We searched this morning we found 154 co-op plans that expire at the end of the year. 154 prospects for you to call on with free money in your pocket.
That’s just the partial list that is showing up there, but 154 co-op plans you can tap into.
CAUTION: Co-op is not a sales strategy, it’s a funding mechanism. What we mean by that is that you should follow the 7 steps of selling. Meaning a comprehensive Customer Needs Analysis and then create your strategy to help them achieve their objectives. But the cool part is that you already have a way for them to pay for the strategy. Co-op funding!
It takes time to put these plans in place so now is the time to get started. If you’re unfamiliar with co-op there is a video that explains the basics and how to search the directory right on the home page. We are also going to do a live
presentation about co-op on Wednesday, October 5th at Noon Central. Cashing In On Co-op is the name of the presentation and you can register for free HERE.
We spend a great deal of space on these tips talking about how you can be a source of business intelligence and a resource to your clients. Money talks. There is 100% money available in the co-op directory and you can be the resourceful person who shares that information with the client. Helps them with their marketing, and helps you with your budget. Truly a win-win
There’s gold in that directory! Take a minute now and look for yourself. We are always looking for success stories so if you have success using this approach, please email me here and share your story.
Think BIG and make BIG things happen!