Culinary students learned how to measure, weigh, and sift ingredients. Students measured and recorded the weight of the following dry ingredients: flour, sugar and bread crumbs.
Onion Rings
Culinary students made oven-fried onion rings. Students cut onions, and then dredged the onion rings in flour, then buttermilk, and finally the panko mixture before baking.
Roasted Vegetables
Culinary students cut carrots, brussels sprouts and cauliflower to season and roast in the oven.
Capstone Practice
Capstone students are practicing different recipes to incorporate into their menu for their Capstone Café. Students practiced making oatmeal pies, s'mores pizza and caramel apple crisp cheesecake.
Prepping for a Ventilation System
Construction students are prepping an area outside to pour a concrete pad that will house a ventilation system for dust collection for the CNC machine.
Pouring a Concrete Slab
Construction students used water and concrete mix in a concrete mixer to prepare a good concrete mixture when pouring their concrete slab.
Threading a Pipe
HVAC students used a pipe cutter with a high-strength cutting wheel to cut the pipe while the pipe was affixed to the tri stand with a bench yolk to hold the pipe steady.
Students used a pipe reamer to restore the inner diameter of the pipe after cleaning it and then used the cutting die heads to create the threads while applying lubrication.
Visit to the Leavenworth Women's Y
The Early Childhood Education Program visited the local Women's Y to gather information on their curriculum and to observe in a classroom setting.
Leavenworth Public Schools Education Foundation Board of Directors Meeting
Marcia Irvine, Director of KCKCC Pioneer Career Center, attended the first 2022-2023 Leavenworth Public Schools Education Foundation Board of Directors meeting this week at Warren Intermediate School. She also had some fun going down the slide in the building.