August 2023
Open Call for KDIGO Methods Committee Member Nominations
KDIGO is issuing an open call for candidates to serve on its Methods Committee. The KDIGO Methods Committee is a group of methodologists and/or nephrologists who provide oversight and guidance to KDIGO Guideline Work Groups in line with the KDIGO Methods Manual. Their focus is on ensuring the scientific rigor of the guideline development process, addressing new methodological issues as they arise, and maintaining consistency across all KDIGO guidelines. The Methods Committee meets once per month throughout the year.

Candidates may self-nominate or submit nominations on behalf of their peers. Qualified candidates should have experience with guideline development methodology, systematic review, evidence synthesis, and experience in the field of clinical nephrology. 

Anyone interested in serving on the KDIGO Methods Committee or who has a candidate to submit for nomination should email [email protected] with a brief description of their interest and the candidate's curriculum vitae. The deadline for submissions is September 22, 2023.
KDIGO Guideline for AKI and AKD Scope of Work Available for Public Review
The KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) and Acute Kidney Disease (AKD) Scope of Work is available for public review through Friday, August 25. The Scope of Work outlines key questions to be addressed in the development of the guideline. The Scope of Work and feedback survey are available on the KDIGO AKI Guideline website.

The guideline will be an update to the KDIGO 2012 Clinical Practice Guideline for Acute Kidney Injury, accompanied by the conclusions from the 2019 "KDIGO Controversies Conference on Acute Kidney Injury," and the 2020 "KDIGO Harmonizing Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease Definitions and Classification Consensus Conference." Matthew James, MD, PhD (Canada), and Marlies Ostermann, MD (United Kingdom), are co-chairing the guideline update.

The KDIGO Guideline for AKI and AKD is intended to include adult, pediatric, and neonatal populations, those cared for in the hospital setting, in the community, and in care facilities. The guideline is also intended to be relevant to people at high risk of AKI and AKD, including those with multimorbidity, complex healthcare needs, and chronic conditions that often accompany AKI and AKD, including CKD, liver disease, heart failure, and congenital heart disease. The guideline will support decision-making in the care of people in high-, middle-, and low-resource countries.

KDIGO aims to ensure that feedback from all stakeholders of this global guideline is duly considered before a formal systematic review of the literature is undertaken. Any ideas and suggestions on how to make this guideline as valuable to your practice as possible are greatly appreciated. Visit the KDIGO AKI Guideline website to download the Scope of Work and share comments via the feedback survey.
KDIGO Holds Summit on Diabetes Management in CKD
KDIGO held the Implementation Summit, "Diabetes Management in CKD: From Primary to Collaborative Care," in Hong Kong from July 14-16, 2023. The summit was co-chaired by Philip Li, MD (Hong Kong) and Juliana Chan, MD (Hong Kong).

KDIGO recently updated its Diabetes Management in Chronic Kidney Disease Guideline and is actively working to bring the latest recommendations to clinicians and healthcare professionals around the world. The publication of the guideline is a major milestone in the pursuit of reducing the burden of diabetic kidney disease. However, the real challenge lies in its implementation to translate evidence to practice. As such, KDIGO brought together thought leaders from across the Asia-Pacific region for this summit.

Experts in the field of diabetes, kidney care, education, and policy, from Hong Kong and internationally, came together to share their insights regarding the barriers and enablers of implementing these guidelines and shared their experiences with various care models in different settings. The format of the meeting included a public Town Hall followed by a workshop to discuss gaps, implementation, and evaluation. Through these deliberations, a publication to promulgate key messages from the summit to inform practice and policies will be produced. Watch the plenary presentations, see photos, and learn more on the KDIGO Implementation Summit on Diabetes Management in CKD website.
Upcoming Events
Save the Date: ISN-KDIGO Webinar on the KDIGO Challenging Allograft Controversies Conference Report
Tuesday, September 19 at 11:00am EDT / 5:00pm CEST

Save the date for the next ISN-KDIGO webinar on the KDIGO Challenging Allograft Controversies Conference Report.

KDIGO held the virtual Controversies Conference, "Challenges in Management of the Kidney Allograft: From Decline to Failure," in March 2022. The conference explored themes such as immunosuppression strategies, management of CKD complications in transplant recipients, prognosis and kidney failure trajectory, kidney replacement therapy, and patient considerations. Michelle Josephson, MD (United States) and Martin Zeier, MD (Germany) co-chaired the conference.
The webinar will be moderated by Dr. Josephson and will feature speakers Dr. Zeier and Yolanda Becker, MD (United States), a conference work group member. Stay tuned for more details on registration.
New Resources
KDIGO in Nephrology News & Issues: KDIGO looks at important issues for women and kidney health

KDIGO convened the "Women and Kidney Health Controversies Conference," in Athens, Greece in March 2023. The conference convened a global panel of individuals with multidisciplinary clinical and scientific expertise as well as patients to identify key gender and sex issues in kidney care and to optimize the reproductive care of women with kidney disease.

The co-chairs of the conference, Giorgina Piccoli, MD (France, Italy) and Christina Wyatt, MD (United States), wrote an article on the conference for the August issue of Nephrology News & Issues. Read the full article.
Free KDIGO-PlatformQ Health CME Program: Beyond RAS Inhibition for IgAN: Guideline-directed Treatment and Emerging Therapies to Achieve Proteinuria Goals and Preserve Kidney Function
Live August 15, 2023

Join a panel of expert nephrologists during our free, virtual CME program produced in partnership with PlatformQ Health. Don't miss this exciting program on therapies for immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN), and the correlation between proteinuria, pathophysiologic changes, and disease progression. Register now.
Free KDIGO-PlatformQ Health CME Program: Reducing Risk of Transplantation for People with IgA Nephropathy - What Managed Care Pharmacists Can Do to Help Optimize Treatment

Join an expert nephrologist and pharmacist to discuss new and emerging treatment options for people with IgAN, up-to-date evidence on safety and efficacy, and recommendations from practice guidelines. Managed care pharmacists will be prepared to enhance access to these beneficial treatments and include them in medication-management programs for appropriate patients with IgAN. Register now.
New KDIGO Podcast Series on Primary Care and CKD

KDIGO has released a new 4-episode series of the Conversations in Nephrology Podcast. The new series, hosted by Peter Lin, MD (Canada), focuses on primary care and CKD. You can listen to the latest episodes on all major podcast platforms and the KDIGO Podcast Website.

Conversations include:
  • Early Detection of CKD with Lekha Tummalapalli, MD (United States)
  • CKD Evaluation and Measurement with Magdalena Madero, MD (Mexico)
  • Applying CKD Interventions with Joel Topf, MD (United States)
  • Appropriate CKD Referral to Specialists with Ikechi Okpechi, MD (Canada)

KDIGO Presents: A CKD Patient Journey

This KDIGO video highlights the importance of early referral to a nephrologist to slow or prevent kidney disease progression, with particular emphasis on the significance of patient buy-in and self-management. John Ortiz, a patient with polycystic kidney disease, shares his journey from misdiagnosis, to a kidney transplant, to dialysis. Watch the video.

KDIGO is a Belgian foundation committed to developing and implementing nephrology guidelines that improve outcomes for people with kidney disease on a global basis. KDIGO is independent, volunteer-led, self-managed, and accountable to the public and the people it serves.