Just In! for May 11, 2024

The weekly newsletter of the New York Geothermal Energy Organization (NY-GEO)

Just In! is NY-GEO's weekly news feed for members. See more information on memberships here. If we send you a complimentary copy and you're not a member of NY-GEO, it means we value your role in the transition to renewable heating, but without a membership, please don't count on getting Just In! weekly. For past issues, check out the Just In! Archive available on the NY-GEO.org website.

Industry Updates:

3 NY HEAT Act Champions Recognized Among NY’s Energy LeadersThree of the leaders of efforts to pass the NY HEAT Act – Jessica Azulay, Betta Broad and Liz Moran - have been named 2024 Power Players in Climate, Energy & Sustainability by POLITICSNY. “As bills like the NY HEAT Act and Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act make their way through New York’s legislative bodies, the future of New York continues to grow greener. The 2024 POLITICSNY & amNY Metro Power Players… are all leaders in their respective fields, dedicated to protecting the environment, providing vital services to every day New Yorkers and innovating positive environmental change. (The chosen 40 or so Power Players range from) environmental nonprofit executive directors to public officials pushing for policy change to directors of new innovative energy projects.” Article link here.

Stacking Incentives for Building Decarbonization - RMI has released an incentive stacking resource hub. It is a repository for federal and non-federal resources on how to “stack” or combine local, state, and federal programs and incentives for building electrification and decarbonization. This hub is designed to be a landing page for incentive program administrators, State Energy Offices, and advocates looking to understand the resources available to them on incentive stacking easily.  Hub link here.

ANOTHER Fatal Gas Explosion – This One Kills Retired NJ Police Officer – Brian Niemietz – New York Daily News - "A retired Newark police officer was found dead following a Thursday night (2024 05 02) home explosion that’s under investigation. The body of Kevin Gilbert was discovered in a pile of debris after a South River, N.J., house blew up around 7 p.m., according to the South River Fire Department. Local media identified Gilbert as a 26-year veteran officer who left the force in 2016….A second victim in the home was reportedly rushed to an area hospital with burns to 90% of his body, according to ABC News. He’s in critical condition. Pix 11 identified that victim as the 62-year-old ex-cop’s son….Officials reportedly suspect a gas leak caused the explosion. First responders turned off the gas line servicing the decimated property." Article link here.

NY Senate Passes Climate Superfund Act – Food & Water Watch - “On Tuesday (2024 05 07), the New York State Senate passed the Climate Change Superfund Act, for the second year in a row, by a vote of 43-17. The legislation would create a 25-year dedicated fund of $3 billion annually, financed by big fossil fuel corporations, to pay for costs associated with the climate crisis. One-third of the funds would be reserved specifically for disadvantaged communities disproportionately impacted by climate change.”  The spotlight is now on the NY Assembly to pass the bill, which would then require a signature from Governor Hochul for her signature. Article link here.

Lead Sponsor Liz Kreuger addresses NY Senate during passage of the Climate Superfund Act



D.C. Council Embraces Electrification Transition – “Today (2024 05 07) the DC Council voted 13-0 to unanimously pass the Healthy Homes Act, pivotal climate legislation that would help up to 30,000 low-income residents reduce their utility bills and improve air quality by upgrading their homes with highly efficient electric equipment such as heat pumps. This comes as 27 local organizations led by the Beyond Gas DC coalition sent a letter to Councilmember Charles Allen urging the Committee on Transportation and the Environment to preserve the funding set aside for this legislation, currently under threat of elimination." Thanks to Katie Meyer of the Sierra Club for this tip. Press release link here.

Healthy Homes Act sponsor Charles Allen with bill supporters


National Grid/RMI Report Examines Role of Non-Pipeline Alternatives in the Energy Transition – “Utilities and regulators are planning for a future less reliant on fossil gas and more dependent on clean energy resources. Integrated energy planning (IEP) and non-pipeline alternatives (NPAs) are solutions designed to help reach that future. National Grid and RMI have analyzed nine NPA case studies from the U.S. and Europe to better understand how they have been most effectively implemented and the challenges to scaling up these projects as part of the clean energy transition. The study examined several projects, including National Grid’s effort to transition some upstate New York customers to geothermal heating systems, California utility PG&E’s work to decommission 22 miles of gas transmission pipe by converting customers from gas, and - in Europe - the decommissioning entire neighborhoods off the gas system over a period of 10 years."  Article link here.


NYSERDA Clean Energy Hubs Open – NYSERDA Website - At a high-level, the Clean Energy Hubs are a resource for connecting community members to eligible programs, asking questions, and accessing information about clean energy…here are some leading areas that the Clean Energy Hubs can offer their support and expertise.

·      Comparing Options for Energy Upgrades and Technologies

·      Applying for Energy and Assistance Programs

·      Navigating Financing for Clean Energy

·      Accessing Job Training and Employment Opportunities

 Article link here.  

Europe Requires Local Heating and Cooling Decarbonization Plans - Adrian Hiel, Head of Media and Campaigns, Energy Cities - HOTCOOL no.4 2024, pp4-7 – “Local heating and cooling planning is coming to every city with over 45,000 people in Europe. It is hard to overstate how much of a game-changer this could be for district heating and Europe’s climate ambitions. The key word there is ‘could’… how the directive is translated into national law will enormously influence what the final plans will look like. Will they be concrete plans based on the technological clarity of existing, trusted technologies like heat pumps and district heating? Or will they be technologically neutral plans based on fairy tales that one day there might be enough biomethane or that green hydrogen might one day be cheap and plentiful?”  Article link here.

Quick Review of Thermal Energy Network Conference Jason Brown, NY Communications Manager, BDC (Building Decarbonization Network) – “On March 6th this year in Albany, around 200 labor leaders, legislators and legislative staff, New York State government agency officials, environmental and climate justice advocates, and utility and climate tech executives gathered together at the 2024 NY Thermal Energy Networks Summit (subtitled Scale up! Decarbonizing NY’s Neighborhoods) at the Albany Capital Center.” If you missed it, this 32 paragraph summary gives a blow by blow review of the proceedings. Article link here

Is a Heat Pump Industry Worker Shortage Causing “Greenflation”? Matt Simon – Wired – This article, which focuses on air source heat pumps, posits that the bottleneck in building decarbonization is a lack of trained workers. “The result is classic ‘Greenflation,’ a temporary rise in the costs associated with decarbonization due to market constraints, says climate economist Gernot Wagner of the Columbia Business School in New York. ‘Yes, there is a shortage of qualified contractors,’ he says. But it’s a good problem to have, he argues, and ‘one where there’s an obvious solution’ on the road to decarbonizing our civilization. It’ll be costly to train more workers in the green economy, but that’ll end up paying huge dividends.” Do the same factors apply in the geothermal industry? Thanks to Maureen Maliszewski for this tip. Article link here.

Industry-Funded Report by Former U.S. Energy Secretary Promotes Natural Gas and LNG – Phil McKenna – Inside Climate News – “The report, led by former U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, came as an investigation by Democrats in Congress exposed efforts by the oil and gas industry to downplay the climate impact of natural gas. Referring explicitly to the new Moniz report on natural gas, (Sen. Sheldon) Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said ‘this report is yet another example of the industry deceiving the public about the compatibility of continued—or even expanded—production of natural gas with the scientific emission reduction targets we must achieve in order to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and avoid the very worst effects of climate change.’” Article link here.

Kathy Hochul’s Show of Power – Errol Lewis – Intelligencer – “The passage of New York’s big, complicated state budget — every penny of the $237 billion the government plans to spend on your behalf over the next 12 months — is a portrait of power: who’s got the juice, who’s on the rise, and who got caught bluffing with a weak hand. Governor Hochul clearly came out a winner, announcing victory and leaving town several days before the Legislature finished the budget. ‘This is a big deal — a very big deal. Everything that got done — the policy that we announced that I wanted to get done — my priorities in January are all in this budget,’ she told me, holding up a big framed checklist of policies that resembled the menu in a 24-hour diner.”  Article link here.

Subsidized Heat Pump Installation Is Driving Growth of Clean Energy Jobs in Maine Stephen Singer – Portland Press Herald – “Maine's 'clean energy economy' accounted for 15,000 jobs at the end of 2022, posting stronger growth than the economy generally, according to a study commissioned by the Governor's Energy Office. Subsidies of up to $10,600 for heat pump installation include rebates of as much as $8,000 by the Efficiency Maine Trust, a quasi-state agency that promotes energy efficiency, and federal tax credits of up to $2,600. In addition to cutting greenhouse gas emissions, the public money is helping to drive job growth to install, repair and service electric heat pumps.” Thanks to Allison McMunn of Sunstone Strategies for this tip. Article link here.

EPA Next Gen ENERGY STAR Rating – Building on the 30-year legacy of the EPA’s ENERGY STAR program, the ENERGY STAR NextGen certification will recognize homes and apartments with increased energy efficiency; reduced on-site emissions through heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, electric cooking appliances; and residential electric vehicle charging. Compared to typical code-level construction, homes earning the ENERGY STAR NextGen certification will be 20% more efficient and help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40%–80%”. Press release here.

Distribution Grid Can Be the Hero of the Energy Transition – S&C Electric Company – “Much of the private and government funding to pursue (climate) goals is channeled to new generation and transmission projects. Meanwhile, investment in the distribution grid comes up short, even though it must support the wave of electric vehicles (EVs), heat pumps and DERs that will connect to the grid’s edge. Without an improved distribution grid, electrification and decentralization cannot be fully realized and decarbonization will be much more difficult.” Article link here.

Over 100,000 Manufacturing Jobs Announced Since Inflation Reduction Act Passed - Sean Wolfe – Renewable Energy World – “In all, at least 305 major clean energy projects have been announced in 40 states and Puerto Rico since the IRA passed, according to E2’s analysis. Companies have also announced at least 105,454 new jobs and over $123 billion in capital investment for these projects.” Article link here.

Vermont Lawmakers Approve 100% Renewable Electricity Mandate -

Kevin McCallum – Seven Days, Vermont’s Independent Voice - Vermont’s senate has passed a bill that would require the state’s utilities be powered 100% by renewables by 2035. H.289 would double the amount of renewables utilities are required to build in state; require utilities to provide customers with additional, new renewable energy of any size from anywhere in the region; and yes, require utilities to provide customers with 100% renewable electricity (some by 2030, others by 2035 at the latest). Republican Gov. Phil Scott is expected to veto the bill, but the veto will likely be overturned by the state legislature. Thanks to Anne Rabe of NYPIRG for this tip. Article link here.

Looming Power Grid Rules Will Have Impact – Jeff St. John - Canary Media – “Federal regulators are split on how to spread grid costs among states with dramatically different clean energy policies. Next week, they’ll reveal their decision.” Article link here.

NY’s Public Power Law Makes Uneven Progress – Akielly Hu – Canary Media - “New York Power Authority is preparing to build state-owned clean energy projects for the first time — but advocates want more transparency…The Build Public Renewables Act authorized the New York Power Authority, a state-owned public power utility, to build and own clean energy projects for the first time. If the state falls short of its ambitious climate goals, the law mandates that NYPA step up to build renewables that will keep the state on track.”  Article link here.

The Future of Gas in Illinois - Juanpablo Ramirez-Franco- WBEZ Chicago – “Illinois utility spending will greatly increase consumer bills, a new report warns… Between 2014 to 2022, the state’s four largest gas utilities turbocharged their spending on gas infrastructure by more than $9 billion. Ratepayers will be paying these costs off for the next 40 to 70 years, according to the report’s authors. They warn that if state officials do not curb utility spending, ‘Illinois is on course to maintain its entire gas system indefinitely.’ ” Article link here.

Minnesota Hits Zero-Carbon Power Milestone – Sean Wolf – Renewable Energy World – A new report shows that zero-carbon power generated 54% of Minnesota’s electricity in 2023, marking the fourth consecutive year that zero-carbon power has made up the majority of Minnesota’s electricity (54%), compared to the national share of carbon-free power at 41%. The article includes renewable energy highlights for the state. Article link here.

EV Sales Are Up, But So Is Oil Demand – Nicholas Kusnetz – Inside Climate News – The IEA’s “Stated Policies Scenario,” foresees oil consumption declining only 3 percent by 2050. However, the EPA expects EVs and plug-in hybrids to cut U.S. gasoline and diesel consumption by about 14 percent by 2050. Further, RMI, an energy research institute, said accelerating adoption rates are a better predictor of the future. Falling battery costs, increased policy support and shifting consumer attitudes could mean that electric vehicles will account for more than 60 percent of new vehicle sales globally by 2030, resulting in oil demand falling faster than current policies would suggest. Article link here.

Global Electricity Review 2024 – Malgorzata Wiatros-Motyka, Dave Jones, Nicolas Fulghum - Ember – Renewables generated a record 30% of global electricity in 2023, driven by growth in solar and wind. With record construction of solar and wind in 2023, 2023 was likely the pivot point, marking peak emissions in the power sector. Solar is the fastest-growing source of electricity generation and surpassed wind to become the largest source of new electricity. The pace of emissions declines will be shaped by how quickly the build-out of clean power continues. Countries are already demonstrating the key enablers that galvanize rapid growth in solar and wind, including high-level policy ambition, incentive mechanisms, and flexibility solutions. Article link here

NY-GEO Member Updates:

Deeper (500'+) Borehole Completion Reports

As NY-GEO continues to advocate for clean energy transitions and cutting-edge ground source solutions, we kindly remind Geothermal Drillers of the importance of voluntarily submitting the Geothermal Borehole Information Form. This is for any closed loop geothermal borehole drilled beyond 500 feet in depth. NY-GEO has agreed to share this information with the NYS DEC as part of collaboration to develop appropriate regulation for deeper geothermal closed loop boreholes over the next year. To delve deeper into this initiative and access the Completion Report, click here. Let's lead the way for a sustainable energy future together!

NY-GEO Working Groups - Advancing GSHP in NYS

NY-GEO is at the forefront of expanding the geothermal heat pump industry, fostering workforce development, and advocating for the benefits of geothermal heat pumps to policymakers and building owners alike. Our commitment to driving the widespread adoption of ground-source heat pumps for heating and cooling needs in New York State is steadfast. We invite our members to contribute their expertise towards these sustainable energy goals. The time commitment for participation in each working group typically ranges from 3 to 5 hours per month, including any necessary follow-up. If you are passionate about advancing sustainable heating and cooling solutions, we encourage you to get involved by responding promptly. Learn more here.

NY-GEO Conference Highlights:

NY-GEO 2024 Spring Conference - Albany Recordings Available

Elevate your expertise with access to the NY-GEO 2024 Spring Conference recordings in Albany. Dive into a wealth of knowledge curated by industry leaders, now made available through the dedication of NY-GEO BOD Member and Conference Co-Chair, John Ciovacco. Immerse yourself in the latest insights and innovations in geothermal energy, unlocking a trove of educational resources to propel geothermal and GSHP forward. Explore the presentation decks and recordings to gain valuable insights into Geothermal, GSHP, Thermal Networks, Drilling, Training, the IRA and more. Seize this opportunity to expand your knowledge and network within the renewable energy sector. Access the conference recordings now to stay at the forefront of geothermal advancements and drive sustainable change here.

NY-GEO 2024 Fall Conference - Brooklyn, NY October 21-23

As NY-GEO gears up for an extraordinary event, we invite you to register to experience a lineup of fabulous keynotes, two days brimming with informative education sessions, and a showcase of geothermal energy solutions presented by our committed sponsors and exhibitors.

This event goes beyond the ordinary by offering attendees the unique opportunity to visit geothermal sites in NYC on October 21, providing firsthand experience and insights. With unparalleled networking opportunities and access to top industry experts, this gathering is a must for professionals, policymakers, businesses, and building owners dedicated to decarbonizing New York State. Immerse yourself in the world of geothermal technology and join us in Brooklyn October 21-23. Learn more and register

Top Job 2024 - Brooklyn, NY

The Top Job Competition presented by GeoStar has been an integral part of the NY-GEO annual conference since its inception in 2015. Its objective is to highlight and recognize the incredible skill, talent, and creative imagination that exists in geothermal system designers and installers.

Another vital objective is to communicate to those outside the industry and policymakers the variety of ways this technology can be applied, especially in situations where daunting challenges seem impossible to overcome and yet they are.

NEW: This year we will recognize and award three winners one each in Residential, Commercial and Drilling. Recognizing for those who are working hard to advance geothermal in New York State. Learn more and submit.

Contractor’s Corner:

This week we’ll have a couple briefs on what approaching electrification is starting to look like for homeowners.


From Digital Scan to Decarbonization Plan – Alison Takemura – Canary Media – Startup “Zero Homes aims to make electrification easier and cheaper by quoting projects — to install heat pumps, EV chargers, and more — without setting foot in your house. Here’s how Zero’s process works: After a homeowner downloads Zero’s app on their phone, they use it to take a digital scan of their home (a video walk-through of every room); share utility data; and upload photos of their appliances, electrical meter, electrical panel, and more — all of which takes about 45 minutes. Then, the homeowner has a 45-minute video call with one of Zero’s electrification advisors to discuss goals and needs. With that info, Zero furnishes quotes for different home decarbonization projects. If a homeowner decides to move forward with any of them, they sign a contract with Zero, which locks in the price. Zero then notifies a local partner installer to schedule a time with the homeowner to do the job.” Article link here.

Choosing a Contractor for Home Electrification Projects - Michael Coren – Washington Post Climate Advisor – “…Home upgrades are rarely easy, but home electrification projects present a novel challenge. The technology inside modern appliances such as heat pumps, water heaters, induction stoves and EV chargers advances quickly. Devices may talk to the electrical grid and each other. Not everyone is prepared to treat the home as a digital, interconnected system, especially for homes that were designed for the fossil-fuel era… I decided to install an induction stove, EV charger, heat pump, water heater and a new electrical panel in my house. By ensuring they were in the right order, I’ve been able to save money (and headaches). By rewiring the house for all future appliances, not just what I needed that year, it eliminated the need to call back an electrician." Article link here.

Climate Updates:

Ocean Heat Waves Trigger Mass Die-Offs of Sealife, and Grief in Marine Scientists – Bob Berwyn – Inside Climate News – “Heat waves recently extended across nearly 30 percent of the world’s oceans, an expanse equivalent to the surface area of North America, Asia, Europe and Africa… the impacts on marine ecosystems are mostly hidden beneath the surface of the seas, except to researchers, divers, fisher people and other careful observers. 'The impact of these warm seas may be difficult to grasp and comprehend, but the undersea world seems to be suffocating.' said Ben Noll, a climate scientist with New Zealand’s National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research.” Article link here.

Thousands of fish washed up dead on the Texas Gulf Coast’s Quintana Beach on June 11, 2023. Credit: Quintana Beach County Park/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images


Common Medications Can Make People More Vulnerable to Heat – Charlotte Hu – Scientific American – “As climate change brings more intense heat waves, scientists are trying to understand how certain medications interact with the body’s thermoregulation system. Studies have established that people with chronic illnesses such as schizophrenia, diabetes and cardiovascular or respiratory disease are generally more vulnerable to overheating—and the medications they need may actually worsen these risks… These include diuretics, antipsychotics, beta-blockers, stimulants, antihypertensives and anticholinergic medications (which include Parkinson’s and bladder-control medications).” Article link here.

2024 To Be Warmest Year on Record? - Zeke Hausfather – The Breakthrough Institute - "With four months of data now in from ERA5, we see a roughly 66% chance that 2024 will surpass 2023 as the warmest year on record – and a >99% chance it will be one of the top-two warmest years. The current best-estimate is that 2024 will come it at just above 1.5C.” Tweet link here.

Venezuela Loses Last Glacier – Neelima Vallangi - The Guardian -Venezuela has lost its last remaining glacier after it shrunk so much that scientists reclassified it as an ice field. It is thought Venezuela is the first country to have lost all its glaciers in modern times. The country had been home to six glaciers in the Sierra Nevada de Mérida mountain range, which lies at about 5,000m above sea level. Five of the glaciers had disappeared by 2011, leaving just the Humboldt glacier, also known as La Corona, close to the country’s second highest mountain, Pico Humboldt."  Article link here.

Olive Oil Prices Soaring – Alessio Perrone - Scientific America - "Climate-fueled droughts and heat waves have hampered olive oil production across Greece, Italy and Spain, which supplies more than 40 percent of the world’s olive oil. Rains in March and April could help bolster production, but overall scientists expect climate change impacts are only going to get worse." Article link here

TV Anchor Faints While Reading Heatwave Updates - Shatabdi Chowdhury – India News – “Amid the intense heat, a TV anchor recently fainted while reading heatwave updates live on air… Lopamudra Sinha, an anchor with the Kolkata branch of Doordarshan, could be heard slurring while reading out the information before she blacked out. Ms Sinha said she fainted ‘due to intense heat and because her blood pressure plummeted suddenly’. The anchor also said that due to some snag in the cooling system, there was extreme heat inside the studio." Article link here.

Phoenix Braces – and Plans - for Another Hot, Dry Summer - Wyatt Myskow – Inside Climate News – “After a record-hot summer last year in Phoenix, with 54 days reaching 110 degrees or higher and 645 heat-related deaths, city leaders are ramping up efforts even more this year.” Article link here.

Kenya: Public Holiday to Mourne Flood Victims – Evelyn Musambi – Daily Independent – “Kenya’s President William Ruto has declared Friday a public holiday to mourn the 238 people who have died due to ongoing flooding. The president on Wednesday said the day will be observed by national tree planting activities to help mitigate the effects of climate change. Kenya, along with other parts of East Africa, have been overwhelmed by floods. More than 235,000 people are displaced and living in dozens of camps.“ Article link here.


"We know from a recent study that every tenth of a degree in temperature rise that we prevent keeps 140 million of our brothers and sisters in habitable zones on this planet. And nothing has changed my basic conviction about the key: we need to keep building huge movements to finally break the political power of the fossil fuel industry and force the emergency conversion to clean energy.Bill McKibben

You've Got to Be Kidding:

"A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it."

Bob Hope

Frequent Sources for Just In! briefs:

Green Energy Times

City & State First Read

POLITICO Weekly NY & NJ Energy email)

Canary Media

National Building Electrification Network & Sunstone Strategies

Just in! thanks NY-GEO board member John Ciovacco of Aztech Geothermal for his frequent proofreading contributions to this publication and Paul Maliszewski for his work on the briefs.


*Indicates a New Listing or Updated Information

2024 05 15 Calculating IRA Benefits for Commercial GHP Systems – 3:00 pm ET – California GEO Underground Learning Series – “…our next UNDERGROUND will feature the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. It is nearly 2 years old and many still don't know of its scope, current accomplishments, or citizen eligibility to participate. Today, Joe Parsons, Senior Marketing Sustainability Manager at Climate Control Group, will help us focus on its benefits to commercial projects with geo heat pumps.” Register here.


2024 05 15 – Creating a Home Electrification Plan – 3:00 pm ET – RMI & Electrify Now – “In this 30-minute webinar, we'll show you how to develop a simple electrification plan tailored to your home's unique needs, so you’re ready to take advantage of new rebates, tax credits, and other programs when it’s time to replace appliances with new high efficiency all-electric upgrades. An informed plan will help you electrify, whether you want to swap systems out as they fail or you’re ready to get off fossil fuels and improve your home’s performance right now.”  Register here.


2024 05 22Joint Renewable Heat Now/NY Renews Rally for Assembly Action on NY HEAT - 11:00am – 4:00 pm ET – The NY Senate has already passed the NY Home Energy Affordable Transition (HEAT) Act – “Join the Renewable Heat Now Campaign and the NY Renews Campaign for a press conference and lobby day calling on the Assembly to join the Senate in passing the NY HEAT Act before the end of session. New York's families can't wait another year for cleaner heat and lower bills!” Register Here

2024 05 22Ontario Geothermal Association 2024 Conference – OGA 2024 Conference in Hamilton, Ontario is all about bringing stakeholders together with a theme of GeoThermal “The New Normal”.  Join us for networking, collaborations and initiatives that will help Municipal advisors, HVACR professionals, consulting engineers & designers, as well as developers, educators and utilities Canada reach its 2030 and 2050 climate action goals. OGA 2024 Conference website including registration here.

2024 05 22 - 05 24 IGSHPA Accredited Installer (AI) Course - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm ET each day - Held at the Energy Catalyst Training Facility in Troy, NY, this 3-day course will allow attendees to take a test to become an IGSHPA certified contractor. This certification is required to be a participant in the NYS Clean Heat Program and is recognized by most rebate agencies, including Mass Save and Efficiency Vermont. This Accredited Installer training will be provided by NY-GEO member and IGSHPA Certified Trainer Jacquie Scherer. HDPE pipe fusion training is included. Register through the IGSHPA events page.

2024 05 28 to 30IGSHPA Research Conference - The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) is pleased to announce that the next IGSHPA Research Conference will be held at Polytechnique Montréal. This is the fourth in a series of research conferences held in Denver (2017), Stockholm (2018), and Las Vegas (2022).  Conference website here

*2024 05 29 – NYC- Stockholm Retrofit Exchange – 9:30-11:00 am ET – “Last summer, Building Energy Exchange and NYSERDA organized a delegation of U.S. companies to embark on a fact-finding mission to Stockholm, Sweden. Stockholm has become an international frontrunner in sustainable urban development, with leading examples of district-level smart growth encompassing buildings, transportation, waste, and community engagement. …With support from NYSERDA, BE-Ex has gathered all the lessons learned and perspectives gained into a compelling report, International Exchanges – Solutions for Low Carbon Building: Stockholm, which distills the best practices observed in Stockholm by our U.S. delegation.” This webinar will introduce the report. Register here.


*2024 05 30 – Data Resource on Residential Electrification Incentives - 1:00 pm ET – Building Decarbonization Coalition – “The National Open Data for Electrification (NODE) Collective is a nonprofit alliance creating the most comprehensive and up-to-date open data repository of every residential electrification incentive program in the nation, with plans to make the resource open and accessible to all. Join this webinar to hear from NODE’s founding organizations – Eli Technologies, Building Decarbonization Coalition (BDC), Rewiring America, North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center, and RMI – discuss the progress to date, the NODE Collective roadmap, and how this initiative can spur market innovation and make residential electrification more affordable for consumers." Register here.

*2024 05 31 - 06 03 Tour: The Public Health Case for All-Electric Buildings - “Join Concerned Health Professionals of New York and Better Buildings New York at these local events. Experts will be sharing the latest groundbreaking data on the health and safety impacts of gas appliances in our homes and buildings and learn how you can make the switch to electric. We’ll also share the policies, proceedings and projects addressing the dangers of gas and helping facilitate the all-electric transition locally and statewide.”

Events scheduled for:


*2024 06 11Michigan Geothermal Energy Association Annual Conference - · 8am - 4pm ET - This conference features Missy Stults, City of Ann Arbor as our keynote speaker. Educational session will be in three (3) separate tracks, Residential, Commercial and Utility. Ryan Dougherty from GEO Exchange to provide the national perspective. Conference Registration.

 2024 10 21 to 23 NY-GEO 2024 – Fall Conference – New York City – The New York Brooklyn Bridge Marriott will host a two-day conference with a day of local project site tours, over 40 educational sessions, and the NY-GEO Annual Dinner. This is NY-GEO's first conference Downstate and will emphasize content on how to address densely populated areas and large commercial buildings. To register for NYC and learn more about becoming a sponsor and or exhibitor click here.


NY-GEO Members can attend the conference at a discounted rate, so now is a good time to renew your membership through 2024. To receive the discounted member rates, employees of your organization must be populated in the member database. Reach out to NY-GEO Executive Director Christine Hoffer at christine@ny-geo.org for assistance.


Not a Member? Click Here to Join!  

JOBS !                                                                    * = new listing

We NEED Your NY-GEO Member Job PostingsPlease add any job openings you may have to our NY-GEO Job Listings to gain visibility and help recruit new employees to your organization. This feature is available to all NY-GEO members, simply log into your account, select the NY-GEO Job Listings in the left toolbar, select Add in the upper right, and complete the form. If you need assistance, let us know at christine@ny-geo.org.


The Building Performance Contractors Association (BPCA) Career Center is here. 

Ongoing – NYSERDA is hiring! The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has ongoing recruitment opportunities. All qualified individuals will be evaluated for each relevant position for which they apply. Check this page periodically to learn about new career opportunities.

Become an NY-GEO Member

NY GEO is the driving force in the mass adoption of Ground Source (Geothermal) Heat Pumps for residential, commercial, and utility-scale heating and cooling in New York State. NY-GEO's mission is to grow the geothermal heat pump industry and develop its workforce while educating policymakers building/property developers and residents about the benefits of geothermal heat pumps.

We are a member-funded, non-profit trade organization and we depend on YOUR SUPPORT to expand the use of clean, renewable, geothermal heating and cooling systems for the benefit

of all.

Learn more about the benefits of becoming an NY-GEO member and why your membership is important to advancing GHP, Click here.