Sept/Oct 2018 News & JFI Update  10/04/2018
Just Fix It Update
Wisconsin Motorists Lose $6.8 Billion per Year Driving on Rough, Congested and Outdated Roads

Roads and bridges that are deteriorated, congested or lack some desirable safety features cost Wisconsin motorists a total of $6.8 billion statewide annually –up to $2,321 per driver in the state’s largest urban areas - due to higher vehicle operating costs, traffic crashes and congestion-related delays. Increased investment in transportation improvements at the local, state and federal levels could relieve traffic congestion, improve road, bridge and transit conditions, boost safety, and support long-term economic growth in Wisconsin, according to a new report released today by  TRIP , a Washington, DC based national transportation research group.

The TRIP report, “ Wisconsin Transportation by the Numbers: Meeting the State’s Need for Safe, Smooth and Efficient Mobility ,” finds that throughout Wisconsin, one-half of major locally and state-maintained roads are in poor or mediocre condition and nine percent of locally and state-maintained bridges are structurally deficient. The report also finds that Wisconsin’s major urban roads are becoming increasingly congested, causing significant delays and choking commuting and commerce.

Join Us for the Last Two Legislative Forums

Wisconsin needs a long-term, sustainable transportation plan!

We have made great progress elevating the issue of deteriorating transportation conditions. But as Wisconsinites get ready to head to the polls, we need to keep transportation top of mind. 

Please attend the following forums to hear from candidates for office and local business people and learn what you can do.

The dates and locations of the remaining forums are as follows:

Please RSVP using the links above. There is no cost, and attendance is open to all.
New Case Studies

Here are the latest case studies. TDA releases these documents to the legislature and media to highlight projects and policy issues.

Other News
Federal Update

2019 Appropriations, Transportation continued
On September 28, the President signed a “minibus” appropriations bill comprised of Department of Defense; the Labor, Health and Human Services and Education appropriations bills for fiscal year 2019. The bill also contains a short-term Continuing Resolution (CR) to temporarily fund remaining government programs – including transportation – until December 7, 2018.

FAA Reauthorization, Waiting for President's Signature
The Senate approved a five-year reauthorization for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), sending the legislation to the White House for the president’s signature.
Besides reauthorizing the FAA, the bill also reforms and reauthorizes the Transportation Security Administration, reauthorizes the National Transportation Safety Board and includes the Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018.

Register Today!
2018 TDA Annual Meeting
November 14th
Madison Marriott West
Thank you for your support. Together, we have made Wisconsin transportation and how we fund it a top-tier issue in the upcoming election.

And the public knows the state of our transportation network is not what it should be. In a recent Marquette Poll, 64% of likely voters rated Wisconsin’s roads poor or fair. This is important groundwork.

But we need to be ready to increase the pressure in the coming year, to build on our accomplishments and continue to make the case for responsible, sustainable transportation investment.

We still need to Just Fix It!

Please attend this year’s annual meeting to recognize outstanding leaders, reconnect with old friends, take stock of where we are and recommit to advancing the best in Wisconsin transportation. And to hear an incredible success story.

You can register and pay online or  mail in your registration form .  Please register by November 9th.