Thank you for taking the time to check out KEM’s Fall Newsletter. Wow, what a year its been! To say things aren’t quite normal is an understatement, yet we continue to move forward. As a part of our newsletter, the feature project is the Kingwood Center Gardens in Mansfield Ohio, a really unique project that utilizes green storm water management techniques to enhance the natural beauty of this beautiful and historic estate. You should try to visit this location as it is one of the hidden gems of the Richland County Community. A little further south, in Galena, work continues with the administration to plan active transportation and help oversee some amazing development that’s occurring. It’s certainly a balancing act managing growth while protecting the small community feel that is so important to their residents. Additionally, we recently completed the Broadway Streetscape in downtown Lorain, which has become a vibrant destination for Lorain County. It is truly great to see our old downtowns becoming destination locations again, and while covid has slowed the momentum, they are positioned to come back stronger than ever.
I hope everyone is staying well and as always if there is anything we can do to support you or your community, feel free to reach out to me.
Have a great day,
Brian McCartney P.E., P.S.