CHESS eNewsletter - June 2023 | Issue No. 108
From the Director
Dear CHESS community,

I would like to extend my warmest greetings and express my gratitude to all of you who attended the 2023 CHESS User Meeting. It was a pleasure to see familiar faces and welcome new members to our vibrant scientific community - particularly the CHESS summer students who arrived on the day prior.

The meeting featured a number of wonderful posters during the poster session, and at the end of the day we awarded prizes for the best scientific and technical posters.

The User Meeting allows me the opportunity to express my appreciation to our dedicated technical staff, who have worked tirelessly to keep our facilities running smoothly. Their efforts have been essential, especially considering the ongoing construction of the New Experimental Hall and the consequent disturbances to daily operations. It is truly remarkable that CESR is performing better than ever, surpassing expectations while operating in the midst of construction activities.

The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss our future plans and aspirations. The dream of building a high-gradient accelerator to integrate with CESR has captured the imagination of our accelerator group. We are actively exploring possibilities and envision a high-gradient accelerator test facility that will push the boundaries of scientific discovery.

We have also made significant strides in beamline development, with each beamline contributing to our shared success. From monochromator fly scanning to high energy diffraction microscopy, our beamlines have provided new avenues for research, enabling faster data acquisition and time-resolved measurements.

Looking ahead, we remain committed to nurturing collaboration and innovation. We are excited about the prospect of incorporating machine learning into CESR, utilizing the latest developments in Beam Position Monitoring (BPM) systems, and exploring new opportunities for timing mode experiments. The advancements in X-ray technology, including the next-generation Cornell Compact Undulators, set the stage for groundbreaking research and the application of cutting-edge techniques.

During the meeting, we had the privilege of hearing from Germano Iannacchione, the Division Director of the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Division of Materials Research (DMR). His insights shed light on the evolving landscape of research initiatives and the importance of bridging fundamental science and applications. The NSF's focus on sustainable solutions, emerging industries, and research infrastructure aligns closely with our vision for CHESS and its impact on society.

The progress we have achieved and the exciting future ahead are the result of the collective efforts of our partners, users, and dedicated staff. By working together, we will continue to push the boundaries of scientific discovery and make significant contributions to the world.

I look forward to our continued collaboration and the exciting advancements that lie ahead.

Joel Brock, Director, CHESS (email Joel)
Voting is now open for new CHESS User Executive Committee Members! You can find more information about the nominees here.
Research & News at CHESS
The Functional Materials Beamline in Synchrotron Radiation News

Since first light at FMB in October 2019, a rare combination of capabilities has demonstrated unique utility for the study of soft materials. A recent feature in Synchrotron Radiation News dives deep into the capabilities and specifics of the Functional Materials Beamline at CHESS.
Workshop at CHESS Empowers Students in Synchrotron Techniques

The HEXT workshop empowers students to become productive members of the CHESS user community by combining informative lectures, hands-on demonstrations, and instruction in proposal writing. With its focus on attracting diverse participants and providing practical training, the HEXT workshop sets the stage for a more inclusive and vibrant synchrotron research landscape.

Welcoming our 2023 summer students!

CLASSE funds summer research opportunities in the areas of x-ray and accelerator sciences, materials science, chemistry, and mechanical engineering for pre-selected undergraduate students from primarily undergraduate institutions and minority serving institutions. This summer, fourteen REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) students are hosted by CLASSE. Twelve students from the CHESS summer programs -- SERCCS, PREM, and SUNRiSE -- are jumping into their rigorous summer undergraduate research experience.
Upcoming Events at CHESS
Last Chance! Register for PALSA 2023
Workshop & Conference

PALSA is an international, in-person/hybrid conference this July 12-14th to showcase and discuss applications of synchrotron radiation to the study of plants, soils, climate, food and nutrition, agriculture, and other related topics. Abstracts for posters are still welcome.

Standard registration runs through June 15th. The registration fee will increase for latecomers starting June 16th.

Visit for further information, including confirmed speakers and venue information.

Outreach Insights
Tours, tours, and more tours!

We welcomed over 150 visitors to Wilson Lab over the past month - that’s more than three times our monthly average for tour visitors!

Why so many people? Several local high school groups took field trips to marvel at the wonders of CESR and CHESS. But also, for the very first time, we opened up our doors to Cornell alumni attending reunion weekend. Tours of our facility were so popular that signups were far over our capacity and we had to turn people away on all three days of reunion. (Although we hope they’ll join us again soon!)

In addition, we also provided tours for NSF and National High Magnetic Field Lab directors attending the annal User Meeting. Attendees of the High Magnetic Field Workshop were also able to take a peek at the new Wilson West building and the 10T magnet being used to test our new facilities. Most recently, our new cohort of summer undergraduate research students arrived for some hands-on insight into the equipment and technologies powering their summer projects!
It’s been a wonderfully busy month around here, and we love showing off our facility! Follow us on social media to check out the weekly tours happening in our #TunnelTuesdays posts.
Technical Director Ernie Fontes gave a tour to directors from the National Science Foundation -- Tessema Guebre Xabiher and Germano Iannacchione -- and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory's Eric Palm during the 2023 User Meeting.
CHESS is always looking for talented individuals to join our team! Please check out the latest job offerings available at the lab.

Issue No. 108 2023.6.16
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