
Faith Formation June Newsletter
Staff Changes

Pat Alsup is retiring after serving as faith formation administrative assistant for over ten years. Thank you Pat for all you have done for our Parish Families.

Anne Kaiser who previously served as the administrative assistant for our Parish will be joining the Faith Formation department as the administrative assistant.

Jennifer Brecks has joined us as the new administrative assistant of our Parish. Welcome Jenn!

Registration for
2021-2022 Year
We will be registering families from Tuesday, 6/22 - Thursday, 7/1.

Registration will be in person this year, nothing will be mailed home. Families can register at the faith formation office Tuesdays (6/22,6/29) and Thursdays (6/24, 7/1) from 9:30am to 1:30pm or from 6:00pm to 7:30pm or Sunday (6/27) after the 9:30am Mass until noon. If you are unable to make it during one of these times please contact us to make different arrangements.

We are planning to resume in person classes in the church hall. An at home option, for non sacramental years, may be requested at time of registration.

Volunteers needed
We are in great need of volunteers for the upcoming year!
If you are interested in volunteering to help teach please let us know at registration.
Congratulations to those who received their First Communion in May.
Thank you again to our catechists for helping to prepare the children.
Pictures are now on the website(Photo Album, 2021 Communion). On the website you can right click the image and save to your computer.