Volume XV | June 2022

Hello all!

We have lots to share in this months newsletter including info about Fr Dave's Farewell and Fr Thomas' welcome. First please be sure to watch the video from Fr Thomas available below and on our Website. Next we congratulate all our youth who have received their sacraments this Easter Season. In May we had 7 youth receive their First Communion and will be celebrating another this Sunday. Read more about it below and learn more about how your children can celebrate their sacraments. Next we are expanding our Liturgical Ministers and are continuing to look for volunteers. One we are most in need for is Altar Servers, learn more about how to volunteer below. Please be sure to read this whole newsletter to get all the latest news and share with your friends and family.

Know that we are working hard to continue to serve our parish community. You can contact us with questions or concerns via email or phone. Be sure to check out our website and scroll down so you don’t miss anything. We are continuing to pray for all of our parish community and an end to this virus.


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Hello from Fr Thomas Tran

Welcome to Fr Thomas

Last month we learned Fr Thomas Tran was appointed to be our Priest Administrator effective July 1st. We ask that you check out the video above for a message from Fr Thomas. Please also be sure to keep him your prayers as he travels before joining us in July

We invite you join us in welcoming him at his First Mass, Friday, July 1st at 9am and for his Welcome Weekend, July 9th and 10th. We will have receptions following each mass to give you a chance to meet and say hi to our new Priest.

Farewell to Fr Dave Rogerson.

Our Six months with Father Dave Rogerson is coming to end at the end of the month. We had a great time with him and will be hosting a Farewell Weekend June 25th and 26th. Join Fr Dave for his final weekend Masses and then a small reception following to say goodbye and to wish him well.


Meditation Park

The Meditation Park has been a part of the St John Bosco community for 25 years. It provides a place for quiet reflection of our Catholic Faith, in a natural setting. The Park is kept up by a small group of volunteers. Along with a Monthly work party, usually on the first Monday of each month.

Many thanks to those already helping in the Park, but more help is needed to keep it in good condition. We are considering the addition of several weekend efforts during the year. There are also areas within the Park that an individual or group can adopt. These areas include the flower beds along the rectory drive, the Holy Family statue, St Anthony statue, and the Blessed Virgin statue. You can see some of these areas in the included picture.

If you are interested in learning more or volunteering please contact Paul Mernaugh at 253-324-0245 or pmernaugh@yahoo.com.

We also invite you to visit our website to learn more and view additional Pictures of the park.

Liturgical Ministries

We are so happy to back to in person Masses with ever growing attendance. Because of this we need more volunteers for all our Liturgical Ministries. 

  • Eucharist Ministers
  • Lectors
  • Ushers
  • Welcome and Hospitality Team
  • Sacristan

If you are interested in serving in one of the following compacities please click the button below to learn more and sign up. Please contact Terri at terrinelson@stjbosco.org with any questions.

Liturgical Volunteer

Altar Servers Needed!

We a looking forward to brining our Altar Servers back to serve at Weekend Masses. If you are interested in serving as an Altar Server please email Cassie Denning. All youth third grade and up are welcome to begin training. We also welcome adults to serve as well. We are planning a training for Saturday, June 19th at 4pm and Sunday, June 20th at 11am.

Email Cassie
Music Volunteer

Music Ministry

It has been great to have music at some of our Saturday and Sunday Masses and would love to have music at more of our Masses. If you have some musical talent, whether singing or an instrument, and you would like to share with the Parish, please use the form on our website to sign up. If you have any questions or concerns please email Terri Nelson.

Homebound Ministry
Our Homebound Ministry is now in full swing. We have teams now going out to those parishioners that are homebound and are unable to make it out to receive the Eucharist and connect with others. We are continuing to recruit volunteers for this ministry, so please contact Terri Nelson if you would like to be part of this ministry. If you or someone you know would like to be visited by our homebound ministry, please contact the parish office at (253) 582-1028 or email Terri Nelson at terrinelson@stjbosco.org.
Faith Formation and Youth Ministry

On May 15th we had 7 of our Youth receive their First Communion. We look forward to seeing these students continue their Faith Journey. We will be celebrating another First Communion Sunday June 5th for Julia.

Sacramental Prep

We are so proud of all students who received their Sacraments this year and look forward to next year when more will be receiving their Sacraments.

We will be beginning our Sacramental Prep in the fall. We have a couple of programs. One for those who will be receiving their First Communion and Reconciliation. This is open to all students who are in second grade or above and have been baptized. Next we have Confirmation. This Sacrament can now be received by all students in 7th grade and above. If you are interested in either program please fill out our interest form. Registration will be available later this Summer. If you have any questions please contact Cassie at cassiedenning@stjbosco.org.

Faith Formation

Our Faith Formation program for this year has come to an end, but we still have a variety of resources available on our website to continue your child's learning. I have also put together a short survey for you to complete. This includes information about the past year, this summer and next year. I am also working on some events for this Summer.

FF Summer Survey
Youth Ministry

Our Youth Ministry program will not be meeting this summer for youth group. We will be hosting some events for fellowship and service. Cassie will be sending email updates. If you would like to stay informed please be sure to email Cassie. I have also created a short survey to help plan for this summer so please be sure you and your student to fill out the survey avaible at the button below.

YM Summer Survey
Questions about Faith Formation, Youth Ministry, or Sacramental Prep?
Email Cassie at cassiedenning@stjbosco.org

Annual Catholic Appeal

The Annual Catholic Appeal supports the ministries of the Archdiocese of Seattle like youth and young adult activities, faith formation for all ages, pastoral care in hospitals and prisons, and many more.

Your ACA gift also directly supports more than 170 parishes and missions with services like liturgy guidance, human resources, financial services, administration and more. Thank you for helping us spread our Catholic faith and support our brothers and sisters in Western Washington.

Our Goal this year is $58,991 and we are seeking 100% parishioner participation. As of 6/1, we have raised $41,965 (16% parishioner participation). If you are unable to make a pledge at this time, prayers are welcome. Simply fill out your pledge card and notate "prayers."

Keep an eye on our ACA posters located at each door and our online thermometer to see our progress...

TOGETHER WE CAN be Christ to others!

Click Here to see Archbishop Etienne’s video

Thank you to all who continue to give generously to the Annual Catholic Appeal as well as through your prayers and participation in the ministry and mission of St. John Bosco and Immaculate Conception. Your efforts make so many things possible for our parish and the wider church throughout Western Washington. We want to ask you this year to please consider giving your Annual Appeal gift online. We know many of you are still comfortable writing a check or inserting cash in the envelope for us to send to the Archdiocese and we greatly appreciate your generosity and consistency over many years. As we strive to make giving to the Annual Appeal more secure, safer, faster, and efficient for our staff, we want you to consider making your gift online for the following reasons:

  • Most important: Because the ACA is processed centrally at the Archdiocese, any envelopes received here at the parish (cash, check, or credit card) will be recorded at the parish and then sent via U.S. Postal service to the Archdiocese. Eliminating the need to send checks and cash through the mail is safer and just better business in this era of electronic processing.
  • Giving a gift online is safe and secure. Online vendors go to great lengths to ensure their online giving platform is fully secure and compliant with industry standards.
  • Giving online saves an incredible amount of time here at the parish for our staff and volunteers. Online gifts go directly to the Archdiocese site where they can be processed immediately. The Archdiocese uploads a detailed report every week for any donations that were marked directly for our parish (people giving online select their parish from a drop-down screen). This report is then used to record your gift here at the parish.
  • Giving a gift online is better for the environment. Being good stewards of our resources is one of the fundamental aspects of being a disciple.

Thank You and Please visit this link to give online: archseattle.org/giveaca

Archdiocese News and Events

Christi Mass and Procession & Synod Closing

June 18, 5:30pm at St. James Cathedral Livestream: Vimeo or Facebook

Join us as we come together in all our diversity to celebrate our unity in the Body of Christ. This festive celebration will bring together representatives from many of the cultural communities that make up the Archdiocese of Seattle. 

Learn more 

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Saturday June 25th, 10AM

The Archdiocese of Seattle joyfully announces the Ordination to the Priesthood of John DePalma, Chad Hill, and Josh Nehnevaj.

Livestream: Vimeo or Facebook

Learn more about vocations.

Quo Vadis Days

June 27 - 29 at Camp Hamilton

Calling all 9-12 grade young men! You're invited to discern God’s call in your life, deepen your faith and learn more about the priesthood with archdiocesan priests and seminarians in a beautiful outdoor setting.

Learn more

Archbishop Etienne launched the new pastoral plan on Pentecost. This plan is an invitation to all Catholics and Catholic ministries to re-envision the relationship with Jesus and ensure we are carrying out his mission. Learn More
Archbishop Etienne is calling all of us to deeper encounter with Jesus, as part of “Knowing Jesus Christ, Embracing His Mission.” Check out the Encounter page on the archdiocese website for resources, videos and more.
Year of the Family
Pope Francis established the Year of the Family, starting on March 19, 2021, on the Solemnity of St. Joseph. This marks the fifth anniversary of the publication of his Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, which means "The joy of love" and explores the beauty and joy found in family life.

For ways to celebrate check out the website.

Also for additional resource for your Family's Faith Life check out the Office of Marriage and Famly Life At home with Faith Resource.
Visit the Archdiocese's website:

Bulletins Available Online
We are still putting together bulletins. They are available on our website weekly.
Read Now!