June Newsletter
Hello TAF Family!

June has always been a super busy month for us at The Aubrey Foundation! Between awarding our Aubrey Pappas Memorial Scholarships, moving forward in our giving campaigns and hosting our annual Cigar Night - not even a pandemic has slowed us down! However, it did shift our focus and our "norm" in all of those things!
While we continue to adjust to our "new normal" we want to THANK all of YOU for your continued support and enthusiasm throughout this past month especially! To read more about the details of everything we've been up to continue to scroll down!
And just know that even though it's summer ... we don't take a break! If you want to be involved with our Marketing or Purple for Pappas 5K Committee we would love some new faces and helping hands to join our virtual meetings as we continue to plan for the rest of the year and inspire others to #LiveLikeAubrey!

We miss you TAF Family!
Stay Safe and Stay Connected!
Our Events
Purple for Pappas 5K
North Brunswick friends & family come together for a morning of fun, encouragement and community – all ways we strive to #LiveLikeAubrey!
Cigar Night
Where family & friends gather for an afternoon of endless music, dancing, food & fun to celebrate the lives of
Aubrey Pappas & Anthony Raspa
COVID-19 Community Relief Campaign
Supporting Our Heroes So They Can Support Us

Part of our mission is providing support for the community of North Brunswick, and during this time we want you to join us in our mission and efforts! Join our support campaign today! Even the smallest gift can have the biggest impact!
Sponsor Spotlight

Over the past 5+ years The Aubrey Foundation has been supported by amazing small, local businesses. During the past couple months we know that they have been greatly impacted so we want to give them a SHOUT OUT and spread some love and support!
The Aubrey Pappas Memorial Scholarship
Marketing Committee
Help Us Spread the Word!

With Cigar Night behind us our Marketing Team is about to start planning and promoting our Purple for Pappas 5K and we need YOU! Join our Team - no experience necessary - just a passion to help and for TAF!
F undraising A nd R ecruiting
How FAR can we go?

Our FAR plan (fundraising & recruiting) was established in an effort to expand our Aubrey Foundation family. Expansion can come in many different forms with the intention, always, to spread our mission, touch more people through our service, and grow our partners . Partners could be new participants at our events, new sponsors, new vendors, new board members and/or new volunteers: all of which are critical to the sustainability and growth of The Aubrey Foundation. If you are interested in joining our efforts in any capacity, please reach out to us – we would love to hear from you: info@TheAubreyFoundation.org .