A Bi-Monthly News Roundup from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture
Vol. 13 | No. 5
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
KDA maintaining COVID-19 Web page
of ag-related actions and updated cancellations

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture has assembled a Web page of actions and recommended practices that Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Ryan Quarles and the Department are taking to contain the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). There is also a list of agriculture-related event cancellations that is updated daily.
Quarles assures Americans
that U.S. ag industry is stable

Commissioner Quarles joined Daily Caller White House correspondent Maranda Finney to share how COVID-19 has impacted the agriculture industry.
Cattle markets volatile
amid COVID-19 uncertainties

The worldwide COVID-19 crisis is affecting every financial market, including the nation's livestock markets.
Quarles praises Ky. farm community
on National Agriculture Day

Kentucky's agriculture commissioner recognizes the economic impact of ag and COVID-19 pandemic response during National Ag Week.

Kentucky Farm Fact

The total economic impact of agriculture in Kentucky is $45.6 billion, including $65 million in direct farm sales.

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