by Shari Harris
"If people really knew what they were, there'd be no wars, there'd be no poverty,
there'd be none of the ills that face humanity today."
William Buhlman, Monroe Institute
"As you stir in thought, winds begin to howl,
As you smile, waves of love lap upon eternal beaches,
As you speak, the floodgates of abundance and good fortune begin to tremble, and
As you dream, the stars realign."
Mike Dooley
Just Who Do We Think We Are?
Carol Bowman Says...
"Children's past life memories have the power to change lives."
"When a child speaks so innocently and knowingly about living before, and so calmly describes what happens after death and on the journey to rebirth, it is firsthand testimony to the truth that
our souls never die
. These memories present perhaps the best-documented evidence yet for reincarnation."
Children's Past Lives
by Carol Bowman
Carol Bowman
"Carol Bowman, M.S. is an internationally known author, lecturer, counselor, past life regression therapist, and pioneer in reincarnation studies. Her books,
Children’s Past Lives
(Bantam, 1997) and
Return from Heaven (
Harper Collins, 2001) are now classics in the reincarnation field, and have been published and read around the world in 22 foreign editions.
Carol has been a practicing past life regression therapist for adults for 30 years. She is a graduate of Simmons College in Boston. She studied with the pioneers in the field of past life regression, and holds an M.S. in Counseling from Villanova University.
Pioneering Author
Children’s Past Lives
is the first non-academic book to explore the phenomenon of children’s spontaneous past life memories. It tells Carol’s story of how her own children’s past life memories led her to do research. It also includes a guidebook for parents, to teach them how to recognize and respond when their children have these memories. Her research presents reincarnation as a practical reality in our lives and within our families.
Return from Heaven
expands the research to cases of reincarnation within the same family. The true stories are emotionally charged because they document families as they discovered that a deceased family member has returned in a new body as a child in the family. It is a truly miraculous discovery for them."
TV and Radio
Carol has been a leading spokesperson for children’s past lives since the publication of her first book in 1997. She is often invited to be a guest on TV and radio, and has appeared as a reincarnation expert on Oprah, Good Morning America, The Katie Show, Unsolved Mysteries, A&E, Discovery Channel, ABC Primetime, the BBC in England, on The Art Bell Show, and on Coast to Coast with George Noory. She has lectured in Brazil, Norway, Belgium, Ireland, Spain, Canada, the Netherlands, and at the Omega Institute and the Edgar Cayce Foundation.
"Must-See" Video of a Lecture by Carol Bowman Telling Her Story!
I had seen this video before and posted it on my website, but I just viewed it again. It is amazing and she is so credible! I hope you watch it! It is rather long, but I'd love for you to see at least the beginning. (I know you'll end up watching the rest sooner or later!!)
Carol Bowman tells her story of how she came to be interested in children's past lives because of the past life memories of her own children, and how she eventually went back to graduate school to become a therapist. She also tells about some of her amazing cases of children remembering past lives. Carol explains techniques to use with children who are traumatized by memories of violent death in a past life. She also does past life regressions with adults who often still have lingering fears associated with a past life. (See her website.)
Many of the children's cases have been verified through documentation (although verification is not her focus) and several have recently been published as books that I plan to review in future issues of my
Fascinating Past Lives
in this newsletter.
In her lecture, Carol Bowman quotes her mentor, the late Ian Stevenson, a past life researcher from the University of Virginia,
who claimed that "
there are three streams that feed into personality: nature, nurture and reincarnation."
(You can read an article about
Ian Stevenson
by clicking on his name.)
I am so excited to talk about children
who remember past lives!
There are so many fascinating stories about children who remember past lives and who often begin speaking about them as soon as they are able to talk. I will write about some of the best documented cases in future issues, but for the first issue about children, I want to begin with Carol Bowman's journey.
Carol is a mother whose two children, Sarah and Chase, both told amazing stories about their past lives and deaths, which were causing them crippling fears in their current lives.
The younger, Chase, was five years old when he first exhibited an extreme fear of loud noises in response to a Fourth of July fireworks display that his family was attending near their home. All her life, nine-year-old Sarah had had a heightened fear of fire and cried so inconsolably after watching a movie about a fire while staying overnight with a friend that the friend's mother had to bring her home in the middle of the night.
Carol had been exploring past life regression therapy with a group, and a visiting psychiatrist and hypnotherapist, Dr. Norman Inge, who was presenting a workshop for the group, was spending a few days with the Bowman family. One afternoon at home, the topic of Chase's fear of loud noises came up in conversation.
With the agreement of Carol and the children, Dr. Inge spoke with Chase and then with Sarah, at her request, asking them to describe what they saw when they were so frightened. Chase's vivid description of seeing himself as an African American soldier shooting a gun in a war and Sarah's traumatic vision of dying in a house fire as a young girl, as well as further revelations over time and the children's fears subsiding, are detailed in the linked video and in
Children's Past Lives
As a result of these experiences, Carol became fascinated with the topic and found that very little had been published about past life regression of children and how to respond to their memories, other than Ian Stevenson's very scientific research in Asian countries where reincarnation is accepted in the culture.
Children's Past Lives
details how she eventually became the go-to authority on the topic of children's past lives and on methods of helping them understand their memories.
Carol subsequently conducted research on hundreds of cases of children whose parents contacted her about the strange things their children were saying. These cases are the basis of her books. Carol Bowman and other past life therapists contend that the process of reliving and processing the memories is therapeutic and leads to the elimination of phobias.
If you are at all interested in past lives, and especially children's spontaneous memories, this book is a "must-read!"
Besides her website, Carol Bowman created a forum where questions and stories about reincarnation can be posted and readers can interact.
Thoughts About Reincarnation
"I believe ... that the soul of man is immortal and will be treated with justice in another life, respecting its conduct in this."
"I look upon death to be as necessary to the constitution as sleep. We shall rise refreshed in the morning."
Franklin wrote this epitaph at age 22 but it was never used:
The Body of B. Franklin Printer,
Like the Cover of an Old Book,
Its Contents Torn Out
And Stripped of its Lettering and Gilding,
Lies Here Food for Worms,
But the Work shall not be Lost,
For it Will as He Believed
Appear Once More
In a New and more Elegant Edition
Revised and Corrected
By the Author
"For thirty years I have leaned toward the theory of Reincarnation. It seems a most reasonable philosophy and explains many things. …This belief in immortality makes present living more attractive. It gives you all the time there is. You will always be able to finish what you start. We are here in life for one purpose—to get experience. We are all getting it, and we shall all use it somewhere."
Just Who Do We Think We Are?
Shari Says...
I believe we are eternal spiritual beings who are currently living one of our many lives on Earth and who are the creators of our experiences through our thoughts and beliefs.
Shari Harris
Please feel free to forward this newsletter to others
you think may be interested!
Previous Issues of
"Just Who Do We Think We Are?"
are available on
#1 February 15, 2020, Dr. Brian Weiss
#2 March 1, 2020, Edgar Cayce
#3 March 26, 2020, Abraham (Esther Hicks), Part 1
#4 April 7, 2020, Abraham (Esther Hicks), Part 2
#5 April 22, 2020, Past Life Story Series: Robert Snow/Carroll Beckwith
#6 May 5, 2020, Past Life Story Series: Jenny Cockell/Mary Sutton
#7 May 20, 2020, We Are Not Here By Accident