Just In Time Communication
Dear Parents,

In response to Corona Virus (Covid -19), please be assured that Bishop Kelly as well as the Catholic elementary schools are working to keep our students and staff as safe as possible. Please review the following information closely, and bookmark the Just In Time blog post below where we will be updating information regularly:

Shared Responsibility in Preventing the Spread
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Keep hands away from the nose and face
  • Keep sick children home, 
  • Cover all coughs and sneezes with a bent arm or tissue and wash hands afterwards

Bishop Kelly Custodial staff are making it a high priority to disinfect touch points throughout the schools. 
  • Areas of high impact that are disinfected regularly include:
  • Door handles, crash bars, doorknobs
  • Entry windows
  • Office counters and surfaces
  • Handrails
  • Sinks and drinking fountains
  • Dispensers
  • Anything else that is handled frequently by multiple people.
  • Additional hand sanitizer stations have been placed in key locations throughout the school. 
  • We are also setting aside time each day this week to have an all school “wipe down” of desks, laptops and cell phones. 

Additional Ways our Parents and Community Can Help:
  • Clean and disinfect your home to remove germs with the routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces. These include doorknobs, light switches, handles of faucets and sinks.
  • Encourage your child to regularly disinfect their laptop and their cell phone (multiple times per day)
  • Wash clothing regularly, especially after a workout (PE, Athletics, etc.)
  • Practice good hygiene by showering and washing hands regularly and thoroughly. 
  • Stay home if you have flu like symptoms. 
  • Please make sure your student is getting adequate sleep and is eating a balanced diet.
Upcoming Travel Considerations (Spring Break, Etc.)

Unfortunately, we had to make the difficult decision yesterday to postpone organized student trips over Spring Break. The CDC advised that students traveling out of the country could face "unpredictable circumstances, travel restrictions, challenges in returning home, or accessing health care while abroad.” It was just a few hours later than the new travel restrictions from Europe were announced, which just reinforced our decision. As disappointed as we all are, I hope all involved understand why staying in the country is important right now.
Many of our families travel out of the valley for spring break. If you or anyone in your immediate household travel to a highly exposed area, we would expect you to be extremely conservative on your returning to school and would ask that you are transparent with our administrative team in your possible exposure. 

Coronavirus Impact on College Visits 
The counseling office is receiving word from colleges and universities regarding closures due to the coronavirus outbreak. Many schools are moving to an online format for admitted student weekends, as well as for campus visits. While we typically encourage students to use Spring Break as a time to visit college campuses, this year we are urging caution in that area. According to the National Association for College Admission Counseling "Admission events that usually occur at this time—such as campus tours, information sessions, and open house events for admitted students—may be cancelled or moved online. Please check college websites for the latest information." It is also possible that ACT and SAT test centers may be affected in the future, so please check their websites for updates on information. While we know that nothing compares to an actual campus visit, there are options for students to take part in virtual tours through Scoir. If your student needs help accessing Scoir, please have them email Mrs. Crum.

Thank you for your continued support in working together to keep all of us healthy!


Mike Caldwell and the Bishop Kelly Leadership Team

Contact BK
  • Front Office: 375-6010
  • Fax: 375-3626
  • Business Office Manager: 947-1209
  • BK Development Office: 947-1325
  • BK Foundation Office: 323-4789

To add, remove, or change your email address, or to remove your name from our regular mailing lists, please contact Chrissy at  cbeckner@bk.org .
Bishop Kelly High School | (208) 375-6010 | www.bk.org