Dear Parents,
Greetings from all of us here at Community Boating. We hope you are healthy and well in these difficult times of quarantine and social distancing.

Like you, we cannot wait to return to our normal activities and our mission of "Sailing for All!" We don't know - and we cannot yet know - what our return to "normal" will look like, or when and how it will happen. We continue to monitor and assess how to safely provide on-water programming to our youth members this season. In keeping with the governor's order closing school and daycare facilities until June 29, we must also delay our summer Junior Program opening until after that date.

We know that will affect many family summer plans, and we are here to help with these schedule changes. You can adjust class schedules online through our portal, or if you need additional help and guidance, please contact us via email:

In happier news, we're releasing brand new distance learning content, and continue to curate and link to our favorite lessons, activities, games, humor, news, and more through our social media channels. Please see below for more info.

Executive Director Charlie Zechel
Operations Director Andrew Alletag
Youth Programs Director Niko Kotsatos
During these unprecedented times our program directors are working diligently to put together virtual learning opportunities. We've created a new webpage where we will put all of our eLearning content.
Currently, we have two classes, beggining with a virtual Orientation that's perfect for new or potential members. Next we have a rigging class that will teach port from stern, sheet from halyard, and just about everything else you need to know about our boats. We’ll also show you how to set a boat up and how to break it down so that you can be well on your way to start sailing on the Charles. We'll continue to add content in our virtual learning center; check back this weekend for Shore School.
We miss you. Let's stay connected!
Follow us on Facebook || Twitter || Instagram to stay connected to our community, and to see our favorite lessons, activities, games, humor, news, and more.
Online Custom CBI Jigsaw Puzzles
Every week on our Facebook page we are posting CBI jigsaw puzzles that can be done on your laptop, tablet, or phone! Click the links under each picture to try for yourselves. Have a household competition to see who can complete each puzzle the fastest!
The mission of Community Boating, Inc. is to enable “Sailing for All!” We offer sailing and other water sports to people of all ages, abilities, and means in the greater Boston area. We promote an accessible and welcoming environment that encourages learning, volunteerism, and community spirit.
A private not-for-profit 501(c)3 corporation, CBI is the nation's oldest continuously running public sailing center. Community Boating operates through a long-term partnership with the Commonwealth’s Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) from the DCR's boathouse facilities on the Charles River Esplanade.