Just In! for March 1, 2025

The weekly newsletter of the New York Geothermal Energy Organization (NY-GEO)

Just In! is NY-GEO's weekly news feed for members. See more information on memberships here. If we send you a complimentary copy and you're not a member of NY-GEO, it means we value your role in the transition to renewable heating, but without a membership, please don't count on getting Just In! weekly. For past issues, check out the Just In! Archive available on the website.

Industry Updates:

NY Codes Council Moves All-Electric New Buildings Provisions Forward – On Friday 2025 02 28, the NY Fire Prevention and Building Code Council unanimously voted to move the full code provisions of NY’s All-Electric Building Act into public review in anticipation of adopting the codes at the Council’s June meeting in time for enforcement starting January 1st 2026. Before the vote, the Council heard from Chris Corcoran, Assistant Director of NYSERDA’s Codes, Products and Standards team, who presented NYSERDA’s analysis that the code revisions meet New York’s cost effectiveness standard – see graphic below. Although the revisions are faithful to the Legislature’s All-Electric Building Act, they don’t completely comply with other recommendations contained in the State’s Climate Action Scoping Plan. Stakeholders are urged to provide more comments to the Council during the formal public comment process (SAPA) and can write Michael Hernandez of Rewiring America at with questions or to request a slide deck showing what is in and what is out in the proposed code revisions. Link to detailed NY Focus article.

2025 02 28 NYS Codes Council meeting


Wisdom on “Hot Rocks” Geothermal – Geothermal Designer and Educator Ed Lohrenz of GEOptimize (an Endurant Company) on Linked In –– “It's great that ‘hot rocks’ geothermal is starting to produce electricity at lower capital cost...but a geothermal heat pump system produces an equivalent amount of thermal energy at a much lower capital cost than that. A ground source heat pump (GSHP) reduces electrical demand by about 0.6 kW per ton of cooling load… The cost of the ground heat exchanger needed to deliver this efficiency ranges from about $1,000 - $2,500 per kW...less than half the cost of ‘hot rocks’ geo.  When you consider that a ground heat exchanger can be built almost anywhere and ‘hot rocks’ geo is much more geographically limited, there is no question about the most cost-effective way of delivering energy to a project.” GEOptimize website.

This chart from a GEOptimize monitor shows how little electricity is needed relative to the amount of heat provided to the building.


National Grid’s Revised Clean Heat Incentives Start Today – “Installations taking place March 1, 2025 or after are eligible for the following incentive amounts:" Link.

In addition “National Grid has updated the High Priority Electrification Zip Codes list, adding additional locations! Customers in these gas-constrained zip codes, who meet the following eligibility criteria, may qualify for 25% more in National Grid Clean Heat incentives!

  • ASHP Installations must decommission Natural Gas Heating Source
  • GSHP Installations are eligible
  • Heat Pump Water Heaters do not qualify
  • No New Construction
  • IMPORTANT: Only National Grid Gas Heating Customers are Eligible” 

View Zip Codes.

Your Utility Bill Keeps Going Up. Could The NY Heat Act Stop It? - Mariana Simoes – City Limits – “Supporters of the NY Heat Act say it could solve New Yorkers’ rising energy bills by curbing the expansion of gas infrastructure and stopping utility customers from picking up the hefty tab… a new version of the legislation reintroduced this year addresses concerns raised by assemblymembers last year, its sponsors say.” Link.

University at Buffalo to Install Thermal Energy Network – Dan J. Hill – UB Now – “Gov. Kathy Hochul on Feb. 12 announced $150 million in funding for SUNY and CUNY campuses from New York State’s $4.2 billion Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022. UB’s portion, which totals $12 million, will go toward installation of a thermal energy network. In fall 2023 UB completed its South Campus Clean Energy Master Plan, which advances a detailed blueprint of how 67 buildings will be adapted, the thermal network that will be created and the funding and training needed to make it happen. Implementation of this plan is already taking place, with full renovations of both Crosby and Foster halls, transforming them into state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities with no scope 1 or 2 carbon emissions.” Link.

NY-GEO Joins Call for Governor Hochul to Cut Pollution and Release Cap-and-Invest Rules – On February 26th the New Yorkers for Clean Air coalition, alongside legislators and community advocates, gathered in Albany to demand immediate action from Governor Kathy Hochul on the overdue cap-and-invest (NYCI) rules.  NY-GEO Executive Director Christine Hoffer noted “The Cap-and-Invest program is a critical step toward reducing climate pollution while providing New Yorkers with financial relief on energy bills.  It will generate much-needed funding to modernize our energy infrastructure, expand clean energy, and create well-paying jobs. Large-scale thermal energy projects offer a clear path to reducing fossil fuel reliance while ensuring a just transition for gas utility workers. NY-GEO is ready to support this shift with a skilled geothermal workforce and urges the timely adoption of NYCI to build a cleaner, more sustainable New York.” Link.

NY-GEO ED Christine Hoffer advocates for NY Cap & Invest (NYCI)


Report: The Global Campaign Against Building Electrification – Influence Map - “A new report by InfluenceMap shows how the oil & gas and utilities industries are leveraging a common fossil fuel playbook to prolong the use of fossil gas in buildings globally. The analysis includes three case studies from Australia, the European Union, and the United States to demonstrate how these industries are deploying specific narratives to block or weaken building electrification policies in these regions." Link.

Volunteer-led District Heating Company Brings Sustainable Warmth to 1,000 Buildings – Lars Gullev – HotCool Magazine - “There are many DH (District Heating) companies in Denmark supporting the transition to a greener energy solution. The establishment of Bjæverskov District Heating Company exemplifies local citizens’ efforts to phase out individual heating systems powered by fossil fuels like oil and natural gas. Instead, they choose collective district heating solutions based on surplus heat from a large electric transformer station, air-to-water heat pumps, electric boiler, and initially, an existing natural gas boiler.” Link.

Howarth Discusses LNG Climate Impacts at Davos Economic Forum – Cornell Professor and greenhouse gas expert Robert Howarth gave a series of presentations on the climate impact of LNG exports at the January World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. An 18-minute video of Howarth co presenting can be found at this link.

Working on Sustainable Heating Solutions for Enfield in Tompkins County - Assemblymember Anna Kelles’ email Update – “If you are going to hang with hard working dedicated firefighters you better be willing to walk in their ‘jacket’ for a moment! I walked away deeply inspired by the 50+ volunteers at the Enfield fire station… During my tour of the station, we discussed the upcoming project to replace the aging heating system and the possibility of installing a networked geothermal system with surrounding town government buildings, which, although more expensive initially, could save the community tens of thousands of dollars annually. This project offers an exciting chance to improve heating while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and saving money!"

Former UK Fracking Site May Be Tapped for Geothermal Heat – Chris Baraniuk - BBC - “Several old fossil fuel wells in the north of England – including one that runs 3km deep – were going to be used for fracking. Instead, they may be a template for the UK's geothermal industry.” Thanks to NY-GEO member Paul Coons for this tip. Link.

The site of the KM8 borehole was originally to be used for fracking, but may now be tapped for geothermal (Credit: Getty Images)


ILSR Energy Democracy Scorecard – Dan Gearino – Inside Climate News – “Just about every state does poorly in the Institute for Local Self-Reliance’s (ILSR) annual Community Power Scorecard, and that’s part of the point…Illinois again ranked highest, receiving a B grade thanks to consumer-friendly rules for owning rooftop solar, plentiful opportunities for subscription-based community solar and many other rules and laws that give people choices on their energy use.  No state got an A. The Institute for Local Self-Reliance advocates for locally owned energy systems, community choices on energy, and protection from being financially abused by utility companies.  The scorecard, which had its first edition in 2018, shows the sum of results in 18 categories.” New York ranked 4th, tied with California, behind Illinois, Oregon and Colorado, Link.

West Philly Tool Library Lets You ‘Test-Drive’ a Gas-Less Cooktop Before Taking the Plunge – Sophia Schmidt – WHYY - “The West Philly Tool Library is renting out two new portable induction cooktops, so households can try out the gas-free technology at home before investing in a new stove. ‘You’re not going to go out and buy a huge [induction] stove to replace your current cooking setup, just to try it out and see,’ said Jason Sanders, director of the West Philly Tool Library, a nonprofit in the Cedar Park neighborhood that rents out thousands of tools for DIY home renovations and auto repairs. ‘This is a very affordable way to do that.’ ” Link.

Conservatives Win in Germany, But Will Be Limited in Ability to Make Big Changes to Climate and Energy Policy - Dan Gearino – Inside Climate News – “The center-right Christian Democratic Union won the general election on Sunday with promises to restrict immigration, reduce taxes and make energy more affordable… ‘The story of tonight is that we have a government that has a fresh mandate but a weak mandate, but goes into a situation where they actually need a strong mandate,’ Jan Techau, director of Europe for the Eurasia Group, said on the German television network DW News.” Link.

Study: Countries Use More Land for Golf Courses Than for Solar or Wind Energy – Christen Jaynes – EcoWatch - “The amount of land needed for renewable energy projects is sometimes criticized, but a new study points out that, in countries like the United Kingdom and the United States, much more land gets allocated for golf courses than renewable energy facilities. In the 10 countries in the world that have the most golf courses, a course’s area could support as much as 659 gigawatts (GW) of wind capacity and 842 GW of solar capacity, which exceeds the installed capacity for many of the renewable energy facilities, IOP Publishing reported.” Link.

The National Mood on Energy Policy – Eva Brungard – Data for Policy - “Overall, an overwhelming majority (70%) of voters support taking action to address climate change. This includes a majority of both Republicans (54%) and Independents (74%). The highest support is among young voters (81%) – those under 35 – and Democrats (87%). Majorities across every demographic group tested support taking action to address climate change.” Thanks to Lynda Schneekloth from the Sierra Club Niagara Group for this tip. Link.

Powering Up the Global South - Vikram Singh – RMI – “This report provides new analysis that shows the Global South is in fact adopting cleantech faster than the Global North.  In Powering Up the Global South, RMI illustrates that Global South countries are deploying cleantech rapidly and will continue to do so as their path to growth. The research shows that three-quarters of the Global South’s energy demand is in the ‘sweet spot’ of change based on their level of fossil fuel imports, income, energy demand, and available renewable resources.”  Link.

Capex = capital expenditures

NY-GEO Conference Highlights

Geothermal 101

**Presented on October 22, 2024, at NY-GEO 2024 in Brooklyn, NY**

For those who are new to the world of heat pumps for heating, cooling and hot water, this workshop gives you a basic understanding of the technology including how and where it’s best applied. For those whose job it is to explain or sell heat pumps, this presentation will prove to be invaluable.


·       Amanda Schneck / WaterFurnace International & NY-GEO Board

Session YouTube Recording

Presentation Deck

All Pics from NY-GEO 2024 Brooklyn Are Posted !!! – Conference Co-Chair John Ciovacco has edited and posted 540 Day Two pictures of the October 21-23 NY-GEO Conference in Brooklyn. They now join the 730 pictures he had earlier posted from Day One. Check out the action and perhaps see your pic here.

Early Bird Pricing is Open for NY-GEO 2025 in Beautiful Saratoga Springs from April 22nd- 24th - NY-GEO hosted two conferences in 2024 with a combined attendance of over 1,000 people. In 2025 we will hold just one conference (i.e. April 2025 in Saratoga) . NY-GEO has proven to be the must-attend geothermal conference to connect, share insights and explore the latest advances in the GSHP industry. What to expect at NY-GEO 2025:

  • Pre-Conference Site Tours and Geothermal Drilling Demonstrations
  • Two Days of Education with Multiple Tracks
  • NEW Larger Exhibitor Space
  •  Annual Dinner and Top Job Awards

Mark your calendars and be part of the geothermal conversation. Your voice, expertise and participation are what makes NY-GEO conferences so valuable! Learn More and Register for NY-GEO 2025

Contractor's Corner:

Applying Coiled Tubing Technology to Ground-Source Geothermal – Interview with Soren Soe of CoilRig- Episode 144 – The Driller Newscast – “What pans out to be the differences in the actual drilling is, once you start drilling, you are continuously drilling. It is continuous and that has, of course, an impact on productivity because, I mean, drilling a 500-foot geothermal borehole, you would have, say, 25 rods. You need to put 25 rods together going in, and you need to put 25 rods apart pulling out. So that's 50 connections you have to make every time you drill a 500-foot hole. And let's say you have a good day, you do three of them a day. That's 150 rod connections you are doing… In coiled tubing… you set your feed system depending on how you're drilling and it just looks after itself.” In addition to advantages, this article also goes into the challenges of using coiled tubing for geothermal drilling. Link to podcast and transcript.

Troubleshooting HVAC Checklist – Howard McKew, P.E., C.P.E. – Engineered Systems News - “For years I've had the privilege to be asked to troubleshoot problematic heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) installations. You could say I have made a career of this, and I have always enjoyed the challenge of striving to find a solution to a building owner or facility manager's operational problem. Over time, I have created a master checklist of what to look for after you have met with your client (Step 1) and prior to heading out to walk the site.” Link.

Climate Updates:

"We know from a recent study that every tenth of a degree in temperature rise that we prevent keeps 140 million of our brothers and sisters in habitable zones on this planet. And nothing has changed my basic conviction about the key: we need to keep building huge movements to finally break the political power of the fossil fuel industry and force the emergency conversion to clean energy.Bill McKibben

Economist’s Dire Forecast on Climate Change’s GDP – Jenni Doering interviews Dr. Tim Lenton, professor at the University of Exeter and co-author of the 2025 Planetary Solvency Report - Living on Earth - “Modeling shows an estimated loss of global GDP of up to 50 percent in coming decades—unless we make changes now. Link.

Extreme Heat Is Making Us Age Faster - Beth Newcomb - USC Davis School – “A new USC (University of Southern California) Leonard Davis School of Gerontology study suggests greater exposure to extreme heat may accelerate biological aging in older adults, raising new concerns about how climate change and heat waves could affect long-term health and aging at the molecular level… having a biological age greater than one’s chronological age is associated with higher risk for disease and mortality”.  Link.

This Week's Work of Art

Beep starring Ambika Mod – The 2 minute UK video below is a comment on the role the finance industry plays in funding climate change and stars award-winning British actress Ambika Mod. From the video sponsor, makemymoneymatter: “Our planet is burning and our banks are fueling the fire.  UK high-street banks Barclays, Lloyds, HSBC, NatWest and Santander have funded fossil fuels with $556 billion since 2016. We’re seeing the climate crisis in action. From California to Australia, from Brazil to Portugal, the world is on fire. It’s time to go green. Switch to Nationwide, Starling or Triodos Bank. Act now at” Link. 

Frequent Sources for Just In! briefs:

City & State First Read

POLITICO (Weekly NY & NJ Energy email)

Canary Media

Sunstone Strategies & the National Building Electrification Network


Author Bill McKibben

Renewable Energy World

Inside Climate News

Building Decarbonization Coalition

Renewable Heat Now

NY State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)

Just in! is produced each week by NY-GEO board member Bill Nowak. Thanks to fellow NY-GEO board member John Ciovacco of Aztech Geothermal for his weekly proofreading contributions to this publication and Paul Maliszewski for his work on the briefs. We welcome your feedback and suggestions sent to


*Indicates a New Listing ** Indicates Updated Information

*2025 03 03 – NY State Energy Plan Scope 2:00-4:00 pm ET – “The New York State Energy Planning Board… will meet to consider and act upon the minutes of the December 12, 2024 meeting of the Board and consider and act upon the adoption of the Scope for the State Energy Plan. The Board will also discuss investments in New York’s infrastructure, (and) the planned approach for techno-economic pathways analysis… The meeting is open to the public for listening only and will not include public comment.” Event web link. password: energy. In-person registration here.


*2025 03 05 – Lunch & Learn on the NY HEAT Act – Noon - New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund (NYLCVEF) - The NY HEAT Act would start the planning process for equitably and cost efficiently reducing our reliance on natural gas while also saving working New Yorkers money on their utility bills, and pushing us towards our climate goals. What does that mean exactly? Join us for an in depth explanation of exactly how NY HEAT will work and how it will benefit New Yorkers.” Register here.


*2025 03 05 NY Sierra Club Advocacy Hour on NY HEAT – 6:00 pm ET - After Advocacy Hours that focused on “the New York State Energy Plan, this year's legislative priorities, and a transportation bill, we're now putting the spotlight on the NY HEAT Act…a critical piece of legislation that makes sure our gas utilities will be regulated for our benefit… This Zoom meeting will put members and supporters in direct contact with our volunteers and staff who have years of experience fighting for the environment, so folks can learn about and take action on the most pressing issues of the month.” Register here.


2025 03 11 to 132025 IGSHPA Annual Conference – Breaking New Ground– From the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA): “Join us in Champaign, IL next March for our 2025 Annual Conference in collaboration with the Geothermal Alliance of Illinois!  Don't miss out on early bird pricing (ends January 31, 2025!), and as always, if you are a GAOI or IGSHPA member you get to register at a discount!” The conference agenda is now available on the conference websiteLink.

2025 03 12 IGSHPA Virtual Town Hall – 11:30 AM ET - “Join us on Wednesday, March 12 for a special LIVE Town Hall event direct from the IGSHPA/GAOI Annual Conference! IGSHPA Marketing Manager, Sally Stephens will take you on a virtual tour of the Conference Exhibit Hall and talk to various attendees, sponsors and exhibitors. This is your chance to engage with industry leaders, ask pressing questions, and gain invaluable insights into the latest developments in ground-source heat pump technology.  If you are not able to be with us in Champaign, be sure to tune in!" Register here.

*2025 03 12 March Teach-In on Energy Affordability – Noon to 1:30 pm ET – NYers for Clean Power - “Too many New Yorkers cannot afford their utility and heating bills, and the problem is only getting worse. This briefing will lay out the problem, identify some of the root causes, and highlight key policy solutions that will help lower energy costs now and into the future. 

  • Laurie Wheelock – Executive Director, Public Utility Law Project (PULP)
  • Annie Carforo – Climate Justice Campaigns Manager, WE ACT for Environmental Justice
  • Allison Considine – Senior Campaign & Communications Manager, Building Decarbonization Coalition (BDC)” Register here.


*2025 03 13 – Renewable Heat Now Power Hour – 7:00 pm ET – “We'll have an update on the legislative budget proposals and we'll go over the plans for the Albany mobilization the following week. As always, we'll have a great group of presenters and we'll take action together.” Register here.


2025 04 22 to 24NY-GEO 2025 in Saratoga Springs Early Bird Pricing is now available! This Upstate event will be our only/sole NY-GEO conference in 2025. For 2026 the NY-GEO conference is planned to be located Downstate – NYC area. The April 2025 NY-GEO events in Saratoga will include Pre-Conference Geothermal Drilling Demonstrations & GSHP Site Tours followed by 2 Days of Conference Education Sessions, co-located with a great Vendor Exhibition Hall. Check the NY-GEO 2025 Saratoga Springs page for information as it becomes available.   

2025 04 25 –Tube-In-Tube Piping – IGSHPA’s Dig Deeper series – “This webinar will introduce a new ground loop system, including a unique manifold to accommodate a tube-in-tube piping arrangement. The speakers will educate the audience by describing three recent installations, reviewing installation methodology, and describing the benefits of the system. As compared to the current approach for horizontal ground-loop installation, the system can be installed with fewer welds, reduced field time, less technical skill, reduced area of excavation (can be drilled from one location), and less impact to landscaping.” Register here.

Become a NY-GEO Member - NY-GEO is the driving force in the mass adoption of Ground Source (Geothermal) Heat Pumps for residential, commercial, and utility-scale heating and cooling in New York State. NY-GEO's mission is to grow the geothermal heat pump industry and develop its workforce while educating policymakers building/property developers and residents about the benefits of geothermal heat pumps.

We are a member-funded, non-profit trade organization and we depend on YOUR SUPPORT to expand the use of clean, renewable, geothermal heating and cooling systems for the benefit

of all.

Learn more about the benefits of becoming a NY-GEO member and why your membership is important to advancing GHP, Click here.