As a parent, you have probably experienced times when your child only wanted to eat the same food over and over or was afraid to try new foods. This can be very frustrating and worrisome for parents, especially if your child refuses to eat nutritious foods or a variety of food from the different food groups.
Additional ways to encourage and have your child eat fruits and vegetables are:

  • While grocery shopping, have your child pick a fruit or vegetable to try at home.
  • Involve your child in preparing meals. This will help them learn about cooking and become familiar with new foods. Click here for some simple recipes to cook with your child:
  • Prepare vegetables and foods in different ways. Some children may be extra sensitive to certain textures, tastes, or smells. Consider offering vegetables like broccoli raw and steamed to see if the texture will make a difference.
  • Have fresh fruit and raw vegetable sticks like peppers ready in advance for a quick and easy snack.
  • Add fresh or dried fruits like bananas and raisins to cereals, oatmeal, or pancakes.
  • Keep frozen vegetable bags in the freezer and add to stews, casseroles, and other dishes.
  • For a frozen treat, freeze fruits like grapes and berries.
  • Consider reading books that encourage healthy eating. Here is a list of books to choose from:

For more strategies on how to encourage your picky eater visit: