June Summer Update!
This is your youth and parent activities update! As a special resource,
Pulaski Heights Youth Ministries sends you a round-up of upcoming activities.
Mission trip spots are still available:
New Events and updates:
Arkansas United Methodist Conference Event: Assembly for Jr. high and Sr. High is happening July 24-28!

Jr. and Sr. High Assembly are two events that are sponsored by the Arkansas Conference Council on Youth Ministries. This year, they will be held at Hendrix College, July 24-28.  

  • Jr. High Assembly is for all youth who have COMPLETED 6-8 grades. 
  • Sr. High Assembly is for all youth who have COMPLETED 9-12 grades. 

All PHUMC participants are going to receive a discount on their registration thanks to generous gifts to our youth ministry! Each student with the discount will only pay $200 for the full cost of Assembly.

Click below to receive more information and the conference registration link!
Grade level meet ups are happening throughout the summer!

All meet ups will be from 6:30pm-8:30pm on the given dates:
  • 9th Grade: June 20
  • 10th Grade: July 11
  • 11th-12th Grades: August 1

NEW: You get to decide what we do! Use the button below to vote for your favorite activity. Voting for each grade closes two days before the meet up, the winning activity will be announced by email and text!
June 8th 2:00-4:00 in the gym: Midyouth Hangtime!
(5th and 6th grade only!)

Hangtime is a special event for Midyouth to get together over the summer to get to know one another and learn what being a youth a Pulaski Heights is all about!

We'll have big games (9-square and gaga ball!) and snacks.
Our fan-favorite summer event series is back with a new day and fresh restaurant finds!

June 9: U.S. Pizza Hilcrest
June 23: Buffalo Grill
July 14: Purple Cow (Chenal Parkway location)
August 4: Jimmy's Famous Sandwiches
August 11: Potbelly Sandwiches (University Location)
Youth Sunday School This Summer is simple:

  • No phone zone (real fellowship!)
  • A quick devotional and discussion led by an adult

In order for Sunday school to happen, there must be a minimum of two adults present with students for safety. Please consider signing up below so that we can have a summer Sunday School option for youth! Devotionals will be provided by Ellen--all you have to do is be present with our young people!

A youth text will be released each Sunday at 8AM informing whether we had enough adults for that week. If there is not, we will not have Sunday school and you will be informed by the youth text.
Official Schedule for Local Mission week
June 26-July 1
Local Mission Week is coming up June 26-July 1! Here are the answers to some FAQs about Local Mission Week:
  1. Can my child still sign up? YES! We have plenty of spots open for youth of all ages CLICK HERE to sign up.
  2. Are Midyouth and Sr. High on the same schedule? Midyouth (5th-7th) and Sr. High (8th-graduates) have different schedules!
  3. Can my child come to some events and not others? Half days but not full days? Half the week and not the other half? YES! This is our most flexible mission trip model available. We ask that parents and guardians communicate a child's entire weekly schedule before the start of the week so we can plan all project accordingly.
  4. How will my child get to off-site projects? Parent volunteers are needed! We need all hands on deck to make our mission week happen. If each house hold attending had an adult volunteer with one project, we would be completely covered for the entire week!
Sr High (8th-12th) parents are invited to join Ellen and youth volunteers at Hill Station for an evening of fellowship. The pandemic has kept us all from knowing our community--come for an evening to get acquainted or reacquainted with other youth parents!
Want to sign up for text message updates about youth activities? Click HERE
Have questions? We're happy to help!
erowland@phumc.com (Ellen Rowland, Minister to Youth and Families)
Want to meet with Ellen? You can make appointments by clicking HERE.
rhocott@phumc.com (Rod Hocott, Director of phMIDyouth Ministiries)
bhobbs@phumc.com (Brooke Hobbs, Director of phyouth worship)