August 19, 2023--Volume 4 Number 7


Exploring Past Life Stories, The Power of Our Thoughts, and What Happens When We Die

Shari Harris, Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer

We are more than our current physical bodies and circumstances!

The Greatest Secret: Who We Really Are

Just Who Do We Think We Are?

Rhonda Byrne Says...

"You are not a body, a mind, or a bundle of thoughts, feelings, memories, or sensations. You are the one who is aware of your body, your mind, your thoughts, feelings, memories, and sensations. You are Awareness itself."

"Awareness is and has been the only constant in your life. Your body keeps changing, your mind keeps changing, thoughts, feelings, and sensations all keep changing, but the one thing that has never changed is your awareness of it all.

And that awareness is who you really are. You are awareness."

Rhonda Byrne, The Greatest Secret, p. 33


When Rhonda Byrne published The Secret in 2006, I was immediately engrossed in the book and the movie. I was amazed by the idea that we create the things and circumstances of our lives through our thoughts and beliefs.

There are many teachers quoted in The Secret, and I have studied and followed them on and off for over 15 years. Teachers like Mike Dooley, who tells us that "thoughts become things; choose the good ones," and Esther Hicks, who channels Abraham and teaches the same concept, as well as how to use our emotions as a GPS to guide us.

In 2020, Rhonda Byrne published The Greatest Secret in which she explains that after The Secret, she still felt the need to search further--for what, she wasn't quite sure. For 10 years she studied ancient religious traditions and philosophers, including modern teachers still living. A teacher named David Bingham ( was influential in helping her finally find what she calls "the" truth.

On page five of The Greatest Secret, Byrne writes:

"The Secret showed you how to create anything you want to be, do, or have. Nothing has changed--it is as true today as it ever was. This book (The Greatest Secret) reveals the greatest discovery a human being can ever make and shows you the way out of negativity, problems, and what you don't want, to a life of permanent happiness and bliss."

Wow! That promises a lot. The secret to life and happiness, no less, that Byrne says most people have been searching for their whole lives. "The" truth. She goes on to explain that this greatest secret is so simple. It is right in front of us, and we don't see it. At least many of us don't. I've included below a 17 minute video that describes the greatest secret and Byrne's suggestions for how it can lead us to happiness.

In the following section, I try to condense the basic tenets of The Greatest Secret and reveal what Rhonda Byrne feels is "the" truth. I strongly recommend this book for your further reading and understanding of Byrne's "discovery "of the truth of who we are. Check out her website at

Be well and enjoy your amazing life! 

Sending my love,


Concepts in The Greatest Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Paraphrased from The Greatest Secret

The Secret Revealed

You are experiencing having a body and a mind and having the experience of being a person, but they are not you. It is not the mind or body that is aware of your life. Awareness is what is aware of every single life experience you have. You are not a person being aware of something. You are Infinite Awareness itself. Awareness can also be called consciousness or spiritual being or higher self. Awareness is beyond your humanness. It is who you were before your birth and who you will continue to be after your bodily death.

Waking Up from the Dream

Byrne writes that this life is a dream. The whole world is nothing but a dream-illusion. The waking state is a convincing play that your mind is producing. Your mind is made up of thoughts that are coming from programs formed by your beliefs and held in your subconscious mind. Becoming more aware of your thoughts is an excellent first step in the wonderful process of waking up.


There's one purpose in life for every one of us--to wake up to who we are, Awareness. Awaking to Awareness allows us to enjoy this incredible world while being in the world but not of the world. This means you will be completely free from the challenges of the world. When you fully recognize who you are, you will be able to have a life without problems, hurt, worry, or fear. You will be filled with joy, positivity, abundance, and peace because you will realize that life on earth is an illusion and we are always safe. We are playing our roles in this life as if in a play. The real you will eventually step off stage and return to your true self, none the worse for the wear and having learned from your human experience. 

Freedom from the Mind

Your mind is your greatest power in the material world (your human life), because it will generate any material thing, event, or circumstance you want. However, if you believe its negative thoughts, you will use its creative power against yourself. There's nothing wrong with the mind, it only becomes troublesome when you believe it's who you are.


The operation of your mind and your subconscious mind is no different from that of a computer; it's completely mechanical. The problem is that it tends to run on automatic, a machine we can't figure out how to turn off. Your positive thoughts of what you want can give you happiness and joy, but many people are caught in the addictive pattern of believing negative thoughts. When you feel anxious, worried, scared, depressed, or any negative emotion, it's because you are believing thoughts.


Your thoughts, positive or negative, will bring you more of what you are thinking. When you observe your thoughts instead of getting lost in them, you see them for what they are: something separate from you that you can either choose to believe, or not.

Understanding the Power of Feelings

Thoughts create feelings. The kinds of thoughts you have will create the same kinds of feelings. Negative feelings are a result of thinking or saying "No!" about what is happening in life. From the time we were children we have unconsciously suppressed countless negative feelings, which are now stored in our subconscious.


When you next experience a negative emotion, remember you are experiencing it because it is already inside you -- not because an outside person or circumstance caused it. Don't misunderstand, an outside event may be a trigger, but Byrne teaches that we wouldn't react with emotions of anger, shame, or in another negative way if those feelings were not suppressed. As Awareness, we can realize that we are playing a role and we don't need to let whatever happens affect us negatively.


Byrne suggests a way to release suppressed emotions in the book and in the video below. When a negative feeling arises, be aware of it without resisting it, expressing it, or judging it, and see that it's just a feeling. We can even welcome it with actual open arms. The energy will naturally release when we allow the feeling to be present without acting on it or suppressing it, and that feeling will never be as strong in us again. With this method, Byrne teaches us that negativity can actually be removed from our subconscious.


Every negative feeling is there to direct you back home to who you are. They alert you to the fact that you're believing stories that are not true. They are part of the illusion. You can welcome those feelings and live your life as the magnificent Awareness that you truly are.

All is Well

"Awareness says 'Yes' to absolutely everything. Awareness allows for the freedom of everything to be the way it is, because the world, and everything in it, is Awareness--its own self. No matter how things appear in the world, all is always, always well." (p. 209)

PLAY: Rhonda Byrne on Who We Really Are

In this 17 minute video, learn tips and practices from Rhonda Byrne for releasing

suppressed negative emotions and for connecting to our Awareness.

"We came into this world to be a body in order to learn that we are not a body."

Lester Levenson, Happiness Is Free,

as quoted in The Greatest Secret, p. 19


"When we say, 'I,' we've been conditioned to believe that we're referring to the body, when really 'I' is referring to Awareness."

"In reality, I am an Infinite Being rather than a human being. I am an Infinite Being having a human experience."

David Bingham, quoted in The Greatest Secret, p. 33 and p. 43


"There is no birth, there is no death, there is no physical body, there is no Universe. There is consciousness and it's infinite and you're IT."

Deepak Chopra, M.D., quoted in The Greatest Secret, p. 214

Create Positive Situations

Through the Magic of Gratitude!

"You can change any relationship right now by looking for the things you love, appreciate, and are grateful for in that person."

Rhonda Byrne, The Secret Super Phone App


Seeds for Growth

"If I haven't deliberately programmed my mind to think positively, my mind will constantly throw up negative thoughts that belittle and limit me."

Rhonda Byrne, The Greatest Secret, p. 85

"For my own health and wellbeing, I will now be relentlessly positive about everything!"

The Secret Super Phone App

"As I say yes to life, life says yes to me.

Life mirrors my every thought. 

From Power Thought Cards by Louise Hay

Just Who Do We Think We Are?

Shari Says...

I believe we are eternal spiritual beings who are currently

living one of our many lives on Earth and who are the co-creators

of our experiences through our thoughts and beliefs.

Shari Harris


Good things are happening in the world that we may not have heard about! Shari

From the July 28, 2023, Future Crunch Newsletter

"As a reader of this (Future Crunch) newsletter you know better than anyone that we now have the solutions to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. Renewable energy is scaling exponentially and getting more efficient and cost-effective every year. Vested interests are doing everything in their power to obstruct its progress, but the ledge they're standing on gets narrower by the month."

"In the face of all of this, you're allowed to be heartbroken and hopeful. Hope, not as a naïve belief in a rosy future, but as a commitment to search for possibilities. In that spirit, we're going to kick things off this week with all the climate stories you didn't see in the news. There are tens of millions of people working to solve this thing now. Don't forget that."

"Saving the world is cheaper than ruining it."

"Let's do a quick global whiparound:"

"The IEA has a new report showing that renewables are on track to meet all the growth in global electricity demand over the next two years. This would represent a key milestone in the fight against climate change–once all new demand is met, renewables will start eating into fossil fuels' share of the power mix."

About Future Crunch: "We are a team of science communicators based in Melbourne, Australia. We curate stories of good news, mind-blowing science, human progress, and we support small charities using science and technology to make the world a better place. More than 40,000 people subscribe to our free, fortnightly email newsletter." ( There is also an in-depth subscription newsletter.

You can subscribe to the free Future Crunch Newsletter. Click Here.

Previous Issues of

"Just Who Do We Think We Are?"

2023 Newsletters

Click on the link to view.

January 29, 2023: Vol. 4 #1/The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell YOU/Mike Dooley

February 15. 2023: Vol. 4 #2/From the Archives--Brian Weiss, M.D./Reincarnation

March 26, 2003: Vol. 4 #3/Improve Your Life with Affirmations/Louise Hay

April 30, 2023: Vol. 4 #4/Archived-Children Who Remember Past Lives/Carol Bowman

June 10, 2023: Vol. 4 #5/Bob Olson: What Determines How and When We Die?

July 14, 2023: Vol. 4 #6/From the Archives: Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation


If this "Good-News-Letter" inspires anyone to look into the law of attraction or past lives or what happens when we die, I will be satisfied. I am convinced that these are all profound truths: that our thoughts and beliefs influence the things and events of our lives, that we live many lives, that we never die--our consciousness continues on, and that in-between our lives, we rest, study, learn, and plan our purpose for our next life. 

For me, these ideas are "good news" and help to answer universal questions about why we are here. Please take what resonates with you and leave the rest. Shari

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