December 2021
KDIGO Wraps Up Busy 2021 with Novel Anemia Therapies Controversies Conference
KDIGO has had a busy 2021 despite a year of COVID-necessitated changes to planning, schedules, and conferences. December is proving to be as eventful as any month, with an action-packed 2022 just around the corner.

KDIGO will hold its third and final Controversies Conference of 2021 on Novel Anemia Therapies in chronic kidney disease (CKD) from December 9-12. The Controversies Conference will bring together a global panel of individuals with multidisciplinary clinical and scientific expertise to identify key issues and best practices relevant to novel anemia therapies in CKD. The goal is also to determine areas of uncertainty in the treatment of anemia, review key relevant literature published since the 2012 KDIGO Anemia Guideline, address ongoing controversial issues, identify new topics or issues to be revisited in the next iteration of the KDIGO guideline, and outline research needed to improve anemia management in CKD. One key question the conference seeks to answer is whether there is a specific population in which HIF-PHI should be preferred or avoided. Dr. Elaine Ku (United States) and Dr. David Wheeler (United Kingdom) will co-chair this conference.

“This year, with widespread travel restrictions, we had less opportunity to implement KDIGO content through in-person interactions at meetings around the globe," said John Davis, KDIGO Chief Executive Officer. "However, the three virtual Controversies Conferences in 2021 proved that the KDIGO Remote Implementation Program can still effectively bring new ideas and resources to the nephrology community. With that said, we enthusiastically hope for a return to global travel and in-person meetings in 2022."
Upcoming Webinars and Events
KDIGO Sessions at the AFRAN/AFPNA 2021 Congress
Friday, December 10

Are you attending the AFRAN-AFPNA 2021 Congress? Don't miss the KDIGO sessions (details below).

"Session 9: Breakfast Course on Adult Nephrology," with Dr. Ziad Massy (France) and Dr. Gert Mayer (Austria), from 8:00 - 9:00 AM GMT

"Session 15: New Guidelines in CKD," with KDIGO Co-Chair, Dr. Michel Jadoul (Belgium) and Dr. Steven Chadban (Australia), from 4:00 - 5:30 PM GMT

ISN-KDIGO Webinar: BP Guidelines in CKD
Friday, December 10 at 3:00 PM CET

Join us for the next ISN-KDIGO webinar, "BP Guidelines in CKD," with Dr. Charles Tomson (United Kingdom), Dr. Edgar Lerma (United States), and Dr. Swapnil Hiremath (Canada).

Numerous studies have shown that reduction of blood pressure lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and progression in CKD, but the optimum BP target remains uncertain. ACCORD and SPRINT compared outcomes with target SBPs of 120 vs 140 mmHg: as in all previous outcome studies, BP measurement was standardized. The 2021 KDIGO BP in CKD Guideline, based on a systematic evidence review, recommends standardized BP measurement and a target SBP <120mm Hg for adults with CKD (non-dialysis), <130mmHg for adult kidney transplant recipients, and <50th percentile of MAP on 24h ABPM for children. This webinar will explore the supporting evidence and the challenges for implementation.

FSGS: New Guidelines and Emerging Treatments to Reduce Proteinuria to Goals and Slow Decline in Kidney Function
Friday, December 17 from 12:00 – 1:00 PM ET

Register for a new KDIGO-PlatformQ Health webinar, FSGS: New Guidelines and Emerging Treatments to Reduce Proteinuria to Goals and Slow Decline in Kidney Function.

Join Drs. Edgar Lerma (United States), Sharon Adler (United States), and Jai Radhakrishnan (United States) for a new clinician education program on FSGS in children and adults, applying updated KDIGO guidelines for the diagnosis and prognosis of FSGS, differentiating primary, secondary, and genetic FSGS.

This program will address the burden of the disease on those with FSGS, including the consequences of late diagnoses and the limitations of current therapies. It will cover the pathophysiology of FSGS, specifically as it relates to the role of ET-1 and RAAS on proteinuria regulation. The experts will explain the mechanism of action and efficacy and safety data for emerging dual AT1/ETA blockers, and describe how these agents may help patients with primary or genetic FSGS reach the clinically meaningful outcome of partial proteinuria reduction and rate of eGFR slope decline.

New Resources
Now Open Access in American Journal of Kidney Disease (AJKD): Artherosclerotic Renovascular Disease: A KDIGO Controversies Conference Report

In February 2020, KDIGO convened a Controversies Conference on central and peripheral arterial diseases in chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Dublin, Ireland. The objectives were to examine the current state of knowledge about cerebrovascular diseases, central aortic disease, renovascular disease, and peripheral artery disease in persons with CKD and to determine what needs to be done in these areas to improve patient care and outcomes.

Here, those experts and the conference leadership provide a detailed expert consensus summary of the epidemiology, pathophysiology, investigation, and management of ARVD, as well as research recommendations for future consideration.

Turkish Translation: KDIGO Glomerular Diseases Guideline Summary

The Turkish translation of the KDIGO 2021 Glomerular Diseases Guideline Summary is now available!

KDIGO sincerely thanks the Turkish Journal of Nephrology and translators, Dr. Özkan Güngör, Dr. Savaş Öztürk, Dr. Sena Ula, Dr. Aydın Türkmen, and KDIGO Executive Committee member, Dr. Mustafa Arici for their time, skill, and efforts in producing this translation.

NephJC Discusses KDIGO 2021 Glomerular Diseases Guideline

The Nephrology Journal Club (#NephJC) recently covered the KDIGO 2021 Glomerular Diseases Guideline in one of their signature Twitter discussions, addressing key topics and controversies from the guideline.
The discussion was dynamic and engaging, with participants from around the world. The conversation was enhanced by a range of helpful tools created by NephJC members. Dr. Michael Turk (United Kingdom) was able to summarize the lengthy guideline into two infographics (see above).
KDIGO Conversations in Nephrology Podcast

Have you listened to the KDIGO Conversations in Nephrology Podcast? The first three episodes, hosted by Dr. Ravi Mehta. (United States), focus on acute kidney injury. In the first episode, Dr. Mehta and Dr. Marlies Ostermann (United Kingdom) discuss the controversy around defining the optimal timing for starting dialysis in critically ill patients. They also address the challenges of managing patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. In episode two, Dr. Mehta and Dr. Ashita Tolwani (United States) discuss best practices on anticoagulation and citrate use, why circuit patency and integrity are important for chronic kidney replacement therapy, and how and when to use anticoagulation. In the third episode, Dr. Mehta and Theresa Mottes (United States) discuss what key components are needed when starting a quality improvement program (QI) for acute dialysis and why those components are needed.

Episodes four through six, hosted by Dr. Roberto Pecoits-Filho (United States), cover potassium management in chronic kidney disease, focusing on the benefits of RASi, utilization approaches to RASi, and optimal management of dsykalemias. In Episode 4, Dr. Catherine Clase (Canada) explains the main evidence-based reasons to use RASi as a cardio-protective therapy and the practical challenges involved. In Episode 5, Dr. Patrick Rossignol (France) shares his personal approach to RASi optimization and monitoring of creatinine and potassium. In Episode 6, Dr. Pecoits-Filho and Dr. Chuck Herzog (United States) explore the challenges that occur when managing dyskalemia. Their conversation also addresses the consequences of hyperkalemia and hypokalemia.

KDIGO Conversations in Nephrology is now available on most podcast platforms. New episodes will be released in 2022. Listen to the latest episodes.
Download the KDIGO App

The KDIGO App puts KDIGO guidelines, recommendation statements, conference reports, and updates in the palm of your hand. The KDIGO app can be downloaded for free at the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

The KDIGO 2021 Glomerular Diseases Guideline will be the next available in the KDIGO application. Stay tuned for more updates.

KDIGO is a Belgian foundation committed to developing and implementing nephrology guidelines that improve patient outcomes on a global basis. It is an independent, volunteer-led, self-managed charity incorporated in Belgium accountable to the public and the patients it serves.