
Philadelphia Community Kollel Weekly Update

  July 3, 2014  
Parshas Balak 5774
In This Issue
This Shabbos at the Kollel
Beautiful Simcha Hall
Community News

Mazel Tov To:


Bob and Judy Pransky

on the birth of a new grandson born to Shua and Amanda Pransky


David and Sima Sherman

on the engagement of their son Daniel to Tamar York!
Barry and Miriam Gesserman
on the marriage of their son, 
Yoni to Adina Freidman.

Esti Lordjan upon the marriage of her daughter Aleeza to Avrum Yidel Pinksez!



Condolences To:
The Epstein family on the loss of  Morton Epstein z"l.
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Click here to send us your suggestions, praises, criticisms, or any other comment.
News and Events
This Shabbos at the Kollel 
Parshas Balak
Thursday, July 3: 
There will  be no 8:00 Mincha or Gemorah Yoma Shiur.
9:00 P.M.: Maariv
9:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.: Rabbi Frand's Weekly Parsha Shiur  
9:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.: Kollel Erev
Friday, July 4:
8:20 a.m.: 
Rabbi Prupas's Chumash Shiur
8:15 p.m.: Candle Lighting  
8:33 p.m.: Shkiya/Sunset


Shabbos, July 5:
8:15 a.m.: Shacharis
8:45/ 9:21 a.m.: Latest Krias Shema
Ramban Shiur- Given by Rabbi Eskenazi
5:15 p.m.: Business Ethics Shiur
6:00 p.m.: Mincha
8:33 p.m.:Shkiya/Sunset
9:28 p.m.: Maariv
9:45 p.m.: 72 Minutes 

Follow this link to see the Shabbos Zemanim chart for 

Business Ethics Is Back This Week!

Special Programming for the 

3 Weeks!


1. Rabbi Biberfeld's Shiur on the Ten Lost Tribes


2. Yizkereim Documentary - Strike On Heaven

Strike On Heaven is a poignant documentary that exposes the Third Reich's war on Yiddishkeit and part of the 
Yizkereim Foundation's 

Zachor...Lo Tishkach series. Through archival footage, personal interviews with survivors and Holocaust experts the film tells the story of the Nazis' wholesale attempt to spiritually annihilate the Jews. The film ends on an uplifting note with the rebuilding and flourishing of Yiddishkeit in Eretz Yisrael and around the world which will inspire all of us to greater adherence to mitzvot and will help us strengthen emunah - particularly relevant to the Three Weeks - Bein Hametzarim period.


3. Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Presentations on Tisha BA'v

and other video presentations.




Special Mishnayos Learning Dedicated to Memory 

of the 3 Kedoshim, Hy"d

Through the duration of shiva for our brothers
Hy"d who were brutally murdered in Eretz Yisroel at the hands of our enemies, we will learn mishnayos together in their memory each weeknight at the end of Night Seder. 
In memory of:
Yaakov Naftali ben Rachel Devorah, Hy"d
Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim, Hy"d
Eyal ben Iris Teshurah, Hy"d 
(Father's names will be announced when available)
Mishnayos: 9:55 p.m.
Maariv: 10:00 p.m.
May Hashem avenge their deaths and bring solace and comfort to their immediate families and all of Klal Yisroel.  






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Thank you for your Support!

Beautiful Simcha Hall Available For Your Next Simcha!

Are you looking for a simcha hall for your upcoming simcha or party?


~The Kollel's beautiful Social Hall located on the lower level of the Kollel is available to rent for your next simcha~ 

-Kitchen facilities with an industrial  fridge and freezer-

 -Easy access from our free parking lot- 


Perfect for a Bris, Sheva Brachos, Vort, and all your parties!


Its simcha season, dates are filling up quickly-

Call or email today to reserve your simcha date!




Community News
  • KoshersyncLike to know what's going on in the community? Join the Koshersync weekly update list! Simply send an e-mail to with the word "Subscribe" as the subject. This free service will update you weekly about the events scheduled for that week and a digest of new events. To post an event, e-mail with the event name, location, time, and description.
  • Bauminger's Library: The library will once again be open every Wednesday from 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., at 228 Stoneway Lane, Merion.
  • "כל השונה הלכות בכל יום": "Whoever studies two Halachos a day is assured a place in Olam Habah." If you would like to receive a free daily e-mail with two halachos a day, go to and sign up, or send a request to These are two separate services with separate halachos.
  • Rabbi Ungar's dynamic shiur on the Parsha- please join us for an unforgettable shiur every Monday night at

    Jeff and Daryl Klein's home at 161 Union Avenue

     at 8:15 p.m.

Azkara for Rabbi Felder zt"l