KHCA/KCAL is committed to providing our members with important updates. Below is a list of the most recent information. Please visit our website for a list of complete updates.
KHCA/KCAL President/CEO Update from earlier this afternoon
You don't want to miss today's Legislative Update! Click here to view.
Clinical Update from KHCA Consultant Linda Farrar
When was the last time you reviewed you Quality Measures? They have always been important to follow closely, but they are getting more important all the time. For our “newbies”…Quality Measures are the standards for measuring performance of healthcare providers to care for residents. Quality measures can identify important aspect of care including such areas of resident safety, care effectiveness, and care timeliness. Per CMS, Quality Measures address: READ MORE
Amid reform rush, ‘potentially disastrous’ 5-Star update lurks, leader cautions
McKnight’s Long-Term Care News - While regulators are working furiously to push through a comprehensive nursing home reform agenda backed by the Biden administration, providers remain concerned about an earlier change whose impact is soon to be revealed: the inclusion of additional staffing measures in 5-Star rating calculations.
Parkinson Discusses Push For More Congressional Support For Long-Term Care Residents, Staff
McKnight’s Long-Term Care News reports American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living President and CEO Mark Parkinson "recently sent a letter to Congressional Leadership requesting additional resources for long-term care residents and staff," and also "outlined the current state of the industry." In a Market Leaders Podcast episode, Parkinson discusses "his specific request to have Congress take additional steps to ensure the safety and protection of America’s most vulnerable."
CMS encourages facility operators to phase out any unneeded PHE waivers
McKnight’s Long-Term Care News - The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is warning providers to begin retiring unnecessary COVID emergency waivers as the potential end of the public health emergency declaration approaches.
CMS Releases Proposed Medicare Eligibly and Coverage Changes
This week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published in the Federal Register a proposed rule entitled, Medicare Program; Implementing Certain Provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Revisions to Medicare Enrollment and Eligibility Rules. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) includes proposed changes to Medicare eligibility, including elimination of the Medicare coverage waiting period under specific circumstances, as well as new Special Enrollment Periods (SEP).
The NPRM also proposes extending months of immunosuppressive drugs for kidney transplant patients, simplification of Medicare enrollment forms and proposes to update various regulations that affect a state’s payment of the Medicare Part A and B premiums on behalf of low-income individuals (often known as “state buy-in”).
These changes could better align the regulations with federal statute, policy and operations that have evolved over time. READ MORE
KDADS Workforce Incentive
This is a reminder that the last day to submit applications for the Workforce Incentive Program is this Friday April 29, 2022 (by 5:00 pm). Please continue to refer to for guidance, files, and program information. If you cannot find an answer to your questions online or are having issues completing and submitting your application packet please do not hesitate to email
AHCA/NCAL Quality Summit Registration Deadline Approaching Next Week!
The deadline to register for this year’s AHCA/NCAL Quality Summit is Thursday, May 5. The summit will be held May 16-18, in Kissimmee, FL, at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center (near Orlando). Besides sessions focused on quality and the AHCA/NCAL National Quality awards, there are other education sessions to address today’s workforce challenges, care practice trends, survey and enforcement, PDPM, and leadership. READ MORE
Membership Directory & Buyer’s Guide
KHCA/KCAL has partnered again with E&M Consulting, Inc. to produce our Membership Directory & Buyer’s Guide. The publication will be available in both print and digital formats. E&M will be managing the project, including advertising sales and layout/graphic design. They are extremely professional and produce a high-quality publication, and we ask that you give them a moment of your time. E&M will be contacting all members about the advertising opportunities available. The publication will be mailed to every member – a great opportunity to promote and give your company additional exposure. If you have any questions or would like to advertise, please contact an E&M sales associate at 800-572-0011 ext.8005 or As always, your support is greatly appreciated!
Speaking face-to-face with your Members of Congress is the most effective way to advocate for the kind of quality care you want to provide in your centers.
AHCA/NCAL’s Congressional Briefing offers you that invaluable opportunity. Come to Washington, D.C. this June, and ask for what you need and want. You’ll get an update on the latest happenings in long term and post-acute care, make an effective and immediate plan of action with your colleagues, and then meet with your Representatives and their staff on Capitol Hill. It’s a priceless chance to use your voice, and one that you can’t afford to pass up. Click here for more details.
8 Week Webinar Series: MDS Mastermind Insights for MDS Coding and Reimbursement Accuracy
Weekly webinars starting on May 4 and ending on June 22 from 1:30 - 2:30 PM
Members $352 | Non Members $480 Click here for more details.
Webinar: Survey Top 10 Citation Series - Survey Success! Avoiding Top Citations. #4 Top Citation: F689 Free of Accident Hazards/Supervision/Devices
5/3/22 from 1:30PM - 2:30PM
8 Week Webinar Series: MDS Mastermind Insights for MDS Coding and Reimbursement Accuracy
5/4/22 through 6/22/22 from 1:30PM - 2:30PM
Webinar: The Proficient Infection Preventionist Series: Conducting Skillful IPC Program Surveillance
5/17/22 from 1:30PM - 2:30PM
AAPACN RAC-CT Certification
6/1 - 6/3/22 from 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Nurse Leadership Conference
6/14/2022 11AM - 6/15/2022 3:30PM
Kansas Health Care Association and the Kansas Center for Assisted Living
1100 SW Gage Blvd. | PO Box 4770 | Topeka, KS 66604
PH: 785-267-6003 FAX: 785-267-0833