Coming at you once a month, this newsletter contains proprietary research, employment law updates, current events, and anything else I think is worth your time.
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You probably don't check our map as frequently as I think you should--wait, you've never looked?--so I'll make it easy for you. Since January, we've opened or are in the process of opening 7 new offices:
- Asheville, NC
- Farmington Hill, MI
- Hagerstown, MD
Orem, UT (Skill StaffTM)
- Sumner, WA
- Topeka, KS
- Walker, MI
View our other locations, and come say hi!
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What have you done for Joe and Jane Average today? | |
Most workplaces reward top performers, punish underperformers, and ignore everyone else. If this sounds like you or your company, read on. In a day and age where upwards of 80% of employees are actively disengaged (trying to do damage to their employers) or simply unengaged (apathetic about work), you can’t only reward the 20% or so who are fully engaged—because chances are good your company cannot operate effectively with only one-fifth of its manpower. The linked article points out the upsides of ensuring your employee recognition program reaches past your layer of top performers and touches the critical mass of your workforce: the steady performers you trust to just get the job done.
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The great divide: Generations respond to remote work differently | |
One troubling trend Slack researchers uncovered in a recent survey is a growing disconnect between ‘older’ and ‘younger’ C-suite executives’ approach to allowing employees to work from home. Seasoned executives worry less about the impact of proximity bias within the workforce, while it’s the top area of concern for younger leaders—and rightly so. In today’s connected world, it’s entirely possible for employees to collaborate remotely, accomplish great work, and wear pajamas. Communication styles have changed drastically over the past fifteen years and being in the office truly is not the only way to have casual conversations or work in a group setting. As a people leader, it has never been more important to create an environment and performance evaluation program that rewards production, not proximity.
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Annual reviews are for jobs, too! | |
In May, nearly 400 client companies responded to our survey about hiring practices and staying abreast of market changes. Two key takeaways from the data are:
- Employers that have adopted policies requiring applicants to pass or participate in uncommon hiring procedures are also the most likely to have the highest number of hiring requirements.
- Many employers review pay rates for their positions annually but few use position-specific market pay data when creating an annual budget.
Read the full paper for details and our recommendations
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DHHS extends the federal public health emergency for the tenth time | |
On July 15, the secretary of the Department of Health and Human services extended the agency’s federal public health emergency order, and it remains in effect for three more months. Please remember to check rules and guidelines if you operate in a state or jurisdiction with laws affected by the declaration of a federal public health emergency. (Yes, I’m lookin’ at you, Colorado.)
Read more
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New FMLA Fact Sheet available | |
In May, the U.S. Department of Labor released a fact sheet and guidance pertaining to mental health and the Family and Medical Leave Act. The fact sheet reminds employers of their obligations related to confidentiality, certification, and retaliation.
Read the press release
Jump straight to the fact sheet
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Leadership expert Dorie Clark shares three hidden reasons people fall into an endless loop of feeling constantly busy, and invites you to question what really motivates how you spend your time. Ask yourself: Are you actually busy, and if so, is it for the right reasons?
Watch the talk from TEDxBoston
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If you have questions, comments, thoughts, or even just a burning desire to talk to someone about your workforce, reach out to me at
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This newsletter and its contents were researched, written, and prepared by Elwood Staffing®, the 11th largest light industrial staffing firm in the United States. Since its founding in 1980, Elwood has attracted millions of candidates, made hundreds of thousands of placements, and served tens of thousands of clients. Each and every day, our interactions with job seekers, workers, and employers generate valuable data we continually develop into actionable insights that guide better business decisions. We love to share our knowledge to help employers like you make informed decisions. We are committed to finding new and consistent ways of sharing the valuable insights we gain, and we hope you look to us as an advisor with the knowledge and capabilities to help you get ahead. This publication is proprietary and confidential and intended for general purposes. Nothing contained, expressed, or implied herein is intended or shall be construed as legal advice, and no attorney-client relationship is formed. If you have questions about any law, statute, regulation, or requirement expressly or implicitly referenced, contact legal counsel of your choice. | | | | | |