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Annual KOG Meeting - Sunday January 30 at 10:30 AM.




Your WELCA board met on January 8, 2022, for a potluck so the new and existing members of the board could meet and get to know each other. Due to the pandemic and no elections being held, we approved to extend the terms of each board member by one year. This next October, we will be electing new board members for Vice-President, Community Committee, Action Committee, and Growth Committee.


Your current board is Patty Larson, President; Nancy Seid, Vice-President; Carolyn Jean Smith, Secretary; Sharlene Harvey, Treasurer; Valerie Bridges, Nancy Perry-Dale, and Nancy Cormier, Community Committee; Anise Dahlquist and Phyllis Bradburn, Action Committee; Nancy Severson and Joni Barry, Growth Committee; Carolyn Jean Smith, Prayer Shawls; Mary Kay Tinker, Bazaar; and Nancy Seid and Wanda Firman, Card Ministry.


The other purpose of this meeting was to create a 2022 budget. From left over funds and the proceeds from the bazaar, we have $15,551 to budget. The board approved a budget of $15,700. You can obtain a copy of this budget from Sharlene Harvey, Treasurer. After expenses, we raised $8,977 from the bazaar (gross income was $10,285). This is wonderful for a one-day, 6-hour bazaar. Thank you to all who helped make this bazaar possible. As a reminder, we are planning to have a small bazaar in June to feature Grandma’s Attic and of course, baked goods.


Your Community Committee is in the process of developing a visitation spread sheet where anyone can sign up to visit one of our members in care facilities or shut in. We feel their spirits will be lifted by these visitations.


Put May 7th on your calendar. We are finally planning our Roaring 20’s Spring Luncheon. Dressing up for that era is encouraged so start planning your wardrobe. Of course, those in regular clothes are welcome too. 


Good Gifts Update

What a great gift for Tom and Sharyn Christensen. We collected enough money to purchase a whole herd of goats plus three individual goats. Thank you to all who donated to this gift. Tom and Sharyn have arrived at their new destination through some ugly weather issues. We are grateful to God for keeping them safe.


Hurray!!! We received enough funds to purchase a whole fish farm. This will help a community feed themselves for a lifetime. Keeping on the feeding theme, in January and February, we will be collecting funds for food for orphans and vulnerable children. Nutrition for a child for one month costs $30 and nutrition for a child for one year costs $300. It would be great if we could buy food for a year. 

Thank you to all who donate to this Social Ministry cause!


Free Meal Update

The December free meal was a big hit. We held it inside for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. We had ham, cheesy potatoes, green beans, rolls, olives, applesauce, and apple pie and ice cream. It was a wonderful Christmas dinner and we served 44 meals. Our January free meal will be on January 29th. Since we have a bunch of leftover ham, we will be making something yummy with that. It will be from 12:00 – 1:30 PM. If you would like to help cook, please show up around 10:00 AM, to serve and clean up, arrive around 11:30. 

Thanks to all the 11 workers who helped with the December meal!

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Interfaith Silent Prayer Vigil 2022

Wednesdays at 12 PM – 12:30 PM

On the front steps of the Idaho State Capitol


The 2022 Idaho State Legislative Session began Monday January 11. The same week the silent prayer vigil in front of the Capitol building started. For many years, the Interfaith Equality Coalition has organized such a vigil. This organization works to bring equality, justice, and dignity for all people through compassionate witness, education, and advocacy. King of Glory has many times participated in the IEC activities. 

In front of the Capitol, we pray for wisdom for our legislators, so they will legislate with compassion and concern for all people in Idaho. People of all faiths are welcome to participate in the silent vigil; faith leaders are particularly welcome to attend and are encouraged to wear robes, stoles, and other signs of their position 

The original focus of such vigils was equality for LGBTQ+ people. This commitment is still honored, and rainbows, trans flags and more are welcome. 

Don’t forget to wear a mask and bundle up.


Thursday January 27th                       


Author of Tree of Hope

Join us for a very special virtual conversation as we welcome author Cara Wilson-Granat. She will discuss her book Tree of Hope, recounting her extraordinary twenty-year friendship with Otto Frank, Anne Frank's father, and the wisdom he shared with her during her teenage years in the tumultuous 1960's and 70's.

Thursday, January 27th, 2022

10am PT | 11am MT | 1pm ET

Register Here

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Making the world a better place...one croqueta at a time!


at The Basque Market

Raising money for the Wassmuth Center throughout January 2022!

608 W. Grove Street, Boise, ID 83702

Boise's destination for specialty items from the Iberian Peninsula, especially the Basque Country. Wines, tapas, catering, and events too!

When should I use a rapid Covid Test?

Samson, Isabelle, and Their Children’s Faith Journey

The Social Justice Committee’s project for 2021 has been completed. A professional videographer, Stephanie Cullen, recorded and edited Samson Madjitoloum, Isabelle Datoloum, and their children’s faith journey. The DVD will be presented to the congregation the three first Sundays in February, in between the services.

This will be an opportunity for you to know Samson and his family in a better and deeper way. The parents, Samson and Isabelle, were born in Central Africa Republic. They moved to Cameroun when the war made it impossible for them to stay in their native country. A few years later, they were given a chance to move to America, and landed in Boise, Idaho. They chose King of Glory as their church.

They will speak of their struggles and their joys, as well as the importance of their faith and King of Glory in their life.

February 6: Samson’s Story

February 13: The family’s Story

February 20: Isabelle’s Story

There will be time at the end of each session to ask questions and make comments.

We are also inviting the youth to attend the presentation and participate in the conversation.

For the members who are not attending the church in person, there will be 2 DVDs available for check up at the church library.


An Invitation to the Gather Magazine Study

Women of King of Glory, you are all invited to our monthly Bible study published in the Women of the ELCA magazine called “Gather.” We just finished an engaging 3-month study of the Holy Spirit. And now beginning in January we will have a four-part series on the Kingdom of God written by foremost ELCA Biblical scholar, Rev. Mark Allen Powell. The lessons bringing new insights to the scriptures promise surprises along the way.

You do not need a magazine to join us. The church library has a few copies, or you can subscribe to the material copy, or you can subscribe to an online copy. Or we can get you the lesson some other way—let us know if you need it. Or you can join us just by listening and sharing. A good word for the magazine—it has good articles in it related to the topic of the lesson. The magazine now comes out six time a year and each magazine has two lessons.

We meet once a month, on the second Wednesday of the month from 1:00 to 2:30. For now we are meeting on Zoom. If you would like to join us, please email Phyllis Bradburn at pabradburn@Outlook.com, so that I can email you a Zoom link.


Adult Education News


The Christian Education Committee is planning to begin a series of Adult Education offerings in February. The group will meet 9:45-10:30 in the Bethlehem Rm beginning February 6th


The Social Justice will be presenting the video telling the story of Sampson and his family’s journey to the United States. A portion of the video will be presented each Sunday for 3 weeks followed by a time for questions and discussion.


Todd Kraft will be our presenter in March. He will be going through the book “You Gotta Ask” by Jon and Pam Strain. This book discusses ways to start meaningful conversations about your faith with others. Books will be available at the first meeting on March 6th.


The last Sundays in February and March members of local non-profit organizations will be presenting on what they are doing in the community. There are a lot of good organizations in the community that are working to help the members od the Treasure Valley through some of the challenges they are facing. This will be a good opportunity to learn more about these groups and find out more about how we can support their efforts.


We are excited to resume adult education session with the same COVID precautions that are being observed during the service. Stay tuned for more information and information about upcoming sessions.

Book Club News

We will be picking books for our next list on Sunday, Feb. 20th, at 4 PM via zoom. 

 Everyone and anyone is invited to join in the fun. Feel free to have an appetizer and beverage during our time together while books are being picked.

It would be very helpful to have your book selections before Feb. 20th. Please email me your 2-3 books that you will offer as your selections, by Feb. 19th.


Please call (208-861-5642) or email Lisa Kraft if you have any questions.



Your King of Glory Council is preparing for the 2022 Annual Meeting, Sunday January 30 at 10:30 AM. There will be only a 9 AM in-person worship that Sunday (virtual worship an option), followed by the meeting in the Sanctuary. This is a virtual annual meeting. Attendance options are in-person or linked by Zoom.

        The 2022 Annual Report which highlights the activities of King of Glory will be available the middle of January, as a printed copy, or a PDF. The Annual Report captures the work and ministry of King of Glory during 2021 with committee, staff, and financial reports. Please look over the Annual Report for a capsule of King of Glory’s ministries during 2021.

        To expedite budget approval during the annual meeting, there will be two information events on Sundays, January 16 and January 23 between the two in-person worship services. This will be a chance to ask budget-related questions of the Finance Committee and the Executive Committee, to understand the “whys” of the 2022 budget. The proposed budget, which has been prepared by the Finance Committee and approved by the council, will be available for the congregation after the January 12 council meeting.


Christmas worship at King of Glory was truly a celebration! Two traditional Christmas Eve worship services welcomed many friends and families. Congregational singing—all masked—of familiar carols was truly a special gift, especially the candle-light tradition of “Silent Night”. “Waving” the Peace and individual communion in the pews was assuring that the pandemic protocols for the safety of the entire community of faith continue to be of high importance.

        It has been, and continues to be, challenging for your leadership to ensure that “all” can safely be together. With the concern now regarding the prolific spread of the Omicron variation of COVID, we are hopeful that we can not only practice, but continue to expand more of our treasured fellowship traditions:

·      We are “singing” the two hymns during the in-person worship service!

·      We are having simple coffee hours, with beverages and cookies and distanced seating in the Fellowship Hall.

·      The Free Meal gang served a sit-down meal for December in the Fellowship Hall, practicing social distancing, vaccinations, and wearing masks when not eating.

·      The adult educational hour plans to offer in-person sessions in February between services.

Choir? King of Glory’s music staff is not comfortable re-organizing the vocal choir at this time. Singing produces a particularly high level of respiratory particles (aerosols), which potentially contain coronavirus. An infected singer risks infecting others in the room via the air they breathe, especially since singing involves people inhaling deeply as well.

Considering the median age of the choir, lack of space (at least 6’ of distance between singers) to maintain safe distances, and an air filtration system that is not able to promote adequate air flow, we are blessed with song leaders who have been faithfully sharing their gifts of music in worship.

Thank you King of Glory for your willingness to be masked and vaxxed! As your leadership, we continue to monitor CDC guidelines and advice from health care professionals to ensure that we are able to care for each other safely with “faith steps” that are appropriate for our community of faith.


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Are you interested?

James Grunow from Immanuel Lutheran Church is facilitating a discussion of Heather McGhee’s New York Times best-selling book: The Sum Of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together. He has a few openings and graciously offered them to KOG members.


It is on Zoom and meets for 5 weeks on Wednesdays starting on January 12. There are afternoon or evening options — Wednesdays at 1:30 - 2:45 PM or 6 - 7:15 PM.

To register, email or call


call or text   208 571-6309


 McGhee: “I’ve spent the last three years writing about the hidden costs of racism to us all: the traumas that radiate out beyond the intended victims and the ways that racism in our politics and laws leads to dysfunction and needless suffering.”


 “The Sum of Us is a deeply empathetic and heartfelt analysis of the real impact of inequality and racism on everyday Americans,” said Dan Fierman, President of Higher Ground Audio. “Heather not only understands and captures the broader history of how we got here, but she also truly cares about the many people impacted today by our biggest societal failures. We are thrilled to work with her to amplify the beautiful stories from her essential new book.”

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Prayer Requests

Prayers for God’s Healing:

Bev Siefkes

Mary Groth- Donna Groth's daughter-in-law

Jim Cambron

Tim Pfankuch, Son of Paul & Bonita Pfankuch.

Louise Moore

Marge Holmquist

Bob Applequist

Tom & Sharyn Christensen

David Fredrich, nephew of Mark Drew

Prayers for Marty Palmer

Prayers for Juliet Petersen 

Prayers for Augustine Taigam

Prayers for the Severson Family.

Prayers for Justin Boinde and Family.

Prayers for Kurt & Alma's neighbor Pat as she comforts her daughter in her last few days.

Prayers for Unspoken Needs and requests, those whose hurts are too deep to be spoken.

Prayers for all Healthcare Workers, Military, and the family that

surrounds them.

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King of Glory Lutheran Church

3430 N. Maple Grove Rd., Boise, ID 83704



Facebook: Ministries at King of Glory Lutheran – https://www.facebook.com/kogyouth/

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUF45X8-ndbWyvfQBPrHVQw