Philadelphia Community Kollel Weekly Update
July 21, 2016
Parshas Balak  5776
In This Issue
This Shabbos at the Kollel
Sunday Fast of...Shiva Asar B'Tammuz.
Save-The-Date "Turning Tears into Triumph" July 27
Recent Audio
Community News
Mazel Tov To:

Rabbi Aaron and Esther Gold on the marriage of their grandson Yehuda Sendler of Detroit to Rivka Siegal of Kew Gardens. Mazel tov also to the kallah's grandparents Reb Shmuel and Khana Globman.

Marty and Gail Twersky on the birth of a grandson born to Scott and Shani Savett.


Condolences To:
Dr. Allan and Mrs. Sandy Jacob on the passing of Mrs. Jacob's father, Mr. Henry Schmidt, z"l, grandfather of Rebbetzin Rachael Biberfeld.
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This Shabbos at the Kollel 
Parshas Balak
Thursday, July 21:
8:00 p.m.: Mincha- Note Additional Minyan
8:15 p.m.:  Gemara Yoma Shiur with Rabbi Biberfeld
9:00 p.m.- Maariv- Lower Level - Note Additional Minyan
9:15 p.m.: 10:00 p.m.: Kollel Erev
10:00 p.m.: Maariv
10:15 p.m.: Daf Yomi

Friday, July 22:
8:10 p.m. :  Candle Lighting 
8:28 p.m.:  Shkiya /Sunset

Shabbos, July 23:
8:15 a.m.:  Shacharis
8:53/ 9:29 a.m.: Latest Krias Shema
Ramban Shiur with Rabbi Eskenazi
6:30 p.m.:  Mincha
8:22 p.m.: Shkiya/Sunset
9:17 p.m.: Maariv
9:34 p.m.: 72 Minutes

Note: New time for Shabbos Mincha 6:30 p.m.

Follow this link to see the new Shabbos Zemanim chart  for   July-Mid September

Sunday is Fast of
Shiva Asar B'Tammuz
This Sunday, July 24 will be the fast of Shiva Asar B'tammuz (nidcheh).

Shacharis will be at 8:00 a.m.
Mincha at 1:30 p.m.

Save-The-Date: July 27
Video Presentation for Women on
Sassoon Family Tragedy
"Turning Tears into Triumph"
Click on the poster below to view it in large.

Sassoon Family 
Video Presentation:
July 27, 2016 8 :15-9:15PM
Recent Audio
T o listen to the audio of the 2016 Annual Lecture,  click here.
To listen to the audio of iGot Questions III- Bishul Akum, click here.
To see photos, news article and hear audio of the Partnership Hachnosas Sefer Torah, click here.
Community News
  • Did you mistakenly take an umbrella from the Annual Lecture? If yes, please contact Rabbi Yakir Schechter,
  • If anyone was in the Franklin Institute museum in Philadelphia on  Wednesday Chol Hamoed Pesach (April 25th), and witnessed a six year old girl fall right outside "The Heart" exhibit shortly before 3:00PM, please contact her family at . The injury sustained turned out to be serious and any witness that knows what occurred could possibly be very helpful for her.
  • Koshersync Like to know what's going on in the community? Join the Koshersync weekly update list! Simply send an e-mail to with the word "Subscribe" as the subject. This free service will update you weekly about the events scheduled for that week and a digest of new events. To post an event, e-mail with the event name, location, time, and description.
  • Bauminger's Library: The library will once again be open every Wednesday from 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., at 228 Stoneway Lane, Merion.
  • " כל השונה הלכות בכל יום ": "Whoever studies two Halachos a day is assured a place in Olam Habah." If you would like to receive a free daily e-mail with two halachos a day, go to and sign up, or send a request to . These are two separate services with separate halachos.
  • Parsha Shiur by Rabbi Ungar of Etz Chaim-  a dynamic shiur on the Parsha- please join us for an unforgettable shiur every Monday night at Jeff and Daryl Klein's home at 161 Union Avenue at 8:15 p.m.