June 2021

Our mission is to elevate child development to a new level by leading the social, emotional growth, and education of young children while providing a safe, welcoming, home-like environment with a caring, educated and professional staff that promotes partnerships with parents, children, and other childhood professionals.
Katie's Kids continues to have limited technology including no access to our Katie's Kids email account.
Please feel free to contact us at katieskidsllc2@gmail.com to reach Jody or Andrea until the issue is resolved.

Upcoming Events

June 1: Water Feature Begins

June 1: Summer School Age Program

June 28th: New Tuition Rates Begin

Appropriate Water Feature Shoes
Water Feature Schedule

Room 2: Monday and Thursday
Room 3: Thursday
Room 4: Monday
Room 5: Monday and Thursday
Room 6: Tuesday and Friday
Room 7: Tuesday and Friday

Summer Camp: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Drop Off and Pick Up:
  • As restriction change in the state of IL, DCFS is still requiring that all adults and children over the age of 2 wear a mask. ALL family members are required to wear a mask at drop off and pick up.
  • If you are not feeling well or hold any COVID symptoms please arrange for someone else to drop of and pick up your child. This is to protect your family and the staff.
  • If you are in quarantine due to a potential exposure, please make arrangements for someone else to drop off and pick up your child.

Outdoor Play:
  • Water feature will be starting up in June.
  • Please follow up with your child's teacher to ensure that your child has extra appropriate clothing for the season and right size.
Health Corner...
Slide Safety: How to Protect Your Toddler From a Broken Leg
Read the full article at Slide Safety

Parents all across the country are Instagramming and Snapchatting themselves riding down playground slides with precious little ones happily on their laps. What the social feed does not show are the thousands of small children every year who walk away from this age-old routine with tear-stained cheeks and a limp. As it turns out, though it seems innocent enough, riding down a playground slide with a small child on your lap is a common way to break a child’s leg.
It seems to make sense that by riding down the slide with a small child, we are protecting the child from injury. A held toddler can’t fall off the side of the slide or come down too hard at the end. And we want to show our kids that slides are fun and exciting, joining them in one of the great joys of childhood. The reality, however, is that going down a playground slide with a toddler on your lap puts your child at risk of a leg fracture.
The broken leg happens when your toddler hops in your lap, snuggles in and begins the descent. On the way down, she gets excited and unpredictably flails her limbs. This motion allows her foot to slip outside of your leg, getting trapped between your sliding body and the edge of the slide. Your adult weight pins her leg so quickly that before you even realize her foot is caught … twist and snap. This is especially true when toddlers are (appropriately) wearing sticky rubber-soled shoes that grip to the edge of the slide more firmly.

Researchers have found that up to 36 percent of slide-related injuries involve leg fractures, with the peak age of injury being 12 to 23 months. The vast majority of these doctor visits specifically include reports of the child sliding on a caregiver’s lap. This translates to thousands of broken legs every year. The treatment for these fractures is a long leg cast.

Share your positive moments!

Do you have any positive moments you want to share about our staff? If so, we want to hear and share them! Simply click on the button below, fill out the form, and submit.

Help spread the word of Katie's Kids!

Do you have a friend, neighbor, or colleague looking for care? For every family you refer to Katie's Kids we will apply a $50 credit to your account after the family has been with us for 90 days.
Katie's Kids Learning Center |
Accredited by: National Accreditation Commission