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  1. Juneteenth
  2. Next Webinars
  3. Protests in the US
  4. Fête de la Musique / Make Music Day
  5. Previous Webinars
Juneteenth is a holiday officially recognized by a growing number of US states, celebrated annually on the 19th of June to commemorate Union army general Gordon Granger's reading of federal orders in the city of Galveston, Texas, on 19 June 1865, proclaiming all slaves in Texas were now free.
-- Click here to watch a video about Juneteenth.

How we Juneteenth, The New York Times
  • "Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York signed an executive order on Wednesday making Juneteenth a holiday for state employees; the same goes for tech companies like Twitter, and even where I work, at The New York Times. This year, Juneteenth, a holiday that celebrates the arrival of the news of emancipation from slavery, seems to be a bigger deal across the nation.(...)"

  • "When word circulated earlier this month that Donald J. Trump would resume his campaign rallies on June 19th, with an event in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the confluence of date and location suggested that his typically leaden-handed racial trolling had taken on new levels of nuance. On its face, the choice of Tulsa defies political logic. In the upcoming Presidential election, Oklahoma is neither in play (Trump currently holds a nineteen-point lead there) nor lucrative (it will deliver just seven electoral votes to the winner). (...)"

Why Juneteenth is a celebration of hope , The National Geographic
  • "OPAL LEE WAS 12 years old in 1939 when a mob burned down her family’s home in Fort Worth, Texas. “My mother had fallen and hurt herself on a public bus, and she got a little sum of money that she used to buy a house,” she remembers. “I guess they didn’t believe we deserved to have it.”(...)"

What to Know About Juneteenth , The Washington Post
  • "It’s a celebration of Black history and freedom that relatively few white Americans had heard of till recently, if at all. Now suddenly, Juneteenth is prominent on the nation’s calendar, propelled there by sweeping protests against racial injustice, a controversial decision by President Donald Trump in scheduling a campaign rally (later rescheduled) and the decision by some high-profile companies to make the day a holiday for all employees. (...)"
Next Webinars
In partnership with  NaTakallam, the French-American Foundation invites you to a Zoom webinar to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on migration. The event will take place shortly after World Refugee Day this Saturday, June 20.

Ghaith Al Hallak
Speaker and Conversation Partner (CP) at NaTakallam

Moderated by  Cindy Carcamo
Staff Writer at the Los Angeles Times & Young Leader '13

  • Topic: Migration and immigration
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, June 23 at 1:00 pm ET
  • RSVP: Click HERE to sign up. Registered guests will receive a link to join in the days leading up to the event.


We’re also pleased to invite you to join us for our fourth  Young Leader-led webinar in partnership with our sister organization, the  French-American Foundation - France. The event is free and open to the public.

Young Leaders Perspectives
CEO and Founder of Blue Like an Orange Sustainable Capital
& French Young Leader ’02
President and co-founder of Vae Solis Communications & French Young Leader ’94

  • Topic: Global topic
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, June 25 at 12:30 pm ET
  • RSVP: Click HERE to sign up. Registered guests will receive a link to join in the days leading up to the event.
Protests in the US
# BlackLivesMatter
  • "Consider for a moment how the events of May 25th through June 9th—the days of democratic bedlam in the streets, bracketed by the death and the burial of George Floyd—would appear had they occurred in some distant nation that most Americans have heard of but might not be able to find on a map. (...)"

  • "Americans have long debated the degree to which the U.S. should promote democracy and human rights in other countries, but these days it seems more like a country in need of humanitarian intervention itself. (...)"

  • "Europeans have lamented that the United States has relinquished its role as a global moral leader under President Trump. But the proliferation of Black Lives Matter protests around the world has solidified belief here that American society remains a superpower of influence, even if its politicians do not. (...)"

  • "Selon Nancy Pelosi, la chef des démocrates, ces portraits incarnent « le racisme grotesque de la Confédération », ces Etats américains du Sud qui s’étaient battus contre l’abolition de l’esclavage au XIXe siècle. (...)"
Fête de la Musique / Make Music Day
On Sunday, June 21 , FIAF (French Institute Alliance Française) will participate in a special digital edition of  Fête de la Musique / Make Music Day !

"Twenty Francophone artists from all genres—jazz, soul, pop, house, and hip hop—will live-stream half-hour sets on Bandsintown’s digital channel, .

"Fête de la Musique, the music-for-all initiative, originated in France but is now celebrated every year in squares and streets around the world during the summer solstice. (...)". To read more, click here .
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