Just In! for January 27, 2024
The weekly newsletter of the New York Geothermal Energy Organization (NY-GEO)
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Just In! is NY-GEO's weekly news feed for members. See more information on memberships here. If we send you a complimentary copy and you're not a member of NY-GEO, it means we value your role in the transition to renewable heating, but without a membership, please don't count on getting Just In! weekly. For past issues, check out the Just In! Archive available on the NY-GEO.org website. | |
See details in the 2024 listings in the Events section below in green type.
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LNG Pause Is a Huge Win for Activists and Puts Climate on the 2024 Political Agenda – Nicole Pollack – Canary Media – “The Biden administration confirmed in an announcement on Friday that it would be pausing the permitting process for new LNG export projects in order to better assess their impacts on climate change and other factors… The delay marks a significant break from precedent for the Biden Department of Energy, which until now had followed in the footsteps of the Trump and Obama administrations in approving every complete LNG export application it considered… writer and climate activist Bill McKibben,… a vocal critic of Biden’s past actions on LNG, posted on X, ‘…Joe Biden has just done more than any president before him to check the expansion of dirty energy.’ McKibben called the decision ‘brave, because Donald Trump (the man who pulled us out of the Paris climate accords on the grounds that climate change is a hoax) will attack it mercilessly,’ but ‘also very, very savvy: Biden wants young people, who care about climate above all, in his corner.’ ” Article link here. White House announcement here. | |
And for context on the LNG decision – here’s a brief we had prepared on the issue before the White House announcement:
The Battle Over LNG Exports – Nicole Pollack - Canary Media – “In the last decade, corporations have invested billions of dollars into a rapid expansion of infrastructure to export liquefied natural gas, or LNG, from the U.S. Since Biden took office, the buildout has accelerated even more. Eight export terminals are already operating, all completed since 2016, and another 23 terminals and expansions are proposed, approved or under construction. Over the course of its expected operating life, even just one of the largest planned LNG facilities could lead to as much greenhouse gas being emitted as the EPA’s new methane rule is projected to save in total over the next 15 years." Article link here.
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300+ Rally in Albany for NY HEAT – Marissa Solomon – Renewable Heat Now – “Following Governor Kathy Hochul’s Executive Budget announcement, more than 300 advocates and lawmakers rallied at the New York State Capitol to demand full passage of the NY HEAT Act in this year’s final budget. With temperatures dropping and energy rate hikes impacting New Yorkers from Brooklyn to Buffalo, hardworking families need relief from high energy bills now. Governor Hochul included key provisions of the bill in her executive budget, and the group called on lawmakers to include the full NY HEAT Act in their one-house budgets. The NY HEAT Act will prevent energy price gouging, save struggling New Yorkers up to $75/month on their utility bills, and fight climate change.” Article link here. 30-second video on the Rally from Rochester TV Station 10NBC link here.
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Senator Lea Webb was one of well more than a dozen Legislators who spoke at the rally. NY-GEO member Joanne Coons holds NY-GEO banner at right.
Zero Place Wins 2 DOE Awards – Zero Place, a geothermally heated and cooled - and solar powered - multifamily, mixed-use building in New Paltz, has won 2 awards from the US. Department of Energy:
· Blazing the Trail – Awarded to the builder with the most innovative use of technologies, materials, sensors, automation, and advanced controls to optimize performance of the home, driving market transformation by demonstrating the leading edge of what is possible; and
· The Total Package – Awarded to the builder with the best mix of all award categories, showing well-rounded achievement in ZERH (Zero Energy Ready Home program).
These awards are in addition to the first ever Building of Excellence award ZeroPlace received from NYSERDA in 2019, including a cash grant of $750,000. NY-GEO member Buffalo Geothermal designed and installed the geo system and NY-GEO member Integral Building and Design provided the energy rating and verification services along with the design and installation of the energy and climate monitoring systems. Link to the DOE awards web page here. 3-minute video on Zero Place here.
| | GeoExchange Organization, NY Utilities File Letters with Treasury Supporting 3rd Party Ownership to Mitigate Upfront Costs of Geo – The IRS has released draft regulations on Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) tax incentives that would deny the commercial 30%+ tax credit to geo systems where there are different owners of the ground loop and the internal heat pump. The draft regs would essentially cripple 3rd party ownership, where a utility or developer would install ground loops at no upfront cost to the homeowner and charge a monthly fee for the energy the loop delivers to the building owner, who would own the heat pump and distribution system in the building. Reducing upfront costs would remove a major barrier to widespread geo installations and the 3rd party model has been key to the expansion of the solar PV market. NY-GEO aided the GeoExchange Organization (GEO) and others in putting together comments requesting amendments to the draft regs. In addition to GEO, Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation, Orange & Rockland Utilities, Inc., and Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation submitted a joint comment, and National Grid filed their own comment in support as well. GEO comments here. | |
Colleges Are Digging Really Deep – Cara Buckley – NY Times – “A growing number of colleges and universities are using deep underground pipes to heat and cool their buildings without burning fossil fuels. Geoexchange is not new, but it’s increasingly a choice made by colleges and universities, particularly in the northern United States, that are seeking to decarbonize…Lindsey Olsen, associate vice president and senior mechanical engineer at Salas O’Brien, a technical engineering firm, said five years ago, the company was working on two or three campus geothermal projects at one time. That figure has grown to between 20 and 30 projects, she said…. ‘I’ve never seen this level of consensus behind a project,’ said David DeSwert, executive vice president for finance and administration at Smith College, where a geothermal heating and cooling system is being installed. It is expected to cut the school’s carbon emissions by 90 percent. ‘I’m not always the person they’re applauding at a faculty meeting,’ Mr. DeSwert continued. ‘When we were presenting this, they were extremely, extremely happy.’ ” Article link here.
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Geothermal $10k Refundable Tax Credit Bill Gaining Momentum – You Can Help – NY-GEO’s Legislation Committee has been hard at work rounding up support for S8106 Kennedy/A8588 Rivera. The bill will raise the cap on New York’s 25% geo tax credit from $5,000 to $10,000 and would make it refundable for those with minimal state tax liability. To date 180 letters have been emailed to Governor Hochul and Legislators asking them to include the bill in this year’s budget, and 6 Assemblymembers have pledged to cosponsor the bill. Rewiring America has made the bill a NY State Policy Priority. Why not take 30 seconds now to write your legislator, using this quick and easy form?
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Historic picture from 2016 when Legislators, NY-GEO, Renewable Heat Now, New Yorkers for Clean Power, the Alliance for a Green Economy, ACE-NY, Frack Action and the Sierra Club called on then Governor Cuomo to sign the 25% tax credit the Legislature had sent to his desk. Left to right Chris Winckler, Aztech Geothermal, NY-GEO member Paul Coons, (3rd) Zach Dufresne, then with ACE NY as Director of Communications, now Executive Director, New York Solar Energy Industries Association. (4th) NY-GEO member Joanne Coons, (6th) then Executive Director of NY-GEO Bill Nowak, (7th) Republican Assemblymember Pete Lopez, who went on to become Administrator for EPA Region 2 under President Trump, (8th) Betta Broad, Executive Director New Yorkers for Clean Power, (9th) NY-GEO Board member and President of Aztech Geothermal, John Ciovacco, (10th) Rep from the Governor’s office who accepted the letter requesting his signature, (11th) Aaron Mair, then National President of the Sierra Club, (12th) Renee Vogelsang, NY Director of Frack Action, (13th) Andra Leimanis, Program Director for the Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE), (14th) Max Ciovacco, Aztech Geothermal
A to Z – Audrey to Zeyneb – geoOutlook Spotlights Women in Geothermal –- “HEET (Home Energy Efficiency Team) had succeeded in bringing gas executives, environmental activists, and legislators together to mandate that the utilities fix the biggest gas leaks and to help research the best way to identify those ‘super emitters’ so they can be fixed—since it turns out that just 7% of those leaks account for 50% of the gas distribution system’s methane emissions… Of course, the next challenge was getting off gas entirely, and Zeyneb’s idea for networked geothermal—also called thermal energy networks and district energy—was the perfect solution.” Article link here.
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Legislature Is Beginning to Coalesce Around the New York HEAT Act – Colin Kinniburgh -New York Focus – “The governor and the Senate have aligned on large swathes of the NY HEAT Act. The Assembly might be ready to move on it, too… It’s not the first time New York’s environmental movement has formed a broad front behind a bill in recent years. The all-electric buildings push enjoyed similar support last year, as did efforts to block an overhaul of the state’s greenhouse gas accounting system…But the gas transition push has the potential to be far more sweeping than many of those earlier bills.” Also noted in the article…National Grid has meanwhile parted ways with New Yorkers for Affordable Energy, New York Focus has learned, after serving on its steering committee last year. Asked why, spokesperson Karen Young said National Grid supports expanding use of renewable energy while advancing “the right mix of heating solutions that are in the best interest of our customers.” That group is leading the charge against implementing New York’s Climate law, the CLCPA. Article link here.
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Geo to Replace Gas in Boston Public Housing Complex - Trea Lavery – MassLive – “A Boston Housing Authority property will soon be equipped with the city’s first networked geothermal heating system, replacing a gas boiler system with renewable energy. Franklin Field Apartments in Dorchester was selected by National Grid for its Networked Geothermal Demonstration Program, the city announced…The upgrades also will provide residents of seven buildings containing 129 apartments with in-unit cooling for the first time. They’ll replace the window air conditioners that had to be purchased by tenants…’We can’t just rely on minor tweaks and adjustments here and there or steps that are going to be comfortable and convenient and take a long time,’ (Boston Mayor) Wu continued. ‘We need to take bold decisive action to update our energy infrastructure all across the city.’ ” Thanks to Kathy Trager for this tip. Article link here.
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Mayor Wu Makes the Announcement to Tenants
East Hampton Supervisor Backs Climate Change Superfund Act – Cate Rogers – City & State – “The worst flooding since Superstorm Sandy along Long Island’s South Shore makes it clear that the Climate Change Superfund Act should be included in this year’s state budget, to make big oil, gas and coal companies financially accountable for the staggering costs of the climate crisis, writes Cate Rogers, deputy supervisor of the town of East Hampton.” (From 2024 01 25 – City & State First Read) See Events Section below in green text for a January 30th Rally in support of the Superfund bill. Article Link Here.
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Senator Ryan Submits Housing Plan – Debadrita Sur -Buffalo News – “State Sen. Sean M. Ryan is pushing a five-year plan that calls for housing reform in Buffalo and other upstate cities that would create hundreds of starter homes, provide incentives for landlords to fix substandard rental properties, help homeowners save on energy costs and ease homelessness… Ryan’s plan also includes legislation that would create a statewide program to help homeowners grapple with skyrocketing energy bills. If the state public service law is amended, gas and electric companies will need to create programs that improve the insulation in older households owned by low- and moderate-income families, with no cost to the owners. This blends into the Climate and Community Protection Act goals, Ryan told The News.” Article link here.
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Shifting Ground for Geo in Canada – Martin Luymes, Vice President, Government and Stakeholder Relations, HRAI-Canada – geoOutlook – “Government and utility support for geothermal heat pumps has been running a bit hot and cold over the past several years in Canada, with exciting programs like GreenON (in the Province of Ontario) showing great promise, only to be cut short of their full potential due to a change in government. At the federal government level there has been modest progress with the introduction of Greener Homes in 2021, which has offered rebates of up to $5,600 and interest-free loans up to $40,000 towards home energy retrofits, including heat pump conversions." Article link here.
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Martin Luymes, VP, Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI)
Action Plan Released for Electrification of Industrial Thermal Loads – Renewable Thermal Collaborative (RTC) – “The RTC has published our Electrification Action Plan, an ambitious, multi-year strategy to address barriers to electrification. It outlines key market, policy, and community actions to achieve a 30% reduction in U.S. industrial thermal emissions by 2030 and full sector decarbonization by 2050. The plan emphasizes the need for new federal and state policies along with tactical tools, training, and convenings to support market development.” Article link here
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Lawmakers and Activists React to State Budget Climate Initiatives – Jack Arpey - Spectrum News 1 - “Expressing concern for the future, climate advocates and some lawmakers applauded parts of Hochul’s state budget proposal, most notably, ending the 100-foot rule and other elements of what has become known as the HEAT Act. In the governor’s budget proposal, they are under what is called the Affordable Gas Transition Act. The 100-foot rule requires utilities to supply gas to any customer who wants it, while demanding ratepayers foot the bill if those customers live within 100 feet of an existing line. ‘Thank you governor for including in the 100-foot rule, this is a major breakthrough,’ said Assembly Member Patricia Fahy…‘Undoubtedly, the climate crisis that we are facing is the crisis of our generation – and generations to come,’ said Assembly Member Jessica González-Rojas. Some lawmakers, like Assembly Member Anna Kelles, say the governor didn’t go far enough. ‘If we are going to solve the climate change crisis, we have to lean in, we cannot take baby steps,’ she said. ‘We can’t be wishy washy in our investment in climate change because it is destabilizing everything.’ " Article link here.
| | Zillow Calls Buffalo 2024’s Hottest Housing Market – Anushna Prakash – Zillow.Com - As NY State moves into requiring all-electric construction for new builds, “Zillow expects Buffalo, N.Y., to be the nation’s hottest housing market in 2024, with Cincinnati, Columbus, Ohio, Indianapolis and Providence, R.I. rounding out the top five. These should stand out as strong in a housing market still buffeted by low inventory and relatively high mortgage rates and prices. While mortgage rates have come down significantly in recent weeks, and projections for improved affordability and more homes for sale have become more common, the challenges that limited the U.S. housing market last year are unlikely to disappear entirely in 2024.” Tip from 2024 01 26 – City & State First Read - Article link here. | | Burning Wood Gets a Pass - Rosemary Misdary – Gothamist – “As New York City and the state begin enforcing stringent new climate laws this year, the oldest form of heating – wood-burning – has been excluded from the regulations. Fireplaces and wood stoves aren’t mentioned in the final rules that went into effect this month for the city's Local Law 97, which forces buildings to cut their carbon emissions. They also were left out of the rules of the state’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, or CLCPA, which are expected to be finalized this year.” Article link here. | | Kentucky Goes Green –Josh Combs, energy regulatory attorney at Troutman Pepper – Renewable Energy World - “To maximize IRA benefits, the Kentucky legislature proactively passed legislation that helped prime coal closure communities for federal investment. House Bill 9, signed into law on April 7, 2023, established a $2 million matching funds program. The law supports 41 Kentucky counties that have been directly impacted by coal-related economic loss. Other state legislatures have taken similar actions that help leverage and maximize the impact of IRA funding on coal closure communities. Kentucky’s clean-energy workforce has certainly experienced remarkable growth. Since 2022, the IRA has spurred more than $3.4 million in funding for clean energy projects in Kentucky alone, creating nearly 2,000 jobs. In fact, according to a recent report, Kentucky’s clean-energy workforce was the second fastest-growing in the country.” Article link here. | |
Community-Scale Battery Installations in NYC – Jeff St. John – Canary Media – Battery storage is a necessary part of a clean energy grid. One storage option is utility-scale battery farms, which take lots of land and cost up to hundreds of millions of dollars. A second option is many little batteries distributed among grid users. Startup NineDot Energy is working on a third, medium-sized option in NYC: “community-scale battery storage” projects that can fit into less than an acre of open land or building space. NineDot has built its first project, a 7,500 SF installation in the Bronx. Article link here.
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Perception Gap Plagues Canada’s Carbon Price - Rick Knight, CCL Research Coordinator – Citizens’ Climate Lobby – “Canada’s carbon pricing law, which went into effect in mid-2018, features an annually rising carbon price, with 90% of the revenue rebated to households. Public support has historically been strong. As of July 2023, 10 of Canada’s 13 provinces or territories have adopted the federal plan, and the Niskanen Center reports that 80% of households come out ahead when receiving the rebate. But over the last year, public support for the carbon tax has dropped considerably – from 56% in 2021 to 45% this year. What happened?” Article link here.
| | Upgrade Your Home’s Heating and Cooling System to Geothermal – Emily Fazio – Men’s Journal – “Countless benefits + real-life cost savings… Forget the days of separate furnaces and AC units hogging space and energy. Geothermal heating and cooling systems are transforming homes and communities across the country, delivering a one-stop solution for year-round comfort and environmental responsibility… Geothermal systems are an eco-friendly, infinite energy source that tap into the Earth's constant ground temperature, using a heat pump to extract warmth in winter and expel temperatures cooler than the air in summer. It does this all while dramatically reducing your carbon footprint.” Tip from Peter Jensen at the National Building Electrification Network and Sunstone Strategies. Article link here. | | Hornell, NY – America’s High-Speed Rail Manufacturer – Ralph R. Ortega – City & State - “The tiny town in the Southern Tier is on a comeback building next-generation Acela trains as well as other trains for transportation systems across the country.” Article link here. | | Extreme Weather Impacts on Solar Panels – Renewable Energy World – “By comparing the performance of systems in the PV Fleet data set against a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) map of extreme weather events, the researchers studied how each system’s performance was affected when an extreme weather event occurred within 10 kilometers of its location… researchers found that short-term outages caused by extreme weather, such as outages due to PV modules being disturbed by strong winds or inverters being damaged by flooding—have a minimal impact on most systems. However, aside from short-term impacts, extreme weather like wind, hail, or snow can cause cracked cells or other forms of degradation." Article link here. | |
Johnson Controls Unveils Water-to-Water Screw Heat Pump – Emiliano Bellini – pv magazine - "US-based Johnson Controls says its new screw heat pump is able to deliver high-temperature hot water as high as 80 C (176 F). The system reportedly has a combined coefficient of performance of 4.1." Article link here. | |
“Litigation Terrorism” - Nicholas Kusnetz, Katie Surma – Inside Climate News – The Investor – State Dispute Settlement Service (ISDS) is system of international tribunals that corporations are using to sue governments that adopt laws and regulations on behalf of their citizens that threaten corporate profits. “The system allows foreign investors to sue governments before tribunals outside the jurisdiction of national courts... A case in point: When Ecuador placed a windfall tax on foreign oil operations, French and U.S. companies filed claims—and were awarded more than $800 million…There are now more than 350 ISDS cases pending against governments worldwide, at least 26 of which are seeking $1 billion or more, including a $15 billion claim against the United States over the cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline.” Article link here. | |
How Hot Was It Last Year? – David Wallace-Wells – NY Times – “It is notoriously tricky to synthesize data from all the world’s weather stations into one measure of global warming, but all of the major efforts to do so for 2023 are now in, and they are also all in distressing alignment: Last year was the warmest recorded in modern history, and it broke that record by an exceedingly large margin, one that conventional climate science has not yet managed to adequately explain.” Wallace-Wells has important things to say about the Paris Agreement goal of keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees centigrade. Thanks to author Bill McKibben for this tip. Article link here.
| | New Climate Projections: NYC Will Keep Getting Hotter and Wetter – Samantha Maldonado – “Sea levels could rise by more than a foot in the 2030s, when the city is also expected to be up to 10% rainier and as much as 4.7 degrees hotter… New projections from the New York City Panel on Climate Change (NPCC) confirm that the city will be hotter, rainier and wetter in the coming years — with major shifts hitting the city in the 2030s, less than a decade away.” (From 2024 01 22 – City & State First Read) Article link here. | | Senator Sanders Sponsors Bill on Climate and NY State School Curricula – Hilary Howard - NY Times – “New York may soon join a growing number of states seeking to incorporate climate change into school lesson plans. ‘Climate change is not a future threat; it’s a present reality,’ said State Senator James Sanders Jr., a Democrat who represents sections of southeast Queens like the Rockaways that are vulnerable to sea level rise and flooding. He is a sponsor of another bill (S278A/A1559A) that would include the topic in science classes.” Article link here. |
This is What Flooding Looks Like – Dare Ya to Peek – Bill McKibben – Crucial Years - “Freak waves ripped through the Marshall Islands last week. And when I say ripped through, check out this video, a reminder of just how close to the sea much of humanity lives”. Link to 30-second video here.
| "We know from a recent study that every tenth of a degree in temperature rise that we prevent keeps 140 million of our brothers and sisters in habitable zones on this planet. And nothing has changed my basic conviction about the key: we need to keep building huge movements to finally break the political power of the fossil fuel industry and force the emergency conversion to clean energy." —Bill McKibben | You’ve Got to Be Kidding (tongue in cheek edition): | Happy Winner of World’s Ugliest Lawn Title – Michael J. Coren -Washington Post Climate Coach – “Kathleen Murray is one of the brave ones. The single mother of four children on the island of Tasmania recently claimed the title of owner of the ‘World’s Ugliest Lawn.’ For years, Murray intended to water and mow her overgrown acres. But family responsibilities got in the way. The result was a tufted, often-arid backyard. What some might deem a wasteland, however, she called a ‘private Disneyland’ for the local wildlife… Seeing the lawn’s wildlife proliferate, she entered the World’s Ugliest Lawn contest, a Swedish competition to encourage water conservation with dry lawns. The six-judge jury selected Murray’s yard as a superior specimen of a ‘truly horrendous-looking lawn.’ ” Article link here. | |
Frequent Sources for Just In! briefs:
Green Energy Times
City & State First Read
POLITICO Weekly NY & NJ Energy email)
Canary Media
National Building Electrification Network & Sunstone Strategies
Just in! thanks NY-GEO board member John Ciovacco of Aztech Geothermal for his frequent proofreading contributions to this publication and Paul Maliszewski for his work on the briefs.
(and Go Bills !!! :)
*Indicates a New Listing or Updated Information
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2024 01 28 – Climate Action Network Virtual Party – 7:00 pm ET– “please join attorney and activist Raya Salter, Jessica Azulay from AGREE, Lisa Marshall from NYCP, and actress Geraldine Hughes as guest moderator … for a Climate Action Now virtual action party to support the NY HEAT Act.In these virtual parties, advocates take coordinated actions on the Climate Action Now app (please install it on your mobile device) to send hundreds if not thousands of messages to lawmakers and media on a single issue… it will be fun and impactful” Register here.
2024 01 30 – Climate Superfund Lobby Day in Albany - 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ET – “Urge the Governor & Legislature to put fiscal fairness & environmental justice front & center with the climate change superfund act in the budget. As taxpayers, we are paying the entire bill for climate costs right now – $2.1 billion in 2023 – while big oil made $750 billion in profits since 2021. The climate superfund requires big oil to pay $3 billion a year, not you and me!” Register here.
*2024 02 01 – What’s Next After Berkeley? How to Avoid EPCA Preemption with Building Decarb Policies - 12:30 pm ET – “Building electrification is a key strategy for protecting both public health and the climate, but recent legal developments have complicated state and local governments’ plans for promoting clean buildings in the West, and potentially in the rest of the country. Join Jonny Kocher and Denise Grab from RMI, Cliff Majersik from the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT), and Daniel Carpenter-Gold from the Public Health Law Center for a panel discussion of the California Restaurant Association v. Berkeley case, its implications inside and outside of the Ninth Circuit, and the many policy approaches including building codes and building performance standards that are still available to states and localities to protect their residents from the impacts of fossil-fuel use. Register here.
*2024 02 02 – Downstate Energy Efficiency/Building Electrification Technical Conference – 10:00 am to 4:00 pm ET – “NYSERDA and the Utilities are conducting a series of in-person/virtual Technical Conferences to aid interested parties in their review of the Energy Efficiency / Building Electrification proposals (of New York’s utilities)… The first Technical Conference will be (both virtual and in person) at the Building Energy Exchange in New York City. This Conference will provide an overview of the proposals filed by NYSERDA and the NYS downstate utilities (Consolidated Edison, KeySpan Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid, and The Brooklyn Union Gas Company d/b/a National Grid NY) including answering questions from stakeholders.” Registration here.
*2024 02 08 – Upstate Energy Efficiency/Building Electrification Technical Conference – 9:30 am to 5:15 pm ET – “NYSERDA and the Utilities are conducting a series of in-person/virtual Technical Conferences to aid interested parties in their review of the Energy Efficiency / Building Electrification proposals (of New York’s utilities)… This second Technical Conference will be (both virtual and in person) at the Empire State Concourse in Albany. This Conference will provide an overview of the proposals filed by NYSERDA and the NYS upstate utilities (Central Hudson, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation, National Grid, National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation, Orange and Rockland Utilities, and Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation) including answering questions from stakeholders.” Registration here.
2024 02 14– IGSHPA Town Hall with Steve Kavanaugh on GSHP Cost Containment: Low Hanging Fruit Not in the Ground Loop – 11:30 am ET – For four (4) decades the mantra of ground source heat pump (GSHP) advocates has been, “we need to get the cost of the loop down’”. This has proved largely ineffective due to three primary reasons – which will be discussed during the session. Steve Kavanaugh is a noted geothermal expert who has been a featured speaker at the NY-GEO conference. Register here.
*2024 02 15 – Cool Calc Manual J Training – NY Clean Heat program - Manual J is the officially sanctioned way to calculate building heat load under New York’s Clean Heat program. Expand your knowledge of building energy science by attending this free webinar. Register here.
*2024 03 06 – The Future of Indoor Air – Policy Solutions for Clean and Healthy Buildings – 11:00 am ET – RMI Carbon Free Buildings - “Despite being one of the top five major health risks in the US, indoor air pollution is currently overlooked and unregulated. Burning fossil fuels in buildings releases additional health-harming pollutants that exacerbate climate change. A recent report from RMI summarizes how indoor air quality guidelines are a critical first step to understand indoor air pollutants, and how they can inform additional policy measures to mitigate risk.” 5 panelists will explore policy solutions for clean and healthy buildings. Register here
2024 03 06 – NY Thermal Energy Networks Summit – 8:30 am to 12:30 pm ET – “The Building Decarbonization Coalition, NYS Pipe Trades Association and City & State NY are proud to present The NY Thermal Energy Networks (TENS) Summit: Scale up! Decarbonizing NY’s Neighborhoods at the Albany Capital Center…New York has positioned itself to be a national leader in using TENs with utility projects for several of these neighborhood-scale decarbonization infrastructure projects proposed for development across the state.” Register here for this free in-person (non virtual) event.
*2024 03 12 to 14 - Thermal Energy Networks Symposium in Rochester, MN – Geothermal Rising - “It is no small feat to tear up streets and install thermal pipelines that share energy between buildings; however, we now have the tools, the talent, the trades, and the engineering to do this at a time when geothermal solutions are more efficient and affordable than ever. All that is needed is for you to begin your journey by registering for the Thermal Energy Networks Symposium and be prepared to start your community on the path to energy independence.” Registration fees from $575 to $775. Register here.
2024 03 14 – Clean Heat Program Stakeholders Meeting – 9:00-10:00 am ET - The NYS Clean Heat Utility Joint Management Committee (JMC) will host the next quarterly meeting of the Working Group Series for Participating Contractors and Industry Partners. This series is billed as an ongoing platform for contractors and industry partners affiliated with NYS Clean Heat to discuss program improvements and address questions related to the program. Registration not available yet .
NY-GEO 2024 Conferences
Yes, That’s Plural
We are excited to share there will be two conference events in 2024 with content focused on both the diverse residential and commercial markets in New York State. The programs will include dynamic keynote speakers and panels, educational tracks that are relevant and applicable, and an opportunity to network with exhibitors showcasing products and services that will support and advance your knowledge.
2024 04 08 and 09 – NY-GEO 2024 - Albany – Once again hosted at the Albany Marriott, we bring together the best of the best in the Geothermal Heat Pump Industry. We will open with an exhibitor mixer on April 8 followed by a full day of programming on the 9th with focused attention on Upstate. NY-GEO 2023 maxed out with attendees and exhibitors, so register today if you don’t want to miss out.
· To register for Albany and learn more about becoming a sponsor and or exhibitor click here.
· Book your stay at the Albany Marriott by clicking here.
2024 10 21 to 23 – NY-GEO 2024 – New York City – The New York Brooklyn Bridge Marriott will host a two-day conference with sessions and tracks, the NY-GEO Annual Dinner, and a day of local project site tours. This is NY-GEO's first conference Downstate and will emphasize content on how to address densely populated areas and large commercial buildings.
· To register for NYC and learn more about becoming a sponsor and or exhibitor click here.
· Book your stay at the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott by clicking here.
NY-GEO Members can attend the conferences at a discounted rate, so now is a good time to renew your membership through 2024.
NY-GEO members: to receive the discounted member rates, employees of your organization must be populated in the member database. Reach out to NY-GEO Executive Director Christine Hoffer at christine@ny-geo.org for assistance.
Not a Member? Click here to Join!
2024 05 28 to 30 – IGSHPA Research Conference - The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) is pleased to announce that the next IGSHPA Research Conference will be held at Polytechnique Montréal. This is the fourth in a series of research conferences held in Denver (2017), Stockholm (2018), and Las Vegas (2022). Conference website here
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We NEED Your NY-GEO Member Job Postings – We only have 6 jobs posted right now so please add any openings members have to our NY-GEO Job Listings to gain visibility and help recruit new employees to your organization. This feature is available to all NY-GEO members, simply log into your account, select the NY-GEO Job Listings in the left toolbar, select Add in the upper right, and complete the form. If you need assistance, let us know at christine@ny-geo.org.
New Yorkers for Clean Power is proud to lead the charge for green jobs through Clean Energy Careers NY, a collaborative initiative to create equitable clean energy careers pathways in New York to help achieve the state’s climate and clean energy goals…”We're excited to launch the Clean Energy Careers New York Newsletter! The newsletter is chock-full of Clean Energy Careers NY resources, event information, job opportunities, and more. If you're a job seeker, a trainer, an employer, or a clean energy advocate, this newsletter is for you! (listed 2023 07 22) Read the newsletter here.
The Building Performance Contractors Association (BPCA) Career Center is here.
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Ongoing – NYSERDA is hiring! The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has ongoing recruitment opportunities. Join our email list or check this page periodically to learn about new career opportunities. All qualified individuals will be evaluated for each relevant position for which they apply. Opportunities include: |
Become an NY-GEO Member
NY GEO is the driving force in the mass adoption of Ground Source (Geothermal) Heat Pumps for residential, commercial, and utility-scale heating and cooling in New York State. NY-GEO's mission is to grow the geothermal heat pump industry and develop its workforce while educating policymakers building/property developers and residents about the benefits of geothermal heat pumps.
We are a member-funded, non-profit trade organization and we depend on YOUR SUPPORT to expand the use of clean, renewable, geothermal heating and cooling systems for the benefit
of all.
Learn more about the benefits of becoming an NY-GEO member and why your membership is important to advancing GHP, Click here.
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