News and Events for Larchmont Residents
From the Mayor

Dear Fellow Larchmonters,
2020 is turning out to be a turbulent, trying year. Just as we are beginning to feel as if we’re turning the corner on the coronavirus pandemic, the specter of racial injustice and inequality in America raises its ugly head again in the murder of George Floyd. Mr. Floyd’s murder is a tragic and visible manifestation of the systemic inequalities which have long gone unresolved in our nation. I know you stand with me in the desire to create communities that respect the intrinsic value of all individuals, regardless of color, religion or gender. We should all be proud to know that the members of our Larchmont Police Department operate with this ethos in mind.

Many residents have been reaching out to myself, Supervisor Seligson and Mayor Murphy about wanting to find a way to come together and recognize these recent events. We have decided to plan a tri-municipal Community Gathering for some time next week. This would be a daylight event with no marching, and we would of course require that masks be worn and social distancing be maintained.

As to coronavirus, the numbers are encouraging! All of our work in staying home and following guidelines is paying off. We are getting close to reopening almost all local businesses, with Retail, Hair Salons, Barbershops, Offices, and (new today!) Outdoor Dining most likely opening June 9 th and indoor dining about June 23 rd . While we don’t yet have all the guidelines for operations, we can expect that capacities inside businesses will be limited for some time to come. I have been working hard with the Trustees and Village Administrator to plan ahead and create an atmosphere that will support the economic rebound of our local businesses. To that end, I am happy to present Al fresco Larchmont , socially distant outdoor dining and shopping on the streets and sidewalks of Larchmont. To accomplish this, we have created a flexible and multi-faceted plan which utilizes driving and parking lanes on some streets, expands the use of sidewalks for commerce, and gets creative with parking lots. It is intended that Al fresco Larchmont will be put in place for the duration of Summer 2020, and as far into the fall as is feasible and needed by our business community. Of course, the success of this plan will rely on you – the local customer! So please, Show the Love and Shop and Dine Local!

Of course, wearing masks will be mandatory in all businesses and the Governor has given the legal right to owners to refuse entry to anyone without a mask or face covering. With the sidewalks and streets being used for dining and shopping, it will be very important to our success that everyone wear a face covering while walking in the commercial districts. Please don’t be that guy...
Another consequence of coronavirus is the cancellation of all kinds of celebrations, including the MHS graduation ceremony. Help celebrate the seniors of Mamaroneck High School’s Class of 2020 as they drive around the Village for their graduation parade on Thursday, June 4th! Each caravan grouping is based on the elementary school attended, and will drive by that school, then Hommocks and end at MHS. Our Chatsworth graduates will leave from Harbor Island Park at 8:15 and 9:15 am. Please wave and shout from the sidewalk as they go by! Congratulations MHS Class of 2020!

See you Al fresco !
Mayor Lorraine Walsh
Village Notes

Leaf Blowers : Reminder, please make sure your landscaping service knows that ALL LEAF BLOWERS (which includes gas powered AND electric) are BANNED in Larchmont until further notice. Violations may be given to both the landscaper and the homeowner, so please help with compliance by assuring the law is followed on your property.
Garbage pick-up : Curbside pickup only continues. Please be sure to abide by the L-M Sanitation Commission rules and place all trash in bins or cans to prevent spreading by animals (no loose trash bags are allowed). Trash and recycling may be placed at the curb either the evening before your scheduled pickup or before 6AM the morning of your pickup.

No Dogs : Dog owners - please feel free to walk your dogs everywhere except FLINT PARK . Because the Village operates a summer camp at Flint Park, the County Department of Health requires a No Dog policy be followed. Please don't jeopardize our license. Thanks!

Playground Equipment : Since it is not possible to continue to socially distance while using the playground equipment in our Village Parks, the playgrounds will continue remain closed.

Metro North Stair Closure: The steps up to Chatsworth will be closed for repairs at the train station. Click HERE for more information.

Upcoming Elections:
The local State primary races and Federal Presidential Primary will be held on June 23. To request an absentee ballot please click HERE .

Everyone should have received an absentee ballot for the School Budget and School Board Members. These must be returned and received by June 9 th . They can be mailed back or dropped in the box at MHS. For more information, please click HERE .
Help For Our Local Businesses
In response to the COVID 19 crisis, One Larchmont, Inc. is raising funds for the purpose of providing disaster relief to help our local businesses. One Larchmont, Inc. has started a new initiative to help support Larchmont Al Fresco.

To donate, please click HERE .
Larchmont Library

It’s time to start bringing the books back! 
There are book bins outside the Library from 9am-12noon Monday through Friday.

Please monitor the Library website for updates as we carefully prepare to start limited onsite services
Please go through your account to cancel holds on anything you no longer want and suspend holds for items that you do not want right now.

If you need help with managing your account or anything else, Reference staff is ready to assist you. Email any time at . If you want a real live person, call 914-734-5362 any weekday between 10am and 4pm.
In the meantime, the Online Library is always open for business.
Lastly, the Library staff has created a survey to help them plan for the future and also as a report card on how they've done in the recent past, most especially with online programs. After that, you can answer answer the Library survey here .
Census 2020
It is extremely important that everyone participate in the 2020 Census. Not having an accurate count of our residents can negatively impact our community .

The Census count determines our share of Federal and State funding for healthcare, education, roads and transportation & parks. The Census count determines our share of State and Local Sales Tax. Westchester County estimates that 𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 is a 𝗹𝗼𝘀𝘀 𝗼𝗳 $𝟮,𝟱𝟬𝟬 in funding 𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿. Especially now with the financial uncertainty we need every dollar.

We are only at a 60% response rate, so please respond to the Census today! To respond to the Census, please click HERE .
Domestic Violence Support
My Sisters' Place is working hard to meet the needs of all who rely on us. While our work is more challenging due to the current circumstances, our staff are working around the clock to make sure that our shelter remains safe and healthy, our hotline remains operational, and our clients' needs are met.
For more information, please see our website HERE and anyone seeking assistance, emergency shelter, or safety planning should call our  24/7 Hotline 800-298-7233.
Center for Aging in Place
Please see their resource lists for seniors in Westchester County HERE .
LMCTV has hosted some great community conversations recently which you can access HERE .

In addition, LMCTV will be hosting weekly discussions with our Tri-Municipal Leaders every Thursday at 7:30pm.
Community Counseling Center
The Community Counseling Center is offering support in these challenging times. Please see the flyer below for more information.