Volume 72 - No. 6 | June 2020
Sunday, June 7 : Worship on Facebook Live with Communion.
More information will be sent out in an email on Friday.

Don't have Facebook? Don't worry, you can still view the live service from any device by following this link:  https://www.facebook.com/Trinitychurchnorthborough/         

A step-by-step tutorial on how to access facebook Live, click  HERE

Replay on Verizon channel 31 and Charter channel 191
Sundays (previous week's) at 6pm and Thursdays at 8:30am. 

Emily is here to help you. If you need technical assistance please email her at  trinitychurchnboro@gmail.com  or call her (508) 614-8989 during virtual office hours and she will walk you through each step.
Message from Pastor Valeria
It is June now. Back in mid-March, none of us thought we would still be here. The pandemic turned out much more widespread than any of us had expected, and it will probably take much longer than we think before we can go back to life as we knew it. Maybe we never will. 
I'm grateful that the Trinity community has taken this in stride. We're making the most of the situation, appreciating the opportunities we have for connection, you are supporting our ministry in manifold ways, are sending your pledges and offerings, and we are taking our time to prepare for when and how we will re-open our building. (The church never closed. The church left the building!)
Last Sunday we celebrated Pentecost, the festival of the Holy Spirit and, as some say, the "birthday" of the church. Jesus' message is no longer limited to those who knew him in person. It is for everyone, regardless of their religious, ethnic, cultural or economic background.
In our Zoom worship small groups some of you talked about how after Easter, Jesus was the same, but different. After COVID-19 how will the church be the same, but different? What have you discovered that is "essential" about the church? What can we let go of, and what is an absolute necessity for the church, the Body of Christ?
I invite you to think about these questions as we will create a "new normal" together. WE are the church. All of you are gifted and led by God's Spirit. Pray about this. Talk about it. Let the Deacons and I know about your thoughts. We will all figure this out together. 
We don't know what September will bring. But we know that we will still be here, as God's Church, as the Body of Christ, filling each other with the love of God and sharing that love in all the world. 

May God help us to aid in the healing of our broken, hurting world. 
As always, please be in touch if there is anything we can do to support you and your family in any way - spiritually, emotionally, financially. 
There have been a lot of scams going around lately. Please know I would never contact you via email or text, asking for gift cards. 
God bless you all. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Pastor Valeria. 
Watch Sunday's worship using the link below. You do not need to have a Facebook account to view this video!
In Case You Missed It
Subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch a
selection of Pastor Valeria's sermons and our worship music.
The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better." 
Richard Rohr  
The Deacons have decided to hold off on worshiping in person through at least Labor Day. Even though the Governor of Massachusetts has given places of worship permission to gather, the stipulations are very strict and it will be impossible to create an uplifting and relaxed worship experience under these circumstances. We also want to lead by example and not put anyone at risk. We will continue to stay connected through Facebook live, Zoom, phone calls and emails - and the occasional outdoor service. We are experiencing that the church is not the building! 
We will keep you posted as the months progress. To whet your appetite for returning to the Sanctuary, the Worship Team and Deacons have decided it will be best to remove the choir pews on the left hand side when facing the altar and use the space as a location for our band. Thank you, Larry and Al, for making it happen!  
Pastor Valeria is planning on offering an informal support group for people who have recently lost loved ones. If you are interested in participating or have questions please contact her directly and she will coordinate a meeting time. The meetings will be on Zoom.
Saturday Breakfast Fellowship
Saturday, June 13th & 20th @ 9am
In June, we’ll have two Breakfast Fellowships, one on the 13 th  and one on the 20 th

The Fellowship on June 13 will just be a fellowship gathering.  This is an opportunity to gather on Zoom and stay connected.

At our regular June meeting on the 20 th , Pastor Valeria has asked if we would talk about worship and what it means to us.

Trinity received a sizable grant from the Calvin Institute for Christian Worship this year.  As part of that grant, Pastor Valeria is trying to have conversations about worship with Trinity’s groups and teams.

We’ve all attended hundreds of worship services in our lives but have we ever stopped to think how we, as individuals, would define worship and what aspects of the Sunday morning services are essential to worship?  An early Christian worship is described in Acts 2:44-47.  Read that passage and see what thoughts it triggers about what worship means to you.  Also, think about how you would answer the following questions:
  • What does worship mean to you, personally, and to us as a Christian church?
  • What do we worship? Whom do we worship? Why do we worship?
  • Which parts of worship are "essential?" 
  • How has the COVID-19 pandemic shaped your perception and experience of worship? 

This will again be a “Virtual” Breakfast Fellowship.  Since we’re supposed to be physically distant, we’ll do this using Zoom meetings.  I’ll send the Zoom links the week before we meet.

We’ll gather on Zoom at 9:00 AM on June 13 th  and 20 th  for coffee or tea and discussion.

For more information or to add yourself to the Saturday Breakfast Fellowship email list, please contact Tom Danforth at  tomdan4@gmail.com
Zoom Bible Study
Mondays @ 1pm
Want to connect with other Trinity people while we are self-isolating? Join us for an informal Bible study on Mondays at 1pm via Zoom. Each week we will select a chapter or passage of the Bible, and discuss what it means to us.

Jean Leif will be facilitating. Email her at  jhleif@gmail.com  (include your name) for log-on information.
Coffee or Tea with Pastor Valeria on Zoom
Wednesdays @ 9am starting June 3rd. NEW TIME
Chat with Pastor Valeria on Zoom, Wednesdays at 9am.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 954 033 518
Password: 569713

Dial by your location
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 954 033 518  

Emily is here to help you. If you need technical assistance please email her at   trinitychurchnboro@gmail.com   or call her (508) 614-8989 during virtual office hours.
Join Trinity Church's Coffee House for open mic on Zoom! Come and listen or perform from the comfort of your homes. Performers of all ages and genres welcome.

We will also be streaming live on Trinity Church's Facebook Page! www.facebook.com/Trinitychurchnorthborough/

If you have questions please contact Pat at trinitythirdfloorcoffeehouse@gmail.com

Can’t wait to see and hear you all!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 931 6458 2215
Password: trinity

Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Worship on June 14
We will worship in the parking lot like we did on Easter Sunday, to celebrate our high school and college graduates, award scholarships, and send all our kids off into the summer. We will observe all guidelines of social distancing. 
As before, we ask that you remain in your cars, with the engine turned off. Weather permitting you may bring your own chairs and sit near your cars. Anyone outside of their cars or with their windows down must wear a mask, and must keep at least 6 feet distance between themselves and other people. 
Worship will also be streamed on Facebook live. 
Virtual Game Night
Friday, June 26th, 7pm-9pm
Join Trinity Church for a virtual game night hosted by the deacons!

More information to come soon.

Please contact Jean with game suggestions or questions, jhleif@gmail.com
Give to Trinity Church
These are challenging times for many. If you are not financially impacted by the current situation we ask you to prayerfully consider increasing your support to Trinity Church, to make up for those who cannot meet their pledge, so we may continue to do God's work through Trinity Church. Thank you for your faithful, generous giving! 

Please make your checks payable and mail them to Trinity Church:
23 Main St
Northborough, MA 01532
You can also use “bill pay” and have your bank mail a check to us on a regular schedule set up by you, at no cost.
Parent Support and Share Group
Sunday Nights at 8pm
Join Trinity Church's Sherry Clark, Director of Christian Education for Children and Youth on Zoom for a weekly parent support and share group.

This will be an opportunity for parents to socialize, share concerns, and offer support to each other. Although Sherry is not a therapist she has a background in social services and has worked with children of all ages and their parents throughout her entire career. Sherry's intent is to provide a platform for discussion and support and to bring in specialists as the weeks go on.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 3308 2889
Password: 492721
One tap mobile
+19294362866,,87033082889# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

For more information, questions or suggestions please contact Sherry Clark,  trinitycenorthboro@gmail.com or 508-254-2217.
Faith Foundations
Faith Foundations has been continuing the new normal of zoom meetings and youth group fun and games. The kids also lent their many gifts to the May 31st Zoom service. In June we will be celebrating all of our graduates with some fun car parades! Summer packets are also being made up so the kids have some fun things to do over the summer. These will start to be handed out towards the end of June.

I realize we are all adjusting to a new normal...if any of this does not make sense please email me. Also willing to offer technical help with Zoom (it is a free program).
  trinitycenorthboro@gmail.com  508-254-2217

Know that I am here for your families and if there is something you feel would be helpful for you or your kids I would love to hear about it!
Explanation and things you need for games:
Box of Lies: each person who comes to your Zoom meeting would bring the “weirdest” thing they can find in their house and keep it out of sight of their camera. Then, each person will take a turn describing their object (either lying or telling the truth – they decide). Everyone else holds up either a “thumbs up” for telling the truth or a “thumbs down” for lying. Then the person who was it shows their object, and you can keep points on how many people were right or wrong about the person lying or telling the truth.

Mafia: I need RSVPs in order to send out roles. The basic concept is that members of the dreaded mafia have infiltrated our community and we, as concerned citizens, need to root them out.

Partners in Pen: Everyone grab a piece of paper, and also some random object from their house. (Nothing too familiar, but something that is mildly obscure.) Then, each person takes a turn describing their hidden item while everyone else tries to draw it from their description they give. The person who is closest wins, and gets to describe their hidden item next.

Reverse Charades: One person is “it” while everyone else acts out a word.

Home Scavenger Hunt: Random items will be chosen that you need to go find in your home and be back in time.

Harry Potter Trivia: Team trivia all related to Harry Potter

Earth Day Challenge continues!
Write your senior buddy- we have seniors in our Trinity community that would love a penpal. Please email me for one of their addresses.
Camperships of $100 each for Grotonwood and Oceanwood are available through Central Association of The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts. 
More information about the camps can be obtained at  grotonwood.org   or by calling Grotonwood, 978-448-5763 or Oceanwood,  oceanwood.org  207-934-9655 and requesting information or Camp Program Packets.
Silver Lake at Home Program
Registration opens June 2nd
Virtual Program Dates: 
Week 1 - July 6-10: Love God  
Week 2 - July 13-17: Love Your Neighbor  
Week 3 - July 20-24: Love Yourself  
Week 4 - July 27-31: Love Creation 
For additional details about the variety of programs visit  www.silverlakect.org/silver-lake-at-home  
GSA Link
The Link that Connects

The GSA Link is a project connecting local GSA high school and middle students to collaborate, share ideas, and socialize in a SAFE space. LGBT and allied high school students are welcome.

Middle School Virtual Link Up! https://www.facebook.com/events/1278622175669344/

For more information please contact:
Melissa at projectgsalink@gmail.com or 508-735-1267
High School Graduates:
  • Nina Marie Carlsen, graduating from Algonquin Regional High School, will be attending Framingham State University, studying Fashion Design.
  • Mark Clapper, attending Quinsigamond Community College studying to be a vet assistant.
  • Jesse Goliher, attending Quinsigamond Community College studying psychology.
  • Erin Hunter, attending University of Connecticut.
  • Ben MacNeil, attending Umass Amherst.
  • Dale McLaughlin is graduating from Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School. Attending Quinsigamond Community College. His field of interest are many - HVAC trade, medical, fire services, etc.

College Graduates:
  • Jeffery Paul Rico, Bachelors degree from Umass Lowell in Psychology. Bob and Barabra Sutherland’s grandson.  
  • Jacob Fraser Northcutt, Masters of Arts in environmental History from the University of Utah. In August he is off to the University of Montana for a Doctorate in US history. Bob and Barabra Sutherland’s grandson.

May God bless them as they embark on the next phase in their lives.
The Deacons have ordered 20 lawn signs for people to place in their front yard and help us get the word out about Trinity and what we stand for. This is the perfect time of year because many people are out walking and riding their bikes. You do not need to be a Northborough resident to sport our sign!
We will hand them out on a first come, first served basis. We can always order more!
Signs can be picked up at the church on Wednesday, June 3, or Tuesday, June 9. Call ahead and we will leave the sign outside the parking lot door. 
Signs will be available when we meet in the parking lot for the car parades. Let Pastor Valeria know ahead of time if you would like one.
We can also arrange for delivery upon request. Please contact Pastor Valeria.
Donations of $7.50 per sign are welcome but not required. Please add the amount to your pledge or donation.
Trinity Church has been awarded a vital worship grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. The grant project will run from June 2020 to June 2021.
Its purpose is to create a more impactful worship experience at Trinity. Worship will reach Trinity's members in a deeper, more holistic way, it will include the voices and needs of a variety of age groups and demographics, and it will be welcoming to people outside of the Trinity community. 
Our grant implementation team will introduce its focus and our project facilitator, Noelle Dattilo, during worship on June 7. Many of you know Noelle from her time as pastor of Worcester Fellowship. During the month of June Pastor Valeria will be meeting with several of our small groups and ministry teams, and Faith Foundations to hear what worship means to them as individuals, and what it means to us as a congregation. We will also have a conversation on Zoom during worship on June 28. Some of the questions she will ask are, 'What do we worship? Whom do we worship? Why do we worship?'
We look forward to learning from and with each other how worship at Trinity can be more vital and impactful.
The Grant Implementation Team (Erica Chan, Noelle Dattilo, Donna Greska, June Hamilton, Laurie Hunter, Pam Jones, Pastor Valeria, Mike Westberry)
Northborough Helping Hands Needs You!

Pastor Valeria recently learned the emergency funds of Northborough Helping Hands are getting low. The mission of Northborough Helping Hands Association (NHHA) is to coordinate programs to assist those in need in the form of Thanksgiving food baskets, Christmas gifts, clothing, medical equipment, and emergency aid for special services.    
Northborough Food Pantry

While we are not worshiping in person please consider making a financial donation to the Northborough Food Pantry. You may also want to check if your employer will match your donation.

If you need help or are willing to offer help with getting groceries, running errands, etc., please contact Donna Miller at dmm4863@gmail.com or 774-276-2356.
Information from the National Domestic Violence Hotline

Tips for Mental Health and Wellness
  • Practice Self-Care:
  • Share your feelings and your experiences with family, friends, colleagues.
  • Practice breathing and relaxation techniques.
  • Limit screen time to no more than 60 minutes at a time, building in mini-breaks throughout your day. It is okay to stick to boundaries and say “no.”
  • Avoid or limit caffeine and use of alcohol.
  • Remind yourself that it is not selfish to take breaks.
  • The needs of others are not more important than your needs. Working all the time can cause harm. Turn to others to help. You are not alone.
  • We are in this for the long haul and making these steps to stay well will have long-term benefits.
  • Know that you are making a difference and your life matters.
  • Be consistent with medications including ensuring that you have access to prescribed medications (get a 90 day supply if possible),
  • Limit media exposure to COVID-19,
  • Meditate, pray, maintain a sense of hope and positivity that God is with us, ask for help if you are feeling overwhelmed
  • Practice Community-Care
  • Reach out and connect to another person to provide support.
  • Through regular check-ins (phone calls, text, Zoom, FB video, Skype), you can carry the burden of care together.
  • Monitor one another’s stress level and safety.
  • Encourage each other to take breaks and share opportunities for stress relief.
  • Encourage rest, sleep, exercise and deep breathing.
  • Be honest and authentic.
  • Support children and other people at heightened risk of impact
  • Take time to talk with your child about the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • Answer questions and share facts about COVID-19 in a way that your child can understand.
  • Reassure your child that they are safe. Let them know if is ok if they feel upset.
  • Share with them how you deal with your own stress so that they can learn how to cope from you.
  • Limit your child’s exposure to media coverage of the event.
  • Children may misinterpret what they hear and can be frightened about something they do not understand.
  • Help your child to have a sense of structure.
  • Once it is safe to return to school or child care, help them return to their regular activity.
  • Be a role model; take breaks, get plenty of sleep, exercise, and eat well.
  • Connect with your friends and family members and rely on your social support system..”
  • Recognize and know the symptoms of vicarious and secondary trauma
  • Acknowledge that STS can impact anyone helping families after a traumatic event.
  • Learn the symptoms including physical (fatigue, illness) and mental (fear, withdrawal, guilt).
  • Allow time for you and your family to recover from responding to the outbreak.
  • Ask for help if you feel overwhelmed or concerned that COVID-19 is affecting your ability to care for your family and patients as you did before the outbreak.

The Community Aid hotline is staffed by an online support team of local volunteers ready to help community members during the ever-changing landscape of COVID-19 and social distancing.
Our mission is to connect callers to the right resources, conduct wellness check-in calls upon request, and share information on how to access food and other community resources. The hotline is available 7 days a week, between the hours of 8am-6pm.
Please note, volunteers are equipped to answer basic questions about available community resources. They are not qualified to give medical or legal advice. Should your needs exceed the services provided by the Hotline, the volunteers will encourage you to seek the advice of a qualified professional.
"Power & Purpose" is a support group for those who suffer from Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Chronic Pain or Illness. These, and other afflictions are sometimes referred to as "Invisible Disabilities", and those suffering often live isolated and marginalized lives.
The Power & Purpose of this group is to bring people together, share personal experiences, edify one another, as we strive to heal ourselves on the inside, and begin to live more confidently, on the outside.
There is a plan to offer weekly, live support groups via video conferencing. One which will be topical in that the meeting will be created around a specific topic, and another that will be for open discussion. The timeline for this plan is still uncertain. But the goal will be to begin these groups within weeks. 
This group is meant to remain small to promote camaraderie, trust, personal reflection, growth & healing. Of course "small" in the world of social media takes on whole new meaning. With that in mind, the number to cap this group is yet to be determined, and suggestions are always welcome. 
For more information please contact Donna Miller at dmm4863@gmail.com
Watch this interview, hosted by elder law attorney, Arthur Bergeron, and Northborough Free Library director, Chris Lindquist with guests June David-Fors of Youth & Family Services (508-393-5020) and Liz Tretiak of the Northborough Senior Center (508-393-5035). 
Senior Citizens who need a regular check in can be added to a list by calling the department's number. 

Mindfulness Meditation       with Sharon    Meets every Thursday, 1-1:40 pm, free. This meditation is audio only and participants are muted during the meditation portion. Everyone is welcome to join for some guided, some quiet and some reflection with Q & A and sharing. Email    skirby@natickma.org    to receive the Zoom link (different each week.)
Sleeping Well: Tips for a Better Sleep    A Zoom Session with Robb Webb, RPSGT, RST
Wednesday, June 17, 2-3:30 pm, free. Join Robb Webb, Sleep Lab Manager, MetroWest Sleep Disorders Center, MetroWest Medical Center. Do you chronically have trouble getting a good night’s rest? Do you wake up feeling un-refreshed? Join Robb as he talks about the causes of sleep difficulties, treatments/procedures, and how to identify them- helping you get back on track with a healthier life! Better sleep is a healthier YOU. RSVP by emailing    skirby@natickma.org    to receive the link.
Masks Available from Jeri Baily
Jeri Baily has been busy making masks. She has a few she is willing to share with Trinity folks.

If you need a mask please email her at jeri@baily.org  
Are you interested in being added to the online church directory?
Please use the instructions  HERE  to add yourself and your family to the Trinity Church online database.

If you need any assistance connecting to the online directory please contact the church office:
(508) 393-8156 or trinitychurchnboro@gmail.com
~ Julia Woodward. Julia's mother passed away.
Everyone affected physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially by COVID-19.
~ Donna Miller and her family.
~ Doris and Bob Hobbs and their family
~ Nursing home residents, their families, and staff.
~ All first responders, health care workers, grocery workers and anyone who is working on the front lines.  

If you know of someone who is hospitalized, ill, suffering from the loss of a loved one, or troubled in some way and in need of a pastoral call, please call Pastor Valeria at the church office, 508-393-8156.
Pastor Valeria will be at Inhouse Coffee on Wednesday mornings from 8:30am to 10am. Inhouse is located at 17 West Main Street. She's looking forward to seeing you and making more connections to local businesses, and to people who live and work in Northborough. She will talk to anyone, not just members of Trinity. Help us spread the word! 
CANCELLED: Community Meal

CANCELLED: Coleman House Service

CLOSED: Count Your Blessings Thrift Shop
23 Main Street ~ Northborough, MA 01532
(508) 393-8156

Virtual Office Hours :
Emily is working from home. Please email her or leave a message on Pastor Valeria's voicemail on the church phone. (Please note Fridays are Pastor Valeria's day off and she will not check her voicemail. In case of an emergency please listen to her voicemail message for her cell phone number.)

Monday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 2:30pm
Tuesday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 2:30pm
Wednesday: 9am - 10:30am & 11:30am - 2:30pm
Thursday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 2:30pm
Friday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 2:30pm

Rev. Valeria Schmidt, Sr. Minister

Trinity Church is an Open & Affirming / Welcoming & Affirming Congregation

Trinity Church's mission is to fill its people with the love of God
and share God's love in all the world.