Cedar Heights Community Presbyterian Church |  www.cedarheightspres.org
June 2014
In This Issue


Letter of Thanks: "Since 1984, NAMI has provided all its programs free in the community.  We reach out to and serve people with mental illness and their families in Black Hawk County and surrounding communities.  We depend on support like yours to help our efforts to reduce the stigma surrounding the disease and improve the quality of life for people with mental illness and their families through advocacy, education, and mutual support.  We will use your donation for our support and education programs. --NAMI Black Hawk County"



Join us for a morning of serving the community and our church family!  This event is for all ages!  We hope to see families and friends working together!  

  • When: Saturday, June 7
  • Where: Church, Habitat for Humanity Site, Food Bank, Church Member's Homes
  • Time: 8:30 - 12:30 (Habitat has an afternoon work time as well)

Help all day or for a couple hours in the morning or afternoon. You can also help by making lunch or snacks for the volunteers. Sign-up sheets and lists for the "Hygiene Kits for Church World" are in the Commons. Thank you for your continued support.


Children, Youth & Young Adult
Children's Ministry Happenings



Play & Pray: Moms, Dads, and kids are invited to gather for a fun morning of play and fellowship on June 17th at 10:00 AM. This will be an informal time to enjoy the rich blessing of time spent together.


VBS & WEE Camp will be June 23rd-26th from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at First Presbyterian Church of Cedar Falls. Once more we will partner with other local congregations to provide a stellar week of vacation bible school and wee camp. This year we are combining both Wee Camp and VBS into the same time. So, please know we will have special programming tailored for our youngest friends. Check the bulletin for information about registering your children or signing up to volunteer. You may also register at www.cedarfallsvbs.webs.com.


VBS Volunteer Orientation: All youth and adults volunteering during VBS are invited to join our VBS Leadership Team at First Presbyterian Church of Cedar Falls on June 11th from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM for an orientation and planning meeting. This will be an opportunity for center leaders to connect with partners from other congregations and finalize plans for their areas. It will also be a time for all leaders to gain familiarity with the spaces we will use during the VBS week.



Jr. High (6th-8th Graders)


Jr. High Summer Hangout: Join Eric at Starbucks on Wednesday
June, 4
th from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM. We'll likely play some UNO and enjoy an afternoon treat. Contact Eric, if you need a ride.


Great Escape: We will pack up our van and head off to Green Lake, WI on July 7th for a week full of fun, faith, and fellowship. Please pay any outstanding balances as soon as possible. Checks can be made out to CHCPC with Great Escape in the memo line.


Sr. High (9th-12th Graders)


Summer Mission Trip Team:  We have a wonderful group of high school students departing June 14th for a week of service, learning, and growth in Denver, CO. Please keep Joel, Meredith, Katarina,
Aaron, Liz, and Pastor Eric in your prayers. Be sure to join us for worship on June 22
nd, when we will share about our week with the congregation. 


Congratulations to the College Graduates:


Sam Bonnecroy:  BA, Communications; Electronic Media, UNI

David Correll:  Ph.D., Business and Economics, ISU

Stephanie Ehlers:  BA, Family Services, UNI

Diane Ihimbazwe:  Bachelor's degree in Science Intensive: Health Sciences and a minor in Biology, UNI

Nadine Ishimwe:  Master of Science in French, MSU, Mankato, MN

Brent Smith:  MM - Master of Music, Vocal Performance, UNI

Liz Steiner:  BA, Elementary/Middle School Education, UNI


Congratulations to the High School Graduates:


Cedar Falls High School:  Christopher Balsiger, Joel Brich, Martha Hall, Lisa Morales, Haley Runge

West High School:  J'Kalein Madison

Millard West HS, Omaha:  Alyssa Beal, (Dick & Fran Beal's granddaughter)

Adult Education


Adult Forum: During the month of June, all regular Adult Forum attenders are invited to join members of our Strategic Planning Committee to learn about the result of our recent congregational survey, explore the demographics of our congregation and community, & have an opportunity to discuss ways we sense God's Spirit alive and moving amongst us as we look toward the future with hope and joy.



June 1st: No Adult Forum.

June 8th: Presentation and Discussion of Survey Results (in Fellowship Hall)

June 15th: Presentation and Dialogue about Demographics (in Fellowship Hall)

June 22nd: Table Conversations about Where We Go from Here (in Fellowship Hall)

June 29th: No Adult Forum (single service at 10:00 AM)


Oxygen:  All regular Oxygen attenders are invited to join the Strategic Planning Committee on June 8th, 15th, & 22nd for a series of presentations and conversations about our recent congregational survey, the demographics of our congregation and community, and the ways we sense God's Spirit drawing us into the future with hope, joy, and love. Following these important discussions, we will take a break in July and August. 


Men's Bible Study: Meets weekly, at the Cedar Falls Panera on Friday mornings at 7:00 AM for a time of bible study and fellowship led by Pastor Eric. This month we will continue studying lectionary passages. Please contact Eric with any questions.


Women's Book ClubCome join our Women's Book Club that meets at the church on the second Thursday of each month at 9:30 AM. On June 12, we will be discussing House Girl by Tara Conklin.  We are not meeting in July and August.


Music Notes from Sue Feltman, Director of Music


Do you have a hidden musical talent?  Our worship band is short handed this summer, and could really use an extra singer or two and an extra synth player.  The synthesizer plays just like a piano, and training will be provided.  Please speak with Sue if you're willing to assist this summer.  Summer rehearsals are Wednesdays at 6 PM.


Our first Hymn Sing for the summer will be on Sunday, June 8, around 8:45 am, prior to the 9:00 service.  Plan to arrive a little early, find #'s of your favorite hymns using the index on page 711, and be ready to call it out!


Special music for the 9:00 summer services needs you!  Please let me know if you, or a family member, would be willing to sing or play, alone or with others, for the anthem spot in the 9:00 service this summer. 


Sanctuary Choir get-together: potluck dessert gathering at the Feltman home, Thursday, June 26 at 7:00 pm.  Bring a dessert and your family.  9206 Hess Road, Waterloo.


Interim Pastor's Note ~ Dr. D. Jay Losher



Part of my role as Interim Pastor is to facilitate the formation of the Pastor Nominating Committee.  I can pass along from your PNC that it is up and running, hitting on all cylinders and functioning quite effectively.  I have worked with few PNC's who have accomplished so much with such effectiveness so quickly.  They are to be commended.  Your prayers of support are certainly being answered. 


My role has included up until now: to organize the groundwork and research prior to the PNC, to shepherd the process of electing the PNC, to train and help the PNC organize itself. And- now that they are up and running- to withdraw from the process.  As the PNC passes along information on its progress, I will pass it along to you.  It is making monthly status updates to Session and regular reports to the congregation as Minutes-for-Mission in worship. 


Under that rubric of progress reporting, all is well in hand.  Your Pastor Nominating Committee is continuing its work.  The PNC has been receiving and carefully reading dossiers called Pastor's Information Forms (PIF).  The ones which the Committee wishes to pursue further will be lifted up and given further attention.  Soon the Committee will be beginning to have initial phone or video conference calls with selected candidates. 

All to keep you informed. 


In Jesus' service,
Pastor Jay



Associate Pastor's Note ~ Rev. Eric Sunderland


"But if it seems wrong in your opinion to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Choose the gods whom your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live. But my family and I will serve the Lord." ~Joshua 24:15


Dear Friends,


             Our Book of Order is the document that gives shape and structure to our life together as the particular part of God's family. One of my favorite lines from this piece of our life together regarding one of the central themes of the Reformed tradition reads as follows:


"The election of the people of God for service as well as for salvation..." (F-2.05, emphasis added)


Salvation and service are prominent themes throughout scripture and within our faith tradition. We are reminded in this coupling that the great love and mysterious grace of God liberates us for a life of loving kindness amongst our families, friends, neighbors, and even those we don't know or like very well.


This month we will have many opportunities to respond with gratitude for God's love in acts of loving service and compassion: 
We will gather as God's hands and feet serving people in our congregation and community at our fourth annual Day of Discipleship on June 7th.


June 14th-21st will see our high school students traveling to Denver, CO for a week of learning, loving, and growing while working alongside some wonderful partners in ministry. Come hear the stories of their week during worship on June 22nd.


June 23rd-26th will be filled with the laughter and smiles of our children as we partner with other local congregations for an exciting week of WEE Camp & VBS at First Presbyterian Church of Cedar Falls. There are many ways to join us in living the love and grace of Christ before our children. 



Our 1,000 hours of volunteer service challenge is going strong. Take a moment to see the progress on the board in the Commons. Remember anytime you give of your time to an agency or group outside our congregation working toward the greater good and well-being of our community and world you may fill out a slip! 


There are also other ways to serve in God's expansive reign of love, peace, and justice. Maybe you are prevented from coming out to these wonderful events for one reason or another. In this case, you might commit yourself to praying for children attending VBS or our mission trip. Maybe you could drop a note to a young child encouraging them. You could commit to pray regularly for our partner parish in Bihembe, Rwanda.


However you choose to respond to God's love, I hope and pray this month will fill you with joy. May we grow as we go together as God's people. May our hearts fill with joy as our hands fill with dirt and our brows with sweat. May we discover the abundance of love that returns to us, even while we are busy giving love away.


Grace & Peace,

Pastor Eric


Life of the Congregation


Pastor Nominating Committee Update


First, from the members of our PNC; Barb Dowd, Carrie Elser, Kyle Henderson, David Knock, Nicki McGowan, Mikaela Mallin, and Mark Witmer, thanks to our CHCPC family for your well wishes, support, and prayers as we seek to call our new pastor.  Our church has truly been blessed by such a caring and supportive congregation.  The PNC is currently in the process of accepting Personal Information Forms (PIFs) from ministers all over the country.  We have received 65 PIFs so far and are in the process of selecting about a dozen that we will review in a bit more depth.  We are hoping to begin the interviewing process within the next few weeks.


Look for regular updates in the Shalom, in Sunday bulletins, and Minute for Mission updates at Sunday worship services.  Thanks so much for your ongoing support and prayers.  


What is Pentecost Sunday on June 8?  A lesson from Mark D. Roberts on patheos.com: 


"The English word "Pentecost" is a transliteration of the Greek word pentekostos, which means "fifty." It comes from the ancient Christian expression pentekoste hemera, which means "fiftieth day." This holiday was known as the Festival of Weeks, or, more simply, Weeks (Shavuot in Hebrew). This name comes from an expression in Leviticus 23:16, which instructs people to count seven weeks or "fifty days" from the end of Passover to the beginning of the next holiday (pentekonta hemeras in the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Scripture). This day became especially significant for Christians because, seven weeks after the resurrection of Jesus, during the Jewish celebration of Shavuot/Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon his first followers, thus empowering them for their mission and gathering them together as a church."

Special Note on Pastoral Coverage


We are blessed to have Rev. Christine Kaplunas providing pastoral coverage for our congregation June 19th-21st and July 7th. Pastor Eric will be away with our young people first on a mission trip and then to camp and Pastor Jay will be away on vacation and study leave. Should any immediate needs arise, please contact Pastor Christine through the church office or directly at 319-883-1934.


Join Us for These Summer Events... 


Day of Discipleship on June 7th.

Come Serve Jesus by Loving Your Neighbor!


WEE Camp & Vacation Bible School

Clean Water for All God's Children,

June 23rd-26th @ First Pres. Cedar Falls.

Faith & Fun for Children 6th Grade & Below!


Celebration Worship June 29th

Gather of a special service at CHPCP with our friends from UPC and FPC at 10:00 AM!

VBS Children Singing!


48th Annual Ice Cream Social July 16th.

Come Enjoy Fellowship & Tasty Treats While Supporting the ASPIRE Therapeutic Riding Program!


Prayers, Letters & Thank You's


PRAYERS FOR OUR CHURCH FAMILYJacki Stalberger; Jerry Larson; for Janet Ekstrom's mother; for Kathy Orr's sister. 


SYMPATHY TO: Joe Hermanstorfer and family on the death of his wife, Joyce, on May 2.  Please pray for Eric Christensen on the death of his mother, Marie, on May 28.


Thank you:

  •  ... It was so nice of you to give me the pretty yellow tulips that
    DeAnna brought to me. They really brightened up my apartment! Thank you so much. Sincerely, Janice Halverson
  •  ...so much for the beautiful pink tulip that was delivered by DeAnna Lane.  Also, thank you to DeAnna for sitting and visiting with me.  Thanks again, Mila Daman
  •  ...Music Appreciation Sunday was a huge success, but we couldn't have done it without you!  Thank you to all those who donated
    coffeecakes and muffins, and to those who helped with the
    preparations, serving, and clean-up for the reception.  The Worship Committee
  •  ...for all the prayers sent to Linda's brother Jeff, who was diagnosed with Colon Cancer last fall. As of now there is no cancer left in his colon or liver. He may have go through maintenance chemotherapy, but for now Jeff feels all the prayers have been answered. Thank you very much for the community of love you have bestowed upon Jeff these past months. -The Walther Family


Volunteer Schedule




June Birthdays

Dr. D. Jay Losher, Interim Pastor

Rev. Eric SunderlandAssociate Pastor of Christian Education

Rev. Christine KaplunasOutreach & Web Design

Rev. Robert Roof, Pastor Emeritus

Sue Feltman, Director of Music

Janelle DarstEarly Childhood Christian Education

Stephanie Ehlers, College Intern of Children's Ministry

Kim Latch, Office Administrator

Shelly Mallin, Accounting

Marleta Matheson, Sanctuary Choir Accompanist

Morgan Horning, Soprano Section Leader

Leia Lensing, Alto Section Leader

Brent Smith, Bass Section Leader

Cindy & Tim Klatt, Custodians

Jessica McEvoy, Nursery Attendant


Cedar Heights Community Presbyterian Church | [email protected] | http://cedarheightspres.org/
2015 Rainbow Drive
Cedar Falls, IA 50613