745 Little Neck Road

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

(757) 340-2840 

info@kgpc.org  kgpc.org

Prayer As an Act of Lenten Love

February is the month of love as hearts, balloons, flowers, jewelry, and candy fill the stores and commercials. Yet, the greatest gift we can give to the ones we love is our presence and time. This year our 6:00 pm Ash Wednesday service falls on Valentine’s Day. On the official beginning of Lent, we are reminded of God’s great love for us in Jesus Christ as well as Jesus’ love for us on the cross. “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13) On a day when we remember our mortality we also remember that God is love and that love was demonstrated in Holy Week and Easter Sunday.

Lent is also a time when we express our love for God by recommitting ourselves to spiritual practices or rituals that keep Jesus and his sacrifice for us at the forefront of our minds. There is no greater spiritual practice or way to express our love to God than to devote ourselves to prayer. Prayer is simply spending time and communicating with God, paying attention to God’s presence with you. No one exemplified this better than Jesus himself who was constantly going off to pray, teaching about prayer, and praying to God.

This Lent we are going to love God by praying like Jesus. How did Jesus pray? What did Jesus pray? How did he instruct his followers to pray? My prayer is that all of us will recommit ourselves to prayer this Lent. What is the next step you can take to deepen your prayer life? Use the weekly reflection questions in your prayer time during the week. Join the Wednesday night group I am leading on prayer. Spend a few more minutes each day in prayer or try a different way of praying than you normally do. However you practice Lent this year, may it lead you to praying more and more like Jesus. May it lead you into falling more and more in love with God who already loves you more than you will ever know.

Abide Nearer, Grow Stronger, Shine Brighter, Love Deeper, Transform Your World,

Pastor Chris

The Feast of St. Valentine

There are 18 more days until Valentine’s Day- just in case anyone needed a friendly reminder to grab a gift for your sweetie (if that is your tradition). The origins of Valentine’s Day trace back to a Christian martyr named Valentine, although there were a few martyrs named Valentine, so we are not totally sure which one. The story I like most is the one I will lift here- the holiday could be named for St. Valentine who defied the emperor’s orders and secretly married couples so that husbands did not have to go to war. Peace, safety, and love have always been so connected! Valentine’s Day also happens to be Ash Wednesday: the solemn reminder of human mortality and the need for reconnection with God.

Valentine’s Day being the beginning of Lent fits surprisingly well together. The juxtaposition of an outpouring of love and the reality of our impermanent time here on earth could help us to more mindfully appreciate those we hold dear. Meghan Trainor’s song, Like I’m Gonna Lose You, puts that sentiment in perspective:

So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you

I'm gonna hold you like I'm saying goodbye

Wherever we're standing, I won't take you for granted

'Cause we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time

Let’s think about God in this context- what if we prioritized our relationship with God like this? What if every prayer was 100% conscious, mindful, and intentional? What if prayer came first in our lives? What if we created time and space to listen to God more mindfully? This season of Lent, we will be focusing on praying like Jesus. Look for ways that you can engage with us in this! 

This January has been a series of challenges one after the other for me and perhaps some of you can relate. Among other daily issues, I've been trying to overcome respiratory/asthma fits since Christmas, last week on my way to church the car wouldn't start due to a dead battery, and as I write this, (on Wednesday morning the 24th), I've just heard of the passing of a longtime friend. The timing never seems to be right for things like this to happen. 


Of course, I turn to music when things go south, and I pray like many of you do. Lately, this song has really been speaking to me. I found it when looking for something else (this often happens to us doesn't it?).  If you have been experiencing rough waters lately, I would encourage you to check out this uplifting song and find comfort in the words: 

My Prayer For You (Official Lyric Video)


Peace and Love, 



Sunday, January 28

8:45 AM-Adult Faith Formation Class

9:00 AM–MS & HS/Discussion & Donuts

10:00 AM–Worship Service & King’s Kids

11:15 AM-Confirmation Class

11:15 AM– Family LIFE Group

11:15 AM-Music Makers

5:00 PM-Youth Fellowship Chili Cooking


Monday, January 29

9:00 AM—Trinity Preschool

9:30 AM–Quilters

12:30 PM—Lunch Bunch


Tuesday, January 30

9:00 AM–Trinity Preschool

4:30 PM—Music Makers Cherubs  

Wednesday, January 31

7:00 AM-Prayer Breakfast

9:00 AM–Trinity Preschool

1:00 PM-Wednesday Afternoon LIFE Group

5:30 PM - Azar's LIFE Group

5:45 PM–Praise Team Rehearsal

7:30 PM–Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal


Thursday, February 1

9:00 AM–Trinity Fine Arts Day

7:00 PM—Chancel Bells

7:30 PM-Zoom LIFE Group


Friday, February 2



Saturday, February 3


Click HERE for the Full Calendar
Click HERE for FEBRUARY Birthdays

Adult Faith Formation Schedule:

To Attend Via Zoom:


Continuing our study of the book of Acts


January 28 - Acts 21-23 - Nelson Hodges 

February 4th - Acts 24-26 - Cindy Black

February 11th - Acts 27-28 - Jill Caynor


In February, we will begin our study of 1 Corinthians:


February 18th - Chapters 1-2 - Claudia Hudgens

February 25th - Chapter 3 - Bruce Bradley

Upcoming Special Events!

We will be live-streaming Bill Bowling's Celebration of Life on our YouTube channel for those unable to attend in person.

January 29th, 2:00 PM

Click HERE to go to the Livestream

Last Weekend to Order!!

Click HERE to Order Chili and/or Cornbread
Click HERE to read the Brochure


“They also will answer, ‘Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Matthew 25: 44 -45

King’s Grant Presbyterian Church will be housing our Winter Shelter guests in coordination with the PIN Ministry on the evening of March 20, through the morning of March 27. This is a special opportunity for our church to serve those in need. Please prayerfully consider how you might help to prepare for or serve during this week.

Once again, we will partner with Lynnhaven United Methodist Church in providing breakfast during the week for those we house. We are grateful for their help.

We will need volunteer dinner food donations, cooks and servers. We would love to have bakers or donations of dessert as well.   We will also need KGPC volunteers (“Mission Team Members”) to check in guests as they arrive and do temperature checks for both our guests and the mission team members. Mission team members may also volunteer to drive our guests to the church using PIN vans throughout Winter Shelter. The driving sign up is on the PIN website: www.pinministry.org . Please contact us if you need more info.

Food servers and kitchen helpers will be required to wear gloves and will serve our guests at their tables. PIN staff will be always present and will use special equipment to disinfect all areas being used each day.

This year we would like to ask for donations of paperback books, puzzle books, and devotionals. We also would like to do a raffle or game night this year and are asking for donations of fast-food gift cards or bus passes. If you wish to make a monetary donation, we will purchase these items for you. Please place book donations in the hall box and turn in gift cards and monetary donations to the office. Thank you!

Please contact Kevin or Sue if you have any questions. To volunteer to help, please use the Connect Card or contact us by phone or email

Sue Mooney susannemooney@gmail.com (757) 995-6090

Kevin Mooney mooneytugs@gmail.com (757) 995-6064

New Worship Series Starting February 18th

Praying Like Jesus

Lenten Worship Series

Prayer is one of the foundational spiritual practices of Lent and our final KGPC core value. We know we should do it, but often it feels like an obligation rather than a joy. How can we renew our prayer life? By exploring both the prayers Jesus prayed in scripture and what he taught his followers about prayer. Prayer never begins with us, but with Jesus and the example he gave us as he prayed. When we shape our prayer life after his, we just might experience the renewal that we seek. This Lent let us learn to pray like Jesus.

Click HERE for more information on the Upcoming Worship Series

February Women's Circles

 Elizabeth Circle will meet at 10 AM on Wednesday, Feb. 14th, at Lynn Huffman's home. We will be studying

Sacred Encounters. Contact Cindy Hiddemen for more details.


Lydia Circle will meet at 10 AM on Tuesday, Feb. 13th at the home of Kathy Duckworth. We will be studying the book of Esther this year. Contact Claudia Hudgens for more details.


Eve Circle will meet on Monday, Feb. 5th at 7:00 PM in the Parlor. We will be studying Who is Jesus, According to Luke. Contact Pam Ponce for more details.


January 30th

Lessons In Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

Our Book Club meets on the last Tuesday of the month

at 7:00 p.m. in the Parlor.

Need a book, contact Julie Seipel for information.

Join us on

Mondays at 12:30 in the Connection Point

for Lunch Bunch!!

Bring a lunch and gather around the table as together this small group shares praises, concerns, scripture and study! Contact Julie Seipel for more information.


Grow In Your Faith!

Word Share Prayer is a monthly scripture reading/reflection that Session and the leaders of ministries use to start their meetings. We will include this in the monthly ENews for you to use throughout the month to read and meditate on.

Core Value #6: Loving without Judgement

READ: Matthew 7:1-5


Do not judge, so that you may not be judged. For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, “Let me take the speck out of your eye”, while the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye.

  • In what situations are you tempted to judge others?
  • What do you currently do to take “the log out of your own eye”?
  • How is God speaking to you and to the church in this passage and what implications does it have?

Our Livestream is available Sundays on YouTube and also on Facebook! Use the links below. The links will also be in the Sunday Morning Worship email.

Click HERE for our 10:00 AM Worship Service
Click HERE for this week's Worship Guide
Click HERE for this week's Wired Word
Click HERE for the Winter/Spring 2024 Youth Calendar

January Youth Ministry

28- Chili and Cornbread Making

We will meet from 5:00-8:00 to make chili and cornbread for our fundraiser. All youth are welcome to come, dinner will be served.  

February Youth Ministry

4- Youth Fellowship

MS: Join us from 5:30 PM-7:00 PM for Youth Fellowship. We will enjoy fellowship time together from 5:30-6:30, and then eat dinner with the high schoolers from 6:30-7:00. 

HS: Join us from 6:30PM-8:00 PM for Youth Fellowship. We will eat dinner with the middle schoolers from 6:30-7:00, and then separate to enjoy fellowship time together from 7-8:00.

11-Chili Distribution/No Youth Group


Meet in the hallway outside of the sanctuary to distribute chili. There will be no youth group tonight- enjoy the Super Bowl!

13- Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner


We will once again be hosting the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner as a fundraiser for Youth Ministry. Meet at 4PM (or as early as you can) to prep batter, cook bacon, and be a pancake flipper!

18- Youth Fellowship

MS: Join us from 5:30 PM-7:00 PM for Youth Fellowship. We will enjoy fellowship time together from 5:30-6:30, and then eat dinner with the high schoolers from 6:30-7:00. 

HS: Join us from 6:30PM-8:00 PM for Youth Fellowship. We will eat dinner with the middle schoolers from 6:30-7:00, and then separate to enjoy fellowship time together from 7-8:00.

25- Service Project


Details to follow.

So far, we have collected over 100 cards, some of which have been included in PIN Lunches and some which will be given out this week to Food Bank and Meals on Wheels recipients! We have lots of people in our community who need a word of encouragement and, even more, to be reminded of the love of Christ, and we are asking each person to write a card each week in worship (Cards are available in the pews). You can also write cards at home (use your own cards or take some from the table by the office) and drop them off whenever you are at church

Strengthen Your Spiritual Core

Winter Worship Series

With the New Year comes New Year’s resolutions which often include getting more exercise. Any personal trainer will emphasize the importance of strengthening your core: the muscles in your abdomen and back. A strong core provides benefits to the entire body preventing injuries, reduces back pain, improving balance, stability, and posture. The same is true for our spiritual core. Our spiritual core is those values that prevent us from sin, reduces pain in our lives, and improves our life’s balance, stability, and ability to stand straight and strong in the face of adversity. What is your spiritual core values? As a church, KGPC has 8 core values that provide the foundation of who we are and how we are called to live in this world. Our Winter Worship Series will explore these essential values so we might better understand who we are and where we are going as a church. Along the way, your spiritual core may be strengthened as well. Come join us as we work to strengthen our core in this new year. 

January 28     Joyfully Serving Others

Our Serve Ministry Team will lead worship with our fifth Core Value: “Joyfully Serving Others.” Why should we serve others? How do we serve? What opportunities are there to serve? Our Serve Team will open up options for you to strengthen this Core Value.

February 4     How Do Your Core Values Impact Others?

John 13:31-35; Matthew 22:34-40; 6:9-14; 18:21-22

When God’s will is our priority and our faith is growing, we see people through God’s eyes. That’s why our next Core Values are: “Loving Without Judgment” and “Forgiving as We Have Been Forgiven.” Loving is the second half of Jesus’ greatest commandment, yet too often our thoughts rush to assumptions, stereotypes, and judgment. Loving without judgment can be challenging, especially when we’ve been hurt by another. Love involves forgiveness. Jesus spoke several times about our need to forgive others based on the forgiveness we have received from God. Forgiveness is a gift to ourselves to keep the bitterness and anger from eating us up inside.

Reflection Questions: Describe a time when you “loved your neighbor.” Was it without judgment? Have you ever begrudgingly or judgmentally served or helped another? Describe a time you had the opportunity to forgive someone. How did your experience of being forgiven by God have an impact on your ability to forgive another?

February 11   The Core Value that Undergirds All Others

I Thessalonians 5:15-18

If the first Core Value is the umbrella under which the rest fall, the final Core Value undergirds the rest: “Praying in All Things.” As we wrap up our worship series, we are guided by Jesus who prayed without ceasing and in all circumstances. How can we strengthen our prayer lives? This week serves as a transition between our Core Values and our Lenten emphasis on the significance of prayer. 

Reflection Questions: What is your prayer life like? Do you pray in all things, both the joyful and difficult? What is one step you can take to make prayer more of a priority in your life?



Lunch Bunch

12:30 PM in the Connection Point

Contact Julie Seipel at julieaseipel@icloud.com


Porch Life

6:30 PM every other week at the Sandford's

Contact Chuck and Pam at chuck_sandford@yahoo.com


Prayer Breakfast

7:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall

Contact Don Bradway at bradway.don@gmail.com

Wednesday Afternoon Life

1:00 PM in the Prayer Room

Contact Sue Mooney at susannemooney@gmail.com

Azar's Life

5:30 PM at Azar’s Mediterranean Specialties

(108 Prescott Ave, Virginia Beach, VA 23452)

Contact Dan Duquette at dduquette81@gmail.com

Luke Life

7:00 PM every other week in the Parlor

Contact Suzy Farley at suzyfarley@yahoo.com


Zoom Life

7:15 PM on Zoom

Contact Karen Pleas at pleask.2@verizon.net


Family Life

11:15 AM in the Connection Point

Contact Shannon Bronaugh at shannon.disney@gmail.com

Contact Amanda Pine for more details about these amazing LIFE Groups.

Giving statements for 2023 have been emailed or mailed if email is unavailable. 

If you did not receive your donation statement, please contact Jill McNulty at j.mcnulty@kgpc.org.




Cash Income---------$79,122

Cash Expenses -------($56,424)






DIFFERENCE:----------- -









Click HERE for Financial Summary
Contact Us

King's Grant Presbyterian Church

745 Little Neck Road

Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452

(757) 340-2840 


Office Hours: 8:30 - 3:00 M-F

Service Times

10:00 AM - Worship

---------- Service

Visit our website