Volunteer News | June 30, 2021
Dear CRC Volunteer,
June is a month of transition for many of us. Morning June gloom gives way to afternoon sun. Daylight hours get longer. High school and college graduations bring students one step further into adulthood and all that entails. School is out and kids are at the beach. June 2021 saw a new national holiday born, with Juneteenth taking its place among our many celebrations. With vaccinations and with the “reopening” of California on June 15th, many organizations and households have also seen transitions – more travel, more hugs, new protocols in place.
The June newsletter highlights some changes as well as ways to navigate the ever-shifting (and sometimes confusing!) landscape. It also provides some fun snapshots of ways CRC and our volunteers continue to make a difference in the world. So, sit back, sip some lemonade (or your favorite beverage) and read on!
Sara Rosenbaum,
CRC Volunteer Manager
What June 15th Means for CRC Volunteers
On June 15th, California did away with the tier system and many prior regulations were lessoned. Masks for those who are vaccinated are no longer necessary in many indoor and most outdoor situations. CRC Leadership has been watching the guidelines and providing guidance to staff and to volunteers as quickly as possible. As we are still in a continually changing situation, please make sure to check with your supervisor at the start of your shift for any updates and changes. Bring a mask with you in case you need it. Also, check your emails regularly and look for postings at your volunteer site to see what the most current protocol may be. Things may change from week to week as we work to follow OSHA guidelines as well as any updated State and SD County health regulations.
Meal Delivery Program Comes to an End
Our Hotel Meal Delivery Program ended June 11th. A total of 3,232 fresh meal and food deliveries were made to hotel residents between April, 2020 and June 11, 2021. This provided nourishment as well as a safe place for at-risk participants during the heart of the COVID crisis. CRC would like to thank the volunteers who packed the bags, picked up donated food, and delivered to the hotels. They are: Maggie Thompson, Carol Brown, Vicki King, Amie DeFrain, John Barry, Kiva Barry, Cheri Schwebel, Quill Head, and Susan Chance. We are grateful!!
Holiday Baskets Outerwear Program - Different but Impactful!
School’s out, and it’s time to empty the lost and found tables for a good cause! Holiday Baskets 2020 saw a change in the way we distributed collected coats as we could not provide them during the drive-through distribution. Holiday Baskets 2021 will also be a drive-through event, meaning we will not distribute outerwear at the event once more. However, our “Outerwear captain,” Liz Morrissette, continues to collect coat donations from schools and works with the NCL Surf-Cities volunteer team to launder them. Just this week, 150 coats (8 bags) were taken to the Encinitas Resale Store to be used as part of a “voucher” system, come the cooler temperatures. Participants and partner organizations such as the senior center will get vouchers for the store to choose a coat. We are grateful to Liz and her team for their flexibility and compassion.
CRC Named Non-Profit of the Year!
Community Resource Center (CRC) is proud to announce it has been selected as a 2021 California Nonprofit of the Year for District 76 by Assembly member Tasha Boerner Horvath.
CRC is one of more than one hundred nonprofits honored by their state senators and assembly members for their tremendous contributions to the communities they serve.
The pandemic amplified the need in the North County region for people experiencing food insecurity, homelessness and relationship violence. CRC’s response to these essential human needs in the past year included a 30% increase in food distribution per hour, a 38% increase in case management sessions and a 28% increase in calls to their domestic violence hotline.
CEO John Van Cleef states, “CRC was able to respond to these needs because of the dedicated direct-service staff and volunteers who consistently showed up to provide these essential services, the donors who responded with generosity and the civic leaders who acted boldly to help their most vulnerable community members.
Thank you CRC Volunteers for the role you play in this incredible honor! You can read the rest of the press release here: 2021 Non-profit of the Year
CRC's 3.17 minutes of (musical) fame!
The Resale Store staff had some fun earlier this month providing a space for former volunteer Reid Moriarty to film a short music video!
You can check out Reid's song, titled "Thrift Store" on YouTube.
Want to support our Resale Stores? Become a store volunteer!
We are always looking for committed, high-energy volunteers to receive donations, sort, clean and provide customer service when needed. Fill out an application here or contact Sara Rosenbaum for more information. You can also support the stores and our programs by shopping at one of our stores – giving back while also getting in some retail therapy!
Other Opportunities
We continue to have limited opportunities. However, all of our existing volunteers are hard at work keeping our programs going! Thank you! We will send out email notices as new opportunities come up.
If you know of anyone in need of food, housing or shelter, please pass along this link to information on how we can help: CRCNCC.ORG/COVID-19
If you have a good story of volunteering, please share with me at srosenbaum@crcncc.org. I can include those stories in future newsletters as an encouragement to our team.
Community Resource Center