Montreat Conference Center
News Corner

Summer has officially started in the Montreat Valley! If you would like to learn more about all of our summer happenings, please check out This Summer in Montreat, our yearly summer publication, and This Week in Montreat, a weekly publication with specific details on upcoming events. Both are published digitally with condensed printed versions available at key locations around our campus.

A particular highlight of the summer season is our Summer Worship Series, taking place in Anderson Auditorium each Sunday morning from June 4th through August 6th. All are invited to attend as we welcome influential leaders in our faith and denomination. A full schedule of guest leaders can be found online.

If you are looking for a free learning opportunity this summer, look no further than Arts, Music, and Theology, our summer lecture series on the intersection of art and faith. The community is invited to join us in Convocation Hall on selected Tuesdays for lectures on topics like humanitarian law, the agro-food movement, bird watching, and more. Find a full schedule of events by clicking here.

On Sunday, June 4th, we welcomed hundreds of youth to the first week of Montreat Youth Conference! If you would like to join us for a conference later this summer, there is still time to register. Explore all of our options for middle and high school youth on our website.

Due to unprecedented demand, in-person registration for An Evening with Kate Bowler closed on May 23rd. However, because we know there are many groups or individuals who wanted to attend and were unable to register, we have added a virtual option for Kate's Saturday night lecture. You can find out more about joining us remotely for this event by clicking here.

John Philip Newell is returning to Montreat this fall for Celtic Wisdom 2: Sacred Earth! During the second installment of this three-year learning cycle, John Philip will focus on how we reawaken to the sacredness of Earth through the teachings of Eriugena, the Carmina Gadelica, and John Muir. Registration is now open. Learn more.

Also taking place this fall is an exciting new conference exploring the future of the church as we know it, Holy Shift! Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many churches are in a state of flux. How can we make new realities in our membership, finances, and mission possible? Hear from influential leaders like Diana Butler Bass and Kenda Creasy Dean as we develop a plan for the future. Register here.

Make a visit to Moore Center! The Huckleberry has new hours for the summer and will be open Mon.–Fri. from 8:00 am-9:00 pm, and Sat. from 8:00 am-3:00 pm. View the menu here. Meanwhile, The Montreat Store is open Mon.-Sat. 10:00 am-5:00 pm. Have a question about purchasing an item? Call the store at 828.669.5298.

National Missionary Summit

Hosted by the Presbyterian Heritage Center

September 7-8, 2023

The world of local and global missions is changing. In fact, some might say that the era of Christian mission work has come to an end. How can we take the challenge to serve others in this post-pandemic world filled with conflict?

The Presbyterian Heritage Center will explore these topics and more this fall during the 2023 National Mission Summit. Missionaries and their families, denominational leaders, and church lay-leaders who support mission work are all invited to attend.

Register now!

2023 Event Calendar

Click on each event to learn more or view our full event calendar and find your event for more information.

Montreat Youth Conference | June 4-August 5, 2023

Summer Worship Series| June 4-August 6, 2023

Arts, Music, and Theology | June 13-August 1, 2023

Worship & Music - Week 1 | June 18-23, 2023

Worship & Music - Week 2 | June 25-30, 2023

PASSPORTkids| July 3-6, 2023

Montreat Middle School Conference | July 19-23, 2023

Women's Connection | August 11-13, 2023

An Evening with Kate Bowler | August 12, 2023

The Art of Transitional Ministry | August 27-September 1, 2023

National Missionary Summit | September 7-8, 2023

Fall Craft Week | September 24-29, 2023

Holy Shift | October 9-12, 2023

Psalms: Anatomy of the Soul | October 12-15, 2023

Wee Kirk | October 16-18, 2023

The NC School of Earth & Soul | October 18-20, 2023

Healthy Congregations | November 8-10, 2023

Thanksgiving at Montreat | November 21-25, 2023

View our full event calendar
Montreat Moment

During weeks 1 & 2 of Montreat Youth Conference, a special duo is sharing the Anderson Auditorium stage. Pictured below is Rev. Sarah Are Speed with her father, Rev. Tom Are, Jr. - our keynote team for these first few conferences of the summer!

Thank You to Our 117 Church Patrons!

Last year, 117 churches from 19 different states and the District of Columbia financially supported Montreat's mission and ministry with gifts of $300 or more. Their support makes the Montreat experience possible, enriching congregational life and ministry. We are deeply grateful for every one of them.

To learn more about the program and for the list of Church Patrons, visit

Your church's name not on the list? Contact Julie Lehman, Director of the Montreat Fund and Major Gifts to start the process of becoming a Church Patron today.

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