KCL Insights
November 14, 2016
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It's happened- you received a subpoena for patient records from an attorney representing your patient. This is the first in a two part series. The second part will address the circumstance where you receive a subpoena or a request for records from your licensing board.

Now what do you do? First, don't panic. Though daunting, subpoenas are manageable once they are understood.

Piercing the Corporate Veil - Concerns for the Small and Mid-Sized Business

By  Jeremy Y. Weltman 

QUESTION:  Are small to mid-sized business owners' personal assets protected when they operate as an LLC?

ANSWER:   An LLC does not completely guarantee that a business owner's personal assets are protected from creditors. Piercing the Corporate Veil is one instance where a business owner may be at risk.

Read the full blog post to learn how you can minimize your personal risk.


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