December 1, 2019
KCDP/BAD Office Dedication
and Boerne Chamber of Commerce
Office Ribbon Cutting
Tuesday, December 3, 1:30 pm
Office @ 518 E. Blanco, (same building as Mary’s Tacos,
enter through rear entrance)
Help us celebrate our new office with a Ribbon Cutting, complete with a big ribbon and a monstrous pair of scissors. Light refreshments available. We want a huge crowd for the photo that will be in the paper.
Notes from the Chair:
Re: Time for Action
f I have done my math correctly, we have just over 11 months until the Presidential Election. If I remember 2018, time will go so quickly the election will be on us in no time at all. Of course, we do have the Democratic Primary just around the corner in March. We need to maximize Democratic turnout in the Primary. Our message for all Democrats is that it is time to get voting and get working. We must change the occupant in the White House. Chip Roy must be defeated. We need to put a Democrat on the Texas State School board. We need to help at least nine new Democrats join the Texas State House so we can end Republican dominance in Austin.
If you haven’t joined our effort please go to our
and sign up to be a volunteer.
In Kendall County we have 11 voting precincts and the KCDP has a Precinct Chair for each precinct. They are looking for volunteers. You can go to our
and find your precinct and how to contact the chair and volunteer. We need folks to staff the new office, register voters, block walk, phone bank, send out postcards and much more.
Finally, let me extend my personal appreciation for all that you are doing for the Kendall County Democratic Party. Don’t forget to attend one of our upcoming events, they all will be great fun.
Kevin Henning
Kendall County Democratic Party Chair
Announcing "Digital Office Hours" at the New Office!
Laura Bray and Becky Strain are pleased to announce that we will hold “Digital Office Hours” every Wednesday morning from 9-11am at the new office, starting on December 4. (No session on Dec 25 or Jan 1.) Stop by with your questions on any of these tools:
- MiniVAN
- Virtual Phone Banks
- Mobilize America (event scheduling)
- Skedda (office space scheduling)
- Hustle (texting tool; coming soon)
- MapTheVote
- Any other digital tool I may have missed
You can bring your laptop/device, or use Laura's or Becky’s laptop. Please sign up for date and time @
A specific training session for MapTheVote is in the works for December; We’ll let you know as soon as it’s set.
We are happy to schedule some other time to work with you, if Wednesday mornings aren’t convenient; just let us know. (Becky also makes house calls!)
For our “non-techie” volunteers: we have experts on all of these tools who are happy to run VAN lists for you, schedule you for an event shift, book your office space, or whatever other assistance you require. No need to pull out your hair trying to learn a tool/app that you’d just rather not mess with.
We hope you’ll take advantage of our “office hours,” and please feel free to share with your key volunteers. We look forward to seeing you!
We're Democrats, y'all.
It is time to
if you plan to attend your County or Senate District Convention to be held on
Saturday, March 21, 2020
. Saturday, March 21 from 1:00-4:00pm at the Kronkosky Center (17 Old San Antonio Rd, Boerne).
This convention is the first step to pass resolutions to inform the direction of our Party and its Platform and to be elected to attend the
Texas State Democratic Convention to be held June 4th - 6th at the Henry B Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.
This convention launches the Statewide Coordinated Campaign, writes our Party Platform, and selects delegates to the Democratic National Convention.
The link
also provides a place for those wishing to run for National delegate, etc. and to get the basics and the timeline. More to be provided in next few weeks.
Time is running out to bid for your favorite item
auction is open for you to place your bids only till
December 8th
Boerne Area Democrats Holiday Social:
Sunday, December 8, 6-8pm.
Longhorn Café (369 S. Esser).
Join us for good food and fun with like-minded friends.
County Office “Filing Day” Social
Monday, December 9, 4-6pm
(518 E. Blanco, same building as Mary’s Tacos, in the rear)
The KCDP Office must be open at this time so that Kevin (Party Chair) and Sandy (Party Secretary) can accept any last-minute filings for anyone wanting to run for county office in the Democratic Party next March. We aren’t exactly expecting a stampede, so it sounds like a good excuse for an informal social. We’ll have beer, wine, soft drinks, and light refreshments. Stop on by!
We hope you can join us…..once or for all three events!
All I want for Christmas is…
When you are filling out your Christmas wish list during this holiday season, be sure to let Santa know that you would love to have a donation made in your name to the
Kendall County Democratic Party
. Your gift will be used for the many
Get Out the Vote
activities planned for 2020.
Single or recurring donations may be made in any one of these ways:
Personal Checks
Personal checks may be mailed to KCDP, PO Box 2321, Boerne, TX 78006
Automatic Transfer or Automatic Bill Pay
Set up transfer payments to Kendall County Democratic Party at Broadway Bank
Acct. #4100012917/ Routing #114021933)
Check Drafts
Have bank send check drafts to KCDP, PO Box 2321, Boerne, TX 78006
Your entire
goes directly to Kendall County Democratic Party, except for a 3.95% credit card processing fee. The money we raise supports the Democratic Operations for Kendall County. We need funds to operate an Office, Train volunteers, “Get out the vote” efforts; Mailings, Posters, Advertising, etc.
Donate Online!
We encourage you to donate to the Party online with the secure online donation site ActBlue accessible from our
home page.
There are more of us than you think!
We're still looking for local Dems! If you run into any “like minded people,” send their name and email address to
Laura Bray
so we can add them to our mailing list and into VAN as a “strong/lean Democrat.” We want to keep building that list into 2019 and beyond!
Kendall County Democratic Store
Show your pride for the Kendall County, Texas Democratic Party! Apparel comes in a variety of colors and styles.
Check out the selections; KCDP logo t-shirts, sweatshirts, stickers, totes and more available
Purchase Here
Feel free to forward to a friend!
518 East Blanco, Boerne
( same building as Mary’s Tacos,
enter through rear entrance)
830-388-0109 bstrain947@aol.com