Wellsville Chamber of Commerce Mission Statement:
“To improve business opportunity and build a better community”
The 2022 Theme - It's a Pirate's Life for Me!
Wellsville Days Parade -
ATTENTION: Tentative Date for Cornhole Tournament: August 27th @ Chili Jack's. More details to come!
We appreciate all of our sponsors so very much. We could not do this event without you! If you're interested in sponsoring, please visit our website ( www.wellsvilledaysKS.com/sponsorships/).
WHS Eagles Program Advertising program
This is a an exciting new program to allow you to get YOUR business name, contact information and Eagles special in front of hundreds of sports fans for only $10 each game/match for the entire fall sports season and again for the winter sports season.
We will have limited spaces available for each season, so please reach out to the Wellsville Chamber of Commerce, if you'd like to secure one of these valuable advertising spots! Once they are gone, they're gone until next year! Existing advertisers will have first option to renew each year.
Wellsville Chamber Sign Advertising program
Have you noticed the beautiful banners displayed every two weeks on the Wellsville Chamber sign sitting on Highway 33 in the field next to Bert's and across from Auburn Pharmacy? If not, take a look next time you are driving by. We have received lots of positive feedback about the program. Here are a few of the banners we've displayed recently:
If you would like to advertise to the thousands of cars passing by on Highway 33 each day, we can help o produce and display a banner just for your business. This Chamber sign is especially important to your business if you are a business located somewhere other than off 33 highway. Many people who live outside Wellsville or are coming off the highway to stop at Bert's or Casey's don't know what other businesses Wellsville has to offer. They might make it a point to use your services each time they are in town!
If you are interested in one of the remaining spots for this year, please contact the Wellsville Chamber of Commerce to reserve your spot and initiate individualized production of your banner.
The twenty-second spotlight for the Wellsville Chamber of Commerce is on Everything Surplus owned by Casey and Anthony Newcome at 402 Pendleton Ave. Casey and Anthony had family and friends in the surplus retail business, and they decided to give it a try during COVID in 2020. Both Casey and Anthony had lost hours at work during the pandemic, so they started Everything Surplus in their home. They quickly determined they needed more space and learned of a building in Wellsville and live nearby. The rest is history.
A surplus retail business is one that buys merchandise that large box retailers can’t afford to put them in storage. The large retailers sell to retail wholesalers who in turn sell to surplus retailers such as Everything Surplus. Their source of inventory is from general overstock, seasonal items, shelf pulls, Amazon returns, recovered packages lost in the mail, and product with damaged packaging. All these items are brand new and sell at 50-75% less than retail prices!
Casey and Anthony value the small town atmosphere and customer support the most about Wellsville. When asked about their goals over the next few years, they said they’d like to increase sales by double, which would allow them to hire more staff and extend their hours. Everything Surplus is current open as follows:
· Monday: 10AM-3PM
· Tuesday: 10AM-5PM
· Wednesday: 10AM-5PM
· Thursday: 12PM-4PM
· Friday: 10AM-5PM
· Saturday: 10AM-4PM
· Sunday – CLOSED
You can contact Everything Surplus by telephone at 785-521-4087 or by email at Everyhing.Surplus402@gmail.com or on Facebook @EverythingSurplus. They’d love for you to drop by and see if they can help you find what you need at a fraction of the cost to drive to a Walmart or Target right here in Wellsville, Kansas!
Our twenty-third Wellsville Chamber of Commerce spotlight is focused on Midwest Auto Center, owned by Wellsville High School graduate, Russ Moyer. Russ purchased Midwest Auto Center, which is located at 710 S. Main Street, in 2005 because it was in his hometown, and he loved the community. He began the business as a restoration shop—restoring, repairing, and customizing classic cars, but soon realized there was an overwhelming demand for late model auto repair in the Wellsville area. Today, Midwest Auto Center offers full service automotive repair from brakes and tires to engines and transmissions.
As a native of Wellsville, Moyer values the Wellsville community and prides himself on his service to his customers. He stated, “What sets my business apart from other automotive service repair shops is that I take care of my customers first and foremost. No matter what the effort needed, I want to satisfy the customer.” Moyer also appreciates that his customers are grateful to have an automotive company within their community.
Midwest Auto Center is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. Some of the services they perform include repairs on gas and diesel engines, disc and drum brakes, wiring and electrical systems, steering and suspension, computer diagnostics, oil changes, regular maintenance, A/C repair, and tire sales (a variety of brands) and services.
Midwest Auto Center can be reached at (785) 883-2611 or you can learn more about what they offer by visiting their website at https://www.midwest-autocenter.com/ or their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/russamoyer/. Customers can also phone in or schedule appointments on the website, whichever is most convenient.
Let’s begin with our twenty-fourth Wellsville Chamber of Commerce spotlight—AuBurn Pharmacy. Taking pride in being a community drugstore that provides fast, friendly, one-on-one service and where pharmacists know their patients’ first names, AuBurn Pharmacy strives to provide quality patient care at affordable prices in Wellsville. The name “AuBurn” is the combination of the two founders of the pharmacy chain—Mike Auten and Steve Burns. Burns passed away in 2006 but was an integral part of the mission and the foresight of the company.
At Wellsville’s AuBurn Pharmacy the pharmacists and technicians listen to their patients. Besides pharmaceutical medication, they offer schedule by appointment vaccinations for lnfluenza, Shingles, Hepatitis A & B, Pneumonia, Meningitis, TDap, HPV and Covid-19, along with several other vaccines.
AuBurn Pharmacy also makes it convenient to order prescription refills from anywhere using the RXPress App that can be downloaded onto your iPhone or Android. Just place your refill order online, and they’ll have it ready when you arrive to pick it up. You can conveniently pay your account online, as well.
Matthew Ricke, Pharm D. is a graduate of the University of Kansas and has been the pharmacist at AuBurn Pharmacy in Wellsville since 2015. Kaylene Stanton, Pharm D. is also a staff pharmacist at the Wellsville location.
With 29 AuBurn Pharmacies located in Kansas and Missouri, the Wellsville location has been serving the Wellsville community since 2006. It is located on the outskirts of Wellsville at 1012 Poplar St, Suite A, and they can be reached at (785) 883-2462. The pharmacy’s hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm and Saturdays from 8:30 am to 1 pm. Additional information can be obtained through their website at www.auburnpharmacies.com.
Franklin County Commissioners
Our twenty-fifth Wellsville Chamber of Commerce spotlight focuses on the Franklin County Board of County Commissioners, with Don Stottlemire serving as our 5th District Commissioner.
The Franklin County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is composed of five members. Each commissioner represents one of the five districts and are elected by voters to serve a four-year term. The Board works to divvy out the tax dollars that cover public service inside the City (examples: Emergency Medical services, Public Health services, and 911 dispatch services) and services outside of the City (examples: maintaining roads, planning and zoning, public safety services, environmental health services, etc.).
They also have the exclusive power to enact, amend, and repeal public policy for the County; to levy and apportion taxes, make appropriations and adopt budgets; and to establish strategic plans for the benefit of the County and to appoint the Administrator, boards and commissions for Franklin County.
Don Stottlemire was first elected to the Board of County Commissioners in the year 2000, which happens to be the first year that County Commissioners were appointed by vote of the public. Since the year 2000, Don has only had one hiatus in serving on the board, which was from 2015 to 2018.
In 2014, Don was awarded County Official of the Year by the Kansas Association of Counties. Don was nominated for this award by Franklin County Employees, and to date, he is the only Franklin County Commissioner to ever receive this award.
Stottlemire has also been a supporter and important member to the Wellsville Chamber of Commerce. He attends the monthly meetings to not only stay abreast of the Wellsville community’s needs, but also the needs of the businesses located in Wellsville.
The public can attend The Franklin County Board of County Commissioners meetings, which are held at 8:30 am every Wednesday morning at the Franklin County Commissioners Meeting Room, Annex Building, 1418 S. Main Street, Ottawa, KS. The meetings can also be watched livestream via YouTube, with the meetings being posted 15 minutes after the conclusion of the meeting.
Charitable Organization Spotlight
WHS Graduating Class of 1981 Scholarship Fund
The Wellsville High School Class of 1981 was always a very close-knit class. When Facebook came on the scene, many in our class reconnected, and it seemed as if time hadn’t passed at all. Sadly, touching base revealed several classmates were no longer with us. Some classmates had even lost children, and our hearts ached for them.
We began to think about how we could support our friends and their families whose lives were impacted by these losses. It was decided we needed to do something meaningful to memorialize them, while paying it forward to future WHS graduates.
When our dear friend and classmate Debra (Mignot) McCullough lost her son, Aaron Patton, we were all devastated. Her loss in October of 2020 was so fresh to the community, and our class, we were done thinking and decided to act. We formed the Wellsville High School Graduating Class of 1981 Scholarship Fund in memory of Aaron. That same year, we began to plan our 40th Class Reunion, and our fundraising committee began to fundraise in earnest.
In the Spring of 2021, we encouraged all WHS seniors to apply for our scholarship and invited the counselors and teachers to help us narrow down the field of students who might not otherwise qualify for a traditional scholarship. We wanted our scholarship to be different. To have its own merit. It was to be awarded to a WHS Senior with good grades (not necessarily the best grades), someone who worked hard at school and also contributed to their community, who wanted to attend either a traditional college or a vocational/trade school. Our first scholarship was awarded to WHS 2021 Graduate Jaden Doles who now attends Ottawa University.
Our fundraising, thanks to the generosity of this tight-knit community, and its surrounding areas, has continued to be extremely successful. So much so, this year we were able to award two scholarships; one to Eduardo Lopez in memory of our classmate James Milroy whom we lost in 2015, and a second to Rylee Kerr in memory of our classmate David Lowe whom we lost in 2016.
The Wellsville High School Graduating Class of 1981 Scholarship Fund will continue to award, in memoriam, honoring our lost friends/classmates and those classmates who have lost children.
We are looking forward to another exciting year of fundraising! See you during Wellsville Days 2022.
Franklin County Development Council
The Franklin County Development Council is hosting an after hours social at Buck-U on Wednesday, June 22nd at 5PM. FCDC will provide munchies so PLEASE RSVP to Paul Bean with the number of folks coming from your business if you have not already done so. This is an opportunity to network. You are also encouraged to bring a guest that might consider joining our organization.
Wellsville School District Projects
Bond Project Update
The USD 289 bond project has been underway for several weeks. Demolition work has begun in the middle school office, old middle school library, and some restrooms. In addition, the equipment for the new wrestling room and weight room was approved at the board meeting this month (see pictures below).
Chamber Monthly Meeting - July 12th at noon at Wellsville City Library
$100 Chamber Golf Tournament Hole Sponsorship opportunity
Please respond to Susan Driskell by June 30, 2022 at 785-691-8425 by call or text. Payment can be made at Simplot or mail to PO Box 745, Wellsville, KS 66092.
Annual Chamber Wine/Brew/Spirits Fest
The Chamber has requested and been granted a permit from the City and is still planning on the date. Please stay tuned for exciting information about this new, fun event guaranteed to bring in people from all around!
This will be an opportunity for the downtown businesses to showcase themselves and for all our Wellsville businesses to benefit. Let us know if you'd like to be part of the planning process!
Check out all the Wellsville Recreation Commission has planned for our community seniors this month!
The Wellsville City Library is looking for a new board member that resides within the city limits.
If you are interested please call the library at 785-883-2870.
The Wellsville City Library is excited to announce that they are moving forward with the building project.
The architect, Emig & Hauff Associates Architects, and contractor will be going over the plans and then they will be looking for subcontract workers.
Storytime -
- Every Wednesday @ 10am when school is in session.
Summer Reading -
- Will run May 25-June 29th
- Events are 10-11am on Wednesdays
Nita O'Dea was recognized for attending all alumni banquets since her graduation in 1972...50 years! She is the only one from the Class of 1972 to do this...and possibly the only one of any class with that record of attendance! Thank you for representing us well, Nita!
Sunday Service -
- Three identical in-person services at 8:00AM, 9:30AM, and 11AM
- Live online service at 9:30AM
Vacation Bible School -
- Two Sessions to choose from:
- June 14-16, 6-8PM
- June 21-23, 6-8PM
- Register at www.familychurch.xyz/kids
- Pool Party for all Family KIDS Campers & their Families - Sunday June 26th, 6-8pm
- Wellsville City Pool
- Kona Ice truck will be there!
Learn more about Family Church
GriefShare -
- A faith-based, friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.
- How GriefShare works: Support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help.
- You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you cope with your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life. Grieving is a process and not meant to last forever.
- Mondays at 7pm at Family Church
- For more info contact Debra McCullough (913) 206-5372
Celebrate Recovery
- A 12-step program to help you find freedom and healing from hurts, habits, and hang-ups
- Meets weekly at Family Church on Thursday's at 7PM
- For more info contact Mike Holtwick 913-710-6255
Wellsville Baptist Church
Sunday Service -
- One in-person service 9AM
- Sunday School for all ages at 10:30AM
Vacation Bible School -
- July 25-29
- 6PM-8PM
- Proof Pirates theme
Ladies Craft Nights -
- Every 3rd Sunday of the month, 6-8PM
- Women are invited to gather and bring any craft project they are working on
- Once each quarter we’ll do a guided group activity such as making a painting, ornament, or decoration for the home
Bible Study -
- Every Wednesday morning from 9:30-10:30AM
- No matter how little or how much you know about the Bible, we guarantee you’ll learn something new at this study
- All are welcome to join us for an hour of study followed by a visit to Hot Off the Press for snacks
Pioneer Club -
- Every Wednesday evening (Sept-April) from 6:30-8PM
- Club will be canceled if there is no public school that day
- PC is essentially Christian scouting
- Kids between the ages of 3-18 are invited to join in learning more about God while simultaneously engaging in practical life skills and hobbies
Play Group -
- Every Thursday from 9:30-11:30AM
- Moms and kids of all ages are invited to play in the WBC gym
- Kids can bring skates, bikes, scooters, or any other toys they’d like
- A great way for kids to get their energy out, while the mom’s can sit and chat
Men’s Breakfast -
- Every Saturday morning from 8-10AM
- Don’t worry about bringing anything other than your appetite
- Breakfast and fellowship are both provided
Wellsville Methodist Church
Sunday Service -
In person worship and Church@Home - 10:45AM
AED Training -
- May 15th at 1PM
- Please call the offce ASAP to register.
Shared Experiences Bereavement Group -
- First and third Tuesdays at 10AM
- A place where those who have suffered a loss can come together.
- Open to anyone
- A safe place to talk and find solace with those who understand what you're going through.
- Coffee, tea and refreshments will be provided
Zoom Tuesdays -
- Bible study each Tuesday evening at 6:30
March 1 we will begin a Lenten study until Easter using the book A Time to Grow by Kara Eidson.
- Normally runs just over an hour.
- Participants will need a Zoom invitation; they just need to email the Church
For more information, please call the office at 785-594-6822 or Mike Reitcheck's cell at 913-708-0711.
Employment applications for Wellsville School District are managed electronically. Please go to:
Apply in person at Bert's:
Truck wash - Mon-Fri full-time and part-time
- Second shift cashiers 2P-10P or 4P-12 A - full and part time
- Overnight Cashiers - full-time and part-time
- Kitchen - full-time and part-time closers
JOB TITLE: Part-Time Librarian’s Assistant
SUPERVISED BY: The Library Director, the Librarian’s Assistant, as well as the Library Board, will supervise the Part-Time Librarian’s Assistant.
OVERVIEW OF JOB: The Part-Time Librarian’s Assistant is responsible for carrying out the policies of the Library Board, general library operations, and service to the public. The Part-Time Librarian’s Assistant shall be defacto library manager in the absence of the Library Director and Librarian’s Assistant.
JOB TITLE: Substitute Librarian’s Assistant
SUPERVISED BY: The Library Director, the Librarian’s Assistant, as well as the Library Board, will supervise the Substitute Librarian’s Assistant.
OVERVIEW OF JOB: The Substitute Librarian’s Assistant is responsible for carrying out the policies of the Library Board, general library operations, and service to the public. The Substitute Librarian’s Assistant shall be defacto library manager in the absence of the Library Director and Librarian’s Assistant.
If interested, stop by and pick up an application at the Library, or go to the library’s website under the About tab and click the Board, Staff, Policies, Employment to download an application and job description. The library will accept applications until the positions are filled.
2021/2022 Wellsville Chamber of Commerce Officers
Wellsville Chamber President
Susan Stueve
Sales Associate
Farm Bureau Financial Services
Vice President
Nicole Vlcek
Wellsville Chiropractic
Susan Larsen - Driskell
Simplot Grower Solution Location Manager
Ken Larsen
CFO - Retired
Desoto School District
Wellsville Chamber and Health Coalition Partnership Description
Many interested parties have asked for clarification regarding the relationship/partnership between the Wellsville Chamber of Commerce and the Wellsville Health Coalition. In 2021, the Wellsville Chamber of Commerce (WCC) and Wellsville Health Coalition (WHC) embarked on a collaboration to share resources where appropriate in order to boost both organizations’ efforts in areas of overlapping interest. The organizations are separate entities, but they often meet concurrently and share in other ways. The mission of the Chamber of Commerce remains "“To improve business opportunity and build a better community.” The Chamber exists to serve and build business in our community. The Wellsville Health Coalition exists to serve as a local health policy coalition that connects people working on such shared goals, facilitates cooperative and streamlined efforts as appropriate, and ultimately improves all aspects of health, civic engagement, community partnerships, and overall resident and community wellbeing. To accomplish this, the coalition seeks to monitor community-specific data, help prioritize ideas, share resources, promote activities, seek funding, and make a greater impact together. Additionally, the WHC aims to prepare the community for healthy growth through attention to social factors affecting health, to serve as an example for other rural communities, and to coordinate with the Franklin County Health Department on community health assessment and planning.
As always, if you have events or job postings you'd like included, please send the information and any fliers or pictures to wellsvillechamberofcommerce@hotmail.com prior to the beginning of the month of your event. We welcome any feedback and suggestions about what to include and the layout. It's a creative process together. We wish you and your family an amazing 2022!