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2022-06-04 Amherst PRIDE.png

With regret, we can confirm that the Northampton PRIDE Parade has been called off for 2022 as its organizers regroup and set their sites on 2023 - back and better than ever! Stay up to date with INFO

Jessye Deane Hired to Lead Franklin County Chamber of Commerce

The Franklin County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has named Jessye Deane its next Executive Director. Deane, a lifelong Franklin County resident and Bernardston native, has served on the Franklin County Chamber Board of Directors since 2019. She will assume the role currently held by Diana Szynal. Deane will depart her role at Community Action to take on this new challenge. DETAILS HERE.  

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Celebrate spring in style with a tour of glorious local gardens! Forbes Library will hold their 28th Garden Tour on June 11. Reserve tour tickets online through Wednesday, June 8, for pick up at Forbes Library the week of the tour. INFO HERE

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Last week's favorite click?

United Way of the Franklin & Hampshire Region

Leadership Change 

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Survey on Childcare-Preschool

This survey by the Northampton Public Schools is for Parents, Families, and Caregivers. Information collected will be used to support grant proposals which will fund services for all Northampton early education and childcare programs. Help out with your survey responses on topics affecting community-based, public school programs, and parent workshops. HERE

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Survivor Financial Security 

Policy Map and Scorecard

The #1 obstacle to a survivor’s long-term safety is financial insecurity. Free From's National Survivor Financial Security Policy Map and Scorecard acts as both a resource and a roadmap for action. For each state, the map outlines the existing laws impacting a survivor’s ability to build and maintain financial security. VIEW 

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MassHire Manufacturing Training

Info Session June 6

Do you work with individuals or families who could benefit from free training for a good job in advanced manufacturing or a new career as a skilled precision machinist? 

The entry point to free training is to attend an online 1-hour Information & Application sessions. The next info session is Monday, June 6 at 3pm – this is the final opportunity to apply for the 4-week FM training starting on June 27.  DETAILS

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BankESB Challenge Grant for 

Cooley Dickinson

Matthew Sosik, president and CEO of bankESB, announced that the bank has made a $500,000 challenge grant to support the Emergency Department at Cooley Dickinson Hospital. The funds will be used to support Transforming Emergency Care, a $19.76 million expansion, reconfiguration, and renovation effort to allow Cooley Dickinson to meet the ever-evolving emergency medicine needs of all members of the community, from infants to older adults. READ MORE

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Tapestry's online auction closes June 1. Don't miss your chance to bid on over 80 items from local businesses, artists, and community members. All proceeds will go to support Tapestry's services and outreach. Supporting community-based healthcare has never been more fun! INFO

A brief background piece on the origins of the baby formula shortage: ABC NEWS

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Way Finders Annual Report is digital! Sharable. Sustainable. Impactful. 

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Northwestern District Attorney's Office

Domestic Violence Intervention Project Coordinator

The Literacy Project

HSE/Education and Career Advisor


FCCVP Monitor

SafePlan Advocate (Orange)

Crisis Line and Direct Services Advocate

Bilingual Counselor Position

Crisis Line Medical Advocate

Community Action

Leadership Development Specialist

Hampshire HOPE

Program Coordinator

DART Coordinator

Want to join the COSA mailing list? Click here.
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Jun 01: Addressing Commercial Sexual Exploitation - Series Begins 

Jun 01: Brazelton Touchpoints Strengths Based Family Engagement Series Begins

Jun 02: Human Service Forum Supervisory Skills Course Begins

Jun 03: Affordable Connectivity Program ACP Helper Training 

June 04 & 05: Amherst Pride Events

Jun 07: Amherst Mobile Market Season 

Jun 11: Forbes Library Garden Tour

Jun 14: Human Service Forum Crisis Intervention Teams 

Jun 16: Greater Northampton Chamber Annual Meeting - Save the Date! 

Jun 21: Human Service Forum Creating a Culture of Belonging 

Jun 22: Human Service Forum June Breakfast - Loneliness, COVID & Connection 

Jun 23: Community Action Pioneer Valley Program Overview 

Jun 23: Three County CoC Fair Housing 101 Workshop

Jun 24: Public Health Institute of Western MA Tobacco, Slavery, and Health 

COSA says Thank You!

to our new and returning members for 2021-2022.

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Cooley Dickinson

Health Care

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State Representative

Mindy Domb

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Jo Landers

Business Services

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Catherine Hodes

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The United Arc

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Children's Advocacy Center of Hampshire County

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Tapestry Health

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Behavioral Health Network

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Northampton Recovery



Amherst College

Center for

Community Engagement

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Hampshire HOPE

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The Literacy Project

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A Positive Place

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Friends of Children

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Center for New Americans

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Valley Community Development

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The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts

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Central Hampshire

Veterans' Services

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Safe Passage

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State Senator

Jo Comerford

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Center for Human Development


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hampshire County

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Family Outreach of Amherst

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18 Degrees

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Roger Anderson

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United Cerebral Palsy

of Western MA

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Way Finders

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Western MA Network

to End Homelessness

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Northwestern District Attorney

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The Sojourner Truth School


SPIFFY Coalition

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Deborah Neubauer

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Community Foundation

of Western MA

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Community Action Pioneer Valley

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Survival Center

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Community Legal Aid

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United Way of the Franklin and Hampshire Region

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Amherst Survival Center

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Grow Food Northampton

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Become a member!

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Cancer Connection

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for Educational Services


Forbes Library

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