Serving the people of San Jose, Santa Clara, Milpitas, Morgan Hill & Gilroy
May 2022
President's Message from Carol Watts
Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.
These League mission statements take on special meaning in the weeks leading up to an election. More than ever, we are challenged to do all that we can to encourage people to vote and to understand the importance of their voices. Our Voter Service efforts are at full steam, and we invite you to get involved with our community outreach activities.
As you know, the League is a nonpartisan political organization that NEVER endorses a candidate or a political party. Separate from public education, however, the League does on occasion take a position on ballot measures that relate to one or more of our thoughtfully developed positions. That is the case for two local measures in the June 7 Primary.
Our League is recommending a "YES" vote on Measure B, a proposed Charter Amendment for the City of San José that would move the election of Mayor to the same year as presidential elections beginning in 2024. This aligns with the League's commitment to electoral methods that provide the broadest voter representation possible.
All five Leagues in Santa Clara County are united in recommending a "NO" vote on Measure A, a proposal from Santa Clara Valley Water District to change Board term limits from three to four successive four-year terms. We are concerned that the language of the ballot measure is deceptive and will mislead voters, which is contrary to the League's standards of good governance.
Please read the full analysis of these two measures on our Vote With The League website page before you make your own decision.
Hope to see you in-person at our membership gathering on May 28 or at one of the upcoming Zoom events in May or June.
Stay safe and healthy,
League newcomers
Please join us on Saturday, May 28, 10 a.m.-12 noon at Martial Cottle Park, 5283 Snell Ave., San Jose, to reconnect in person and welcome newcomers to the League.
Prior to Covid, there were many opportunities for those joining the League to meet other members and learn more about who we are, what we do, and how we fit into our community, our state and our nation. Newcomers receive a welcoming packet of information and there are many programs on Zoom, but it's not the same as meeting in person.
At this casual event, League leadership will provide insights on the work we do for our community and describe activities that might appeal to you.
Light refreshments will be provided. Please bring a sun hat to our uncovered, reserved picnic area and $6 to cover the Santa Clara County Park parking fee per vehicle. Bring your questions and concerns -- we're ready to welcome you with open arms (real ones!). RSVP appreciated but not required.
Virtual Lunch With League
"Why California Isn't A Democracy"
Thursday, May 19, 2022
12 noon-1p.m.
The weekly column of Joe Mathews appears in 30+ newspapers throughout California, including the Mercury News and San Francisco Chronicle. Recent thought-provoking opinion pieces include "California is aging -- that's what makes Feinstein the perfect representative" and "UC, CSU should stop requiring applicants graduate high school."
Joe is Innovation Editor at Zocalo Public Square, a media and civic nonprofit organization, and Co-President of the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy. Joe was formerly a reporter at the LA Times, Wall Street Journal and Baltimore Sun. He is the co-author of California Crackup: How Reform Broke the Golden State and How We Can Fix It and author of The People’s Machine: Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Rise of Blockbuster Democracy.
Virtual Lunch With League events are FREE and open to all members of the community. Please invite people you know to attend.
June is bursting with
exciting League opportunities
Mark your calendar for:
League Bay Area Convention -- June 4
Our League Annual Meeting -- June 11
National League Convention -- June 23-26
LWV of the Bay Area's biennial convention is set for Saturday, June 4, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. via Zoom. Our League will have three delegates voting on program and budget decisions for 2022-2024, but ALL League members are invited to attend. For additional information on the agenda and keynote speaker, visit LWV Bay Area website.
LWV of San Jose/Santa Clara will hold its Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 11, 10 a.m.-12 noon via Zoom. Agenda includes election of the officers and Board for 2022-2023 plus approval of the budget and program priorities. REGISTER HERE.
The national LWV biennial convention will be held June 23-26 as a fully hybrid event -- in-person in Denver, Colorado and online -- with both combined and unique experiences for both types of attendees. In addition to the business meeting for delegates, the convention will include a variety of panels and workshops. Just a few of the fascinating topics include:
- Women Power Democracy
- Building Civic Capacity in a Time of Disinformation and Disruption
- Cybersecurity and Privacy in our Democracy
- Energizing Young Voters
- How Do We Move from 'Us vs. Them' to 'Me and You'?
- Leaning into Conflict Training from Black Voters Matter
League President Carol Watts, Voter Service Chair Sandy Mory, and Past President Virginia Holtz were among the League members who volunteered to post these yard signs during election season.
June 7 Primary Election Update
Candidate Forums
Candidates for local elected offices in the June 7 Primary Election face off at separate League Candidate Forums in May. The events will be held as Zoom webinars with attendees able to watch all candidates concurrently as they answer questions from voters posed by a League moderator.
- Santa Clara County Supervisor for District 1 on Tuesday, May 3, 6-7:30 p.m. presented in cooperation with the Silicon Valley Community Foundation initiative “Choose Children 2022”
- U.S. Congressional District 16 on Tuesday, May 3, 7-8:30 p.m.
- Santa Clara County Assessor on Thursday, May 5, 7-8:30 p.m.
- California State Assembly District 26 on Wednesday, May 11, 7-8:30 p.m.
Register to attend any or all of these events and get information on how to submit questions for each Forum. Candidate Forums will be recorded and posted to the League Voter’s Edge website where voters can link to the archived videos as well as review unbiased information about candidates and measures on the ballot. You can also watch videos of Candidate Forums held in April for Santa Clara County Sheriff, Santa Clara County District Attorney and San Jose City Council District 3 can be viewed on the League website.
Voter's Edge
League volunteers are busy contacting candidates to encourage them to enter their profiles on the Voter's Edge website, but you can also help by contacting candidates yourself to reiterate how much voters rely on Voter's Edge in making their voting decisions.
It's quick and easy! Go to Voter's Edge and click on an individual candidate profile. Then click on "Encourage candidate to share their information on Voter's Edge." An email template will automatically open, and you can send a personal email urging them to participate.
Hearty thanks to the volunteers from the five local Leagues in Santa Clara County who are working on Voter's Edge: Linda Marquez, Lois Smallwood, Bruce Kendall, Kevin Ma, Sue Graham, David Springer, and Judy Conner who is the Voter's Edge County Coordinator.
Pros & Cons
I mpartial analyses of two local measures have been prepared and are now posted on Voter's Edge to help voters understand the issues and make their voting decisions. Measure B is a proposed Charter Amendment for the City of San Jose that would move the election of Mayor to the same year as presidential elections in 2024. Measure D is a proposed Charter Amendment for the City of Santa Clara that would establish six districts for the election of Council members and establish a 30-day residency requirement for all elected officials.
Election Observers
The Registrar of Voters has asked League members to volunteer to be Election Observers for the June Primary. Read the Election Observer Guidelines and description of activities to see if you would like to help make this election go smoothly. There will be a training session on Thursday, May 12, 7 p.m. via Zoom. To sign up email both the Registrar of Voters and League liaison Martha Beattie and the Zoom link will be sent to you.
Voting questions answered with these links
June 7 Primary Election Calendar
May 9 -- First day to begin mailing vote-by-mail ballots
May 23 -- Last day to register to vote for June 7 election
May 28 -- Vote Centers open
June 7 -- Primary Election Day
------ MORE NEWS ------
Participate in budget planning for San Jose
As part of the annual budget process, the City of San Jose is holding community meetings both in-person and over Zoom where residents from neighborhoods all over the city can voice their priorities and concerns. The meetings are scheduled for:
Wednesday, May 11, 6-8 p.m. at Camden Community Center, 3369 Union Ave., San Jose and on Zoom
Saturday, May 21, 10 a.m.-12 noon at Tully Library, 880 Tully Rd., San Jose and on Zoom
Monday, May 23, 10 a.m.-12 noon at Mexican Heritage Plaza, 1700 Alum Rock Ave., San Jose and on Zoom.
Attend a League committee meeting
Climate Change/Natural Resource Committee
The next meeting is Thursday, May 12, 2 p.m. via Zoom. To receive the Zoom link, contact co-chairs Judy Chamberlin or Virginia Holtz. If you missed the April Lunch With League on recycling, the Climate Change Committee urges you to watch the archived program to learn how to recycle food scraps. Did you know you should avoid the garbage disposal . . . don't wrap food waste in plastic . . . never put food scraps in your curbside yard waste pile? Learn a lot in the talk by Michele Young of Santa Clara County Recycling and Waste Reduction.
Action Committee
The Action Committee monitors local government agendas, studies local issues and speaks out in written and verbal communication when the League takes a position such as the preservation of Coyote Valley and support for the Community Plan to End Homelessness. More Action Committee members are needed and welcome! The next meeting is Monday, May 23, 2 p.m. Please email Chair Vicki Alexander for the Zoom link.
Housing & Homelessness Committee
On the agenda for the next meeting on Wednesday, May 25, 12 noon- 1 p.m. are updates on the $90 million spending plan for Measure E, Housing Element Status, and Community Opportunity to Purchase Acts (COPA). If you are interested in affordable housing and homelessness issues, please email Chair Roma Dawson for the Zoom link and to suggest agenda items for this or future meetings.
Public Events Committee
The Public Events Committee is actively seeking additional League members to join us in identifying top notch speakers for the monthly Lunch With League events. If you would like to share your good ideas, please email Chair Diane McNutt to receive notifications about the next Zoom meeting.
Take a survey about city parks
The City of San José is undertaking a massive restructuring of its parks evaluation system, called Park Condition Assessments. These assessments are used to evaluate and connect resources to parks in most need of improvement. Take this survey to help the city identify what improvements are needed in your local park.
Serve on a city board or commission
Each jurisdiction has a variety of boards and commissions that are part of the democratic process of local government. The League encourages its members to take their volunteering to a different level by serving on one of these bodies. Here are links to information about what boards and commissions have openings and how to apply:
Voter Registration volunteers
Now that people are out and about once again, the League is scheduling in person voter registration activities at local libraries, high schools and other community locations. If you would like to be part of the team of volunteers helping citizens become an active participant in democracy, please email Voter Service Chair Sandy Mory.
Join the League of Women Voters of San Jose/Santa Clara HERE
Donate to the League of Women Voters of San Jose/Santa Clara HERE