In this issue, I'm inviting you to consider a basic concept of the theory of reincarnation that may challenge your belief system. The theme is found in the writings of New Age spiritual teachers who believe that we live many lives and that each life is carefully planned by our own souls before we are born.

This concept, pre-birth planning, rings true for me. Believing that I chose my life is transforming and gives me comfort in knowing that I am meant to be here, that I have a reason and purpose for being, and that my experiences are not random events, subject to the whims of fate. It helps diminish any "poor me" feelings of being a victim. I've come to believe that often the challenges in my life have been "lessons" I pre-planned and wanted to address in this life, and that when I have learned my "lesson," that particular challenge has ended. I believe that we all are living a life we intended. That is why I want to emphasize this month the concept of pre-birth planning.

The tenets of reincarnation, according to many New Age authors, include choosing our parents and contracting with other souls. In Sacred Contracts, Carolyn Myss ( explains how we and our closest soul mates agree to be together in various relationships from life to life in order to work out karmic debt. Prior to birth, we determine what we want to learn and/or accomplish in the upcoming life, as well as what karmic situations and relationships we will experience and work to resolve, all the while retaining our free will to respond to situations as we choose.

As an example of a contract, Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote that he experienced abandonment and felt hatred toward a father who left his mother with young children to raise by herself. Wayne and his brother spent much of their childhood in orphanages and foster homes until his mother was able to care for them again. Dyer created a film and a book called My Greatest Teacher (available at about his father. Dyer eventually came to believe that the loving soul of his father had played that role in this life so that Dyer, who became a prolific spiritual author and speaker, could learn forgiveness.

Dyer wrote about what happened when he found his father's grave and planned to spit on it. Instead, "it was a moment of forgiveness that turned my whole life around and changed everything—from my writing to my career to my relationships. In that moment, I got rid of the anger and rage against my father that I had carried around inside of me since I was a child."

Not all contracts between souls need to be dramatic. We may merely be learning to love a parent or sibling with whom we had a hurtful relationship in a past life. I believe it is empowering when we can truly feel our life has purpose and realize we are not victims of circumstance or a "roll of the dice." We can overcome feeling victimized by understanding that challenges are opportunities we helped plan. I believe that knowing this frees us to live fearlessly and confidently.

Just think of the peace it would bring to the world if people understood that we are all spiritual beings having an earthly experience. That we are not victims of anything in life. That we participated in the pre-planning, and that our challenges are meant to be opportunities for growth.

Esther Hicks ( often states in her workshops that we were so excited to be able to undertake this adventure of a life on Earth, and that we are considered brave heroes to souls on the other side. This life is our golden opportunity. It is what we wanted so much!

I've included statements from three other writers about pre-birth planning. If you're interested in reading more, books of the authors I've mentioned are a great place to start.