Advent, Christmas, and Justice
Reflection by Team Member Andrew Buchanan
The holiday season is upon us, as is winter where I am, after a whirlwind of a year of conflict and strife across our world. An election happened just a month ago. Conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East have continued. However you feel about what is going on in our world, in our country, in our own cities and neighborhoods, this Advent season is a time to pause, reflect, and prepare.
One of the many blessings I have received from working in an all-boys middle school in the heart of North Omaha is that I get to teach students about how Jesus came to Earth in the humblest way imaginable: a newborn child. The God we believe in, pray to, and thank for our very existence fulfilled the promises to countless generations of faithful followers in the most vulnerable and reliant way possible for a human. It is truly a wonder to reflect on.
This newborn baby Jesus then grows up to become one of the most important people in all human history. Jesus, who taught peace, showed how to love, and acted in service to all. This is whom we prepare to receive during Advent. These are also the things I believe are some of the most important to remember as we observe the signs of our times. We are preparing for Jesus to be born into our lives today, here and now. We remember that Jesus, who loved without ceasing, calls us into service. Jesus calls us to act with justice. Every year we invite Jesus to be born again into our lives and we await His coming at the end of time. In the same way, let us recall the unceasing need for justice in our world, large and small. Prayer and action.
I leave you with scripture that I find to be an invitation and challenge to build community as well as a prayer that I start my day with at school which, again, is an invitation and challenge:
“For the Ruler of all shows no partiality,
nor does he fear greatness,
Because he himself made the great as well as the small,
and provides for all alike…” Wisdom 6:7
Ignatian Prayer for Generosity
Lord, teach me to be generous.
Teach me to serve you as you deserve;
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labor and not to ask for reward,
except that of knowing that I do your will. Amen.
God’s work of justice and building the Kingdom isn’t easy. But Jesus walks with us every step of the way. I pray blessings over everyone this holiday season.