KJ Happenings

21 Elul 5782 | 17 September 2022

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In this Issue

  • Rabbi Halevy's Message
  • Kahal Joseph Schedule
  • Shabbat & Elul Melodies with Hazzan Jalali
  • ThankYou Torah Cleaning Volunteers!
  • Memorial for Michael Amron, z''l, Sun 9/18@11am
  • This Week! Rosh Hashana Unwrapped w/Rabbi Kesselman, Tue 9/20@8pm
  • KJ Kids Club on Shabbat
  • Refua Shlema & Azkarot

KJ Schedule

Parashat Ki Tavo

Devarim (Deut.) 26:1-29:8

Haftarah Yishayahu (Isaiah) 60:1-22


Friday, September 16th

Light Candles 6:40 PM


Saturday, September 17th

Shaharit 9:00 AM

KJ Kids Korner 9:30 AM

Minha, Seuda, Arvit 6:10 PM

Havdallah 7:34 PM


Sunday, September 18th

Talmud Torah 9:45 AM

Selihot 6:45 AM

Shaharit to follow

Mon-Fri, Sept 19th-23rd

Selihot 5:45 AM

Shaharit to follow

Membership & Sponsorship
To sponsor an event or become a member contact our office.
Call 310.474.0559, click here to email Sarah, or sign up online below.
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Calendars for the New Year 5783

Calendars for the Jewish year 5783 / 2022-2023, which begins the eve of September 25th, are now available at Kahal Joseph downstairs near the entrance to the sanctuary.

Rabbi's Message

Rabbi Natan Halevy




This week the Torah portion states: “You will be Blessed in the city, and blessed in the field.” The word for blessed in Hebrew is “baruch”. A full translation for “baruch” would include the additional sense, in Hebrew, of blessings being “drawn down” from the endless abundance of Hashem.


A metaphor for Hashem’s abundance and blessings is found in the grape vine. A grape vine in the field produces tendrils, small offshoots from the main vine. Sometimes a tendril from the main vine is pulled down towards the earth. When the tendril touches the ground, the offshoot attaches, then roots, and finally sprouts, creating new vines and whole new plants that produce fruit.


The Torah is telling us that our blessings should be expressed in the world, so that we may see their benefits more clearly. When we keep our blessings only to ourselves, they aren’t able to influence the world as much. Rather, our goodness and the gifts Hashem has given us should influence our surroundings, in the “city” and in the “field.”


When we read the portion of the curses in our Torah portion this week, we may think to ourselves: isn’t serving HaShem and performing mitzvot enough? Isn’t improving our behavior and taking care of ourselves, our little corner of the world, sufficient?  How else are we to express our devotion to God? This attitude brings to mind the image of “a tzaddik [a righteous person] in a fur coat.”


There are two ways to get warm on a cold winter day. One is to build a fire, which warms everyone else in the room as well. Another is to wrap ourselves in furs, which conserves our own warmth but does not generate any heat or warmth for anyone else. A righteous person whose only concern is with his own righteousness and proper behavior is like “a tzaddik in a fur coat.” 

Read more . . .

Shabbat Kiddush

is sponsored

in honor of

the Bar Mitzvah

of Elior


The Benayoun Family

Mazal Tov

to his parents, Michael and Anne

to his siblings, Liram and Ava

to his grandparents, Simon Benayoun and Odile Rosemberg

and to the entire family

Shabbat Melodies with Hazzan Saeed Jalali

Listen to the  Haftara, Tehillim 130 and Selihot sung by Hazzan Saeed Jalali!

Reserve Your High Holy Days Mitzvot TODAY!

KJ thanks our wonderful volunteers who cleaned the beautiful cases of our Torah scrolls for the High Holy Days!

Jilla Arasteh

Fiona Cohen

Letezia Einy

Louise & David Elias

Barukh Isaac

Hannie Kelly

Sigal Kelly

Rivkah Levanah

Elizabeth Sarabia

Tammy Stockfish

Shula Wyner

Rita Zakoo


Moshe & Hagith

Kahal Joseph Community
Refuah Shelema
We wish complete healing of body, mind, and soul to all those who are suffering with illness in our community, including:

Evelyn Salem / Evelyn bat Mazal
Modi ben Yvonne
Zvi Moalim
Ariella Rivka bat Tziporah
Rylla Elias / Rahel bat Mazal
Ben Elias / Benyamin ben Yohevet
Latif ben Chanina
Alexander ben Yehezkiel and Chana Hai Reiza
Shimon ben Yosef v'Leah / Simon Saul
Shmuel ben Yaacov v'Tova / William McAbian
Tal ben Alona Basha
Meir Iny / Meir ben Sabiha
Ezra ben Farha
Sassoon Ezra
Sylvia Cohen
Mehry bat Miriam Hakimipour
Yvonne Moalim
Florice Newberry
Aliza bat Rahel
Aliza bat Victoria
Chaya Chana bat Batya
Miriam bat Yetta
Miryam bat Malka
Chaya Rachel bat Simcha Ruhama
Dina bat Rahel
Karen bat Chana Meir
Eti Esther bat  Fortuna
Ezra ben Rahel
Albert Nissan ben Victoria
Reuven Halevi ben Batsheva
David ben Tova
Rachel Bakhash / Rahel bat Dina
Fouad Salem / Hayeem ben Naima
Noach Yaakov ben Tzipporah
Ori ben Nuphar Chaia

In Memoriam

We remember these yahrzeit anniversaries from September 17 to 24, 2022 ( 21 to 28 Elul 5782). We light memorial candles, donate tsedaka, & attend Shabbat services to honor the memory of our loved ones.

22 Elul / Sunday, September 18th

Violet Ezra

Moselle Jacob Muzli bat Nuna

Batsheva Abraham Batsheva bat Rachel

24 Elul / Tuesday, September 20th

Daisy Ezra Khazam bat Farha

25 Elul / Wednesday, September 21st

Yosef Acoca Yosef ben Nissim

Sidney Jonah Sasson Ephraim ben Yonah

Marsel Kemareh Marsel bat Shaul v'Gazala Levi

Esmat Khalili Naghdi Rahel bat Yonah

26 Elul / Thursday, September 22nd

Hanina Levy Hanina Saleh Shamash bat Farha

27 Elul / Wednesday, September 23rd

Ester Shamsi Ester bat Morvarid

Diana Solomon Dina bat Simha

28 Elul / Shabbat, September 24th

Samuel Hallegua Shmuel ben Haim

David Kelly David Shalom ben Saleh Moshe Kadoorie

Naji Solomon David Shlomo ben David

Moshe ben Moondani

Visit KJ on Facebook
Rabbi Natan Halevy
Saeed Jalali, Hazzan
Sasson Ezra, Sr. Hazzan
Yvette Dabby, President
Orly Kattan, Sr. Vice President
Sarah Bouchoucha, Administrator
Penina Meghnagi Solomon, Administrative Assistant
Dafna Young, Editor