We've probably all heard about the law of attraction, but I wonder how many of us believe it or take it seriously. It seems that many brush it off as New Age frivolity. In this issue, I am pulling together various statements from multiple metaphysical authors and teachers. You will find that most of the them are saying the same thing. I apologize for the repetition, but that's my point.

Over the years, when I've come across the same ideas from many different sources, I've begun to pay attention, and this topic is one of those ideas that keeps showing up. In fact, I don't know of any metaphysical or New Age spirituality teachers who do not adhere to the idea that our thoughts and beliefs influence the events of our lives and that we are co-creators of our circumstances.

To me, this is such great news! Our lives are not random events. We are not victims of circumstance. We can impact our lives, our health, and our situations through our thoughts and beliefs. In fact, the literature tells us that it is not a choice; it happens whether we know it or not and whether we believe it or not. And when we do know about the law of attraction, we can change things in our lives that we don't like by paying attention to our thoughts and changing them.

Esther and Jerry Hicks in The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham state,

"The Law of Attraction says: 'That which is like unto itself, is drawn.' While this may seem like a rather simple statement, it defines the most powerful Law in the Universe--a Law that affects all things at all times. Nothing exists that is unaffected by this powerful Law. '....That which I give thought to and that which I believe or expect--is.' In short, you get what you are thinking about, whether you want it or not. ....[I]f you do not understand [this] Law, and [do not] deliberately apply [it], then you may very well be creating by default." (p. 24)

If you'd like to research more about this idea that "thoughts become things," start with any of the books I reference in this newsletter. There is a wealth of information from eight authors, and these few books are just a beginning.