Are mediums for real? Yes! Some of them are!

In this issue, I am highlighting Dr. Julie Beischel, who is not a medium but who has been doing research with mediums for over fifteen years. She and her husband, Mark Boccuzzi, co-founded the 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity Windbridge Research Center to study paranormal phenomenon in general but soon narrowed their focus to working only with mediums.

The center's website states that their mission is "to ease suffering around dying, death, and what comes next by performing rigorous scientific research and sharing the results...with the general public, clinicians (medical and mental health professionals), scientists (researchers and philosophers), and practitioners (mediums)." (

Numerous fascinating and factual reports of their research projects are available on the website. Below, I have included several videos by Dr. Beischel explaining her work, as well as fact sheets from two detailed studies. In addition, there is a list of the mediums who participate in the research studies and have been "certified" as accurate by the Windbridge Center. These mediums receive no pay for their volunteer work with the Center, but they are available to give private readings for the public through their individual websites, which are included below. If you have an interest in obtaining a reading, you can be assured that the persons on this list are "for real!"