summarized from Roberta Grimes
in The Fun of Dying
The Death Event
"Death is an easy and enjoyable transition. It doesn’t hurt and it is not frightening. Death is the best time of your life!... Wouldn’t it be good if more people knew that?" (p. 20)
Deathbed Visitors
Dying patients may see people others don't see. It may seem they are hallucinating, but, in fact, they are being visited by predeceased loved ones who are there to reassure and guide them. (p. 61)
Leaving the Body
The actual moment is easy. All pain is gone. You find yourself slipping out of your body, usually from the top of your head, to stand beside it or hover above. (p. 64)
How It Feels to Die
Death feels wonderful! Imagine moving from the pains and weaknesses of a decrepit body to the vigor of a healthy one so light that you can float on air, feeling a "surge of joyous well-being." (p. 64)
Following Your Rescuers is Important
You may temporarily feel confused. This may happen especially if you were not certain that you would survive your death (if you thought there was no afterlife.) Suddenly you are strong and well after perhaps being ill and weak. Fortunately, immediate guidance is available. Your dead loved ones and/or spirit guides are there to assure you and urge you to follow them away. (p. 65)
Crossing the Bridge...
It may surprise you to know that you possibly won’t see a tunnel, as many Near-Death-Experiencers relate. Some who have died report that they seemed instead to walk "across a bridge, through a wall, or a brief gray fog.” Some didn’t notice anything. (p. 66)
Finding Yourself in a Hospital
Souls who have been ill or who have had a traumatic death may sleep through the death process and awaken in a hospital with loved ones and nurses caring for them. Issues such as brain injury or dementia disappear at death, but sometimes the perceptions of illness remain. Whatever you might need to aid your healing, you have it. (p. 69)
Reception Gardens
Beautiful reception gardens are enormous, with birds singing and lovely music. The scent of flowers is in the air and all is bathed in a clean white light. New arrivals are stunned by this beauty and an amazing feeling of love and peace. There is a permanent, timeless beauty to it all. (p. 73, 74)
After-Death Geography
Evidence suggests that there are seven major after-death levels separated by their rates of vibration. Levels three through five, where most people find themselves, are an "earth-solid paradise," often called "the Summerland." Newly dead souls can recover from the effects of their earthly lives and enjoy a life of play and work and learning. (p. 75.)
Life Review and Judgment
Sometime after arriving on the other side, souls will experience their life review. There will be people to help them process their review such as advanced beings and spirit guides who had helped them in their lifetime. While reliving their lives, they will experience the feelings that their actions, loving and not so loving, had upon others in their lives.
An important outcome of this review is to be able to forgive themselves for any harm they did to others, which is difficult for some. "What is surprising is that neither God nor any religious figure ever is our afterlife judge. Instead, we are our own judge." If some cannot forgive themselves right away, there are classes and counseling for the purpose of helping them learn to forgive. (pp.76-79)
We Will Party Hearty!
There will be a reception for new arrivals geared to their personalities and tastes, with either just a few old friends or, for others, a party of their lives! It is a time when folks they used to know keep turning up. The people who greet them appear to be in their prime of life. They enjoy "hugs and back-slapping and the giddy awareness that--by gosh--here we are together again!" There may be food and music and gifts. (pp.80, 81)
Post-Death Life
"After their judgment and reception, people will begin to build a life that might include taking classes, doing crafts, attending concerts, reading, playing at sports, assisting and even rescuing others stuck on earth or on lower levels. Infinite learning is available from classes in music and art and earth history to classes in advanced love and forgiveness, and even classes in mind-creating...Death is meant to be wonderful!" (p. 82)
A Word from Roberta Grimes
"If you are straining to believe, then I urge you to do some of your own research. The more of it you do, the more clearly you will see that an afterlife that seems too good to be true is wonderfully true nonetheless." (p. 84)
The Sources of Evidence
Grimes's research included looking for consistencies in nearly two centuries worth of varied evidence over a period of 30 years. When hundreds of stories were studied as a whole, many common experiences and details were found. Some of the sources studied were deathbed visions, near-death experiences, communications through mediums, accounts of automatic writing and out-of-body travelers, instrumental trans-communication (ITC), hypnotic regression, past-life memories of children, and new discoveries in quantum physics and consciousness research. (pp. 14-18)
"The experience has been like reading hundreds of accounts by a century's worth of travelers to Fiji. They had widely differing experiences, but clearly they all were describing the same complex and fascinating place." (p. 19)
Grimes has listed more than 70 books about the afterlife on her website for readers to use for their own research. Click Here for Her List.