Happy Holidays from the KACC Board of Directors & Staff!
May you all find the opportunity to find peace and rejuvenate over the Holiday season! Please be safe & stay healthy!
Wishing you all the Best in 2022!
Dear Chamber Member,
The Kensington & Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to be able to provide information on funding programs, local events and to promote their members' businesses. However, we do rely on an active Board of Directors for guidance and support. The Board consists of volunteers from diverse professional backgrounds who are elected to oversee the affairs of the KACC in accordance with its' by-laws. As a business leader in our community, we rely on your passion, knowledge, and expertise to ensure that we remain as relevant and effective as possible and you will have an impact on our business community and the role that the Chamber plays in it.

Click here for a list of our current Board of Directors. The KACC Annual General Meeting will be held in February 2022 and we have at least 3 positions available on our Board, please contact one of the Board members or Julie at the office if you have questions or would like to become involved!
Happy Holidays!
Message from the Town of Kensington

As we approach the Holiday Season, I would like to bring greetings to each of you from Town Council and Staff of the Town of Kensington. May you and your family experience Joy, Love and Laughter during this holiday season.

Unfortunately, we have decided to NOT hold our Annual New Year’s Levee on January 1.
Therefore, I will take this opportunity to wish all of you the very best in 2022. Safe Travels.
Rowan Caseley - Mayor
Town of Kensington Website
The Heart of PEI is a KACC Chamber led Initiative will be requesting your
help with an online Auction in the New Year!
Online Auction in the Heart of PEI
The Heart of PEI Committee had decided to postpone the Christmas online auction so it did not compete with other fundraisers happening at this time. Thank you to those who have already committed to donating an item, we will be requesting donations in the New Year with the Auction being held in February!

Thank you in advance for supporting this project! If you have any further questions or would like to become involved, please forward them to heartofpei@gmail.com

Happy Holidays on behalf of the Heart of PEI Committee!!
We look forward to making great things happen in this beautiful area in 2022!

Spud FM Discount for KACC Members
Special Offer – 13 weeks
33% off on 16 ads per week for a 13 week program (regular weekly rate $224 for $150), or; 38% off on 28 ads per week for a 13 week program (regular weekly rate $392 for $245).
Special Offer – 26 weeks
40% off on 16 ads per week for a 26 week program (regular weekly rate $224 for $134), or; 45% off on 28 ads per week for a 26 week program (regular weekly rate $392 for $216).

Please contact the Chamber for more info.
KACC supports the PEI Potato Industry

Please send along any letters or feedback you have to the Chamber by Tue, Dec 21st and they will be forwarded to MP Heath MacDonald.
The Atlantic Chamber of Commerce and the PEI Chambers of Commerce sent a letter to Minister Bibeau regarding the potato wart and ongoing trade issues. Click HERE to read the full letter.
New public health measures will come into place in PEI effective Friday, December 17 at 8:00am.
For updates please check out https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/covid19
For more information on support for your business.
PEI Women in Business Association

PEIBWA is currently accepting applications for our next cohort of Accelerate HER PEI – A 12-week program dedicated to supporting women-owned businesses in the early growth stage of development or those taking their business in a new direction. This program will be delivered from PEIBWA's Rural Women's Business Centre and is available to attend virtually.

Accelerate HER PEI Winter Program begins January 26, 2022. Limited space is available.
Love Local, PEI Directory and Gift Card Tree!
The Love Local, PEI directory is now live! Directory visitors are able to sort by region, category and more!
It's not too late to create your listing. When you confirm your listing, you will receive a Love Local, PEI Welcome Kit.
Outlook for PEI in 2022

"A brighter Provincial & Regional economic future"

PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being: Grant Program
The PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being is striving to ensure all people living in PEI have an equal opportunity to achieve and maintain the best possible mental well-being throughout their lifetime.
Using the science of resiliency to guide our work, the Alliance will be investing in projects that focus on building and strengthening the resilience of individuals, families, and communities to help improve mental well-being outcomes for all Islanders.
The multi-million dollar “Improving Mental Well-Being for All: Focusing Action for Positive Change” Grant Program aims to strengthen and enhance existing initiatives, while creating new innovative and collaborative solutions.
All funded projects must focus on one or more of the three main areas known to build resilience:  1) Supporting responsive relationships 2) Strengthening core life skills, and 3) Reducing sources of toxic stress and its harmful build-up. These principles will form the basis of actions that can be undertaken by partners in a whole of PEI approach to mental well-being.
Grant applications are due February 18th, 2022.
An online grant workshop is being hosted on Thursday, December 14th at 1:00pm.
To learn more about the Alliance, the Mental Well-Being Grant Program, and the supports available for grant applicants, please visit our website AllianceForMentalWellbeing.com.
Family & Friends Restaurant and Pub
Family & Friends has been in business for 9 years and we are located at 45 Broadway street north in Kensington.

We are open 7 days a week Sunday to Thursday 11:30 to 7 pm, Friday & Saturday 11:30 to 8 pm.

Check out their Facebook page for more info on upcoming events and to see their delicious specials offered!
Key Murray Law
Key Murray Law is the largest legal Law firm in Prince Edward Island. We are an experienced and dedicated team who provide our clients with effective and efficient legal services. We offer a full range of legal matters and continue to build on our strong reputation. With PEI locations in Charlottetown, Summerside, O’Leary, and Souris, we are well-positioned to help you. Key Murray Law is a proud supporter of the Kensington and Area Chamber of Commerce,
Prince Edward Aqua Farms
Prince Edward Aqua Farms of New London, PEI has been harvesting and processing top quality shellfish since 1989. Over 25 years of experience has led us to providing our Island Gold Blue Mussels enjoyed in homes and in fine dining establishments across North America and beyond, along with our quality PEI Oysters, PEI Clams, and PEI Quahogs.
Prince Edward Aqua Farms has access to some of the most ideal growing and harvesting conditions available that Atlantic Canada has to offer, such as the scenic Malpeque Bay. These natural bays provide the best environment for rope grown blue mussels, offering top quality, hearty mussel meats harvested year-round.

Find more information on our website: kaccpei.com