, New Life Hispanic Mission Church, Sharon and Lakeshore
■TV ministries of Cordele First, and Pinecrest churches 
■Our schools, teachers and students
■Summer Mission Teams to North Ga and Pittsburg 
■Summer Camps
■All the events and activities mentioned in this newsletter

Church positions available

Smyrna Church is seeking a part-time minister of music. Contact Linda White at 229-268-6792.

Pinehurst Church is seeking a part-time youth leader. Contact Pinehurst for more information

Sharon Church is seeking a retired or bi-vocational pastor, contact Donnie Johnson at 322-9426 for more infornation.

coming up

Houston Baptist Association events are printed in bold. HBC is an abbreviation for Houston Baptist Center.

 Tuesdays Men’s Prayer

June 9-10 SBC Pastor’s Conference

June 11-12 SBC Annual Meeting

June 13 Pittsburg Mission Team Meeting, 10:00 am, HBC

June 16 Father’s Day

June 16 Baptist Men’s Emphasis

June 17-20 Girls’s Camp

June 23 Mission:Dignity Sunday

June 24-27 Boy’s camp

June 28-30 Youth Camp

June 30 Citizenship and Religious
Liberty Sunday
Next Pastors Roundtable
Sept. 18, 2019
@10:00 am, HBC
What to do with all those old Sunday School books?  

Don’t throw them away–bring them to HBC

Bring your old SS literature to Houston Baptist Center. Chad Harris will take it to a Edwin L. Hodges Ministries collection site to send overseas. ELHM is a Christian literature ministry that collects donated Bibles, books, magazines, tapes, and tracts from American Christians and ships them to Bible schools, churches, missionaries, and ministries overseas. ELHM is a non-denominational, nonprofit, evangelical ministry .
Blood Drives
C ordele Community Clubhouse
 Tuesday June 11, 2019
1:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Sponsored by the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, GO Georgia is a 2-day church leadership training event that includes 100+ topics, top national speakers, affinity and specialized training. The title of the event is GO Georgia because Georgia needs to hear the Good News.
Early Bird Special Ends June 17
Partner with Lifetouch to create a no cost, updateable directory for your leadership, staff and families and start 2018 with new tools to help your church stay connected.
Be a Church Host or Volunteer in times of disaster!
If you would like your church news or events featured in the Houston Herald please send it to secretary@houstonbaptist.org