Philadelphia Community Kollel Weekly Update
August 31, 2017
Parshas Ki Setze  5777
In This Issue
This Shabbos at the Kollel
Pre-Rosh Hashanah...Evening of Inspiration 5777.
Save-the-Date...Kollel Women's Annual Yom Tov Bake Sale Event
New Elul Zman in session
Need a Chavrusah?
New! 5-Minute Mussar Shiur
Shivti will return...
Kollel Lost and Found
Community News
Mazel Tov to:

Rabbi Ephraim and Bracha Goldfein on the birth of a granddaughter, born to Heshie and Malka Goldfein.
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Kollel Website
For a complete listing of Kollel events, programs, shiurim links, zemanim and more, visit us at our website:

For free Kollel audio shiurim and publications go to the archives tab.
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Comment Corner:
Questions or comments about our weekly e-mails? We would love to hear your feedback!
Click here to send us your suggestions, praises, criticisms, or any other comment.
This Shabbos at the Kollel 
Parshas Ki Setze
Thursday, August 31:
8:15 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.: Gemara Rosh Hashana with Rabbi Biberfeld
9:00 p.m.:
Maariv - Lower Level
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.:
Kollel Erev
10:00 p.m.:
10:15 p.m.:
Daf Yomi

Friday, September 1:
7:14 p.m.: Candle Lighting
7:32 p.m.: Shkiya/Sunset

Shabbos, September 2:
8:15 a.m.: Shacharis
9:09/9:45 a.m.: Latest Krias Shema
6:30 p.m.: 
7:30 p.m.: Shkiya/Sunset
8:25 p.m.: Maariv
8:42 p.m.: 72 Minutes

Follow this link to see the Shabbos Zemanim chart for July-August 2017
Join As a Sponsor Today!
Pre-Rosh Hashanah
Evening of Inspiration
with Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
Sponsorship for this event are available as a great way to increase your merits before Rosh Hashanah.
Sponsors $180 - Silver $360 - Gold $500
Please respond to this email or to

Join us for our ninth annual community-wide
Pre-Rosh Hashanah Evening of Inspiration
to hear Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier of
Wednesday, September 13 at 8:30 p.m.
at the Kollel Beis Medrash
364 Montgomery Avenue, Merion Station

Click on poster to enlarge

Kollel Women's Annual
Yom Tov Bake Sale Event
Monday, September 25, 2017
7:00 p.m.
At the home of Michie Pasternak
265 Winding Way
Merion Station

Full salad bar, bake sale and
special pre-Yom Tov inspiration
from our guest speaker,
Mrs. Chani Juravel

More details to follow.
Yomim Noraim Seat Signup
You can now sign up for Yomim Noraim seating at the Kollel by visiting  and choosing the "Yomim Noraim 5778" tab or follow the link at the bottom of this item.
Please note: As in past years, the seating for women will be on a first-come, first-served basis. In order to accommodate as many people as possible, we will not be reserving seats. There should be enough room for everyone with comfortable seating. In the event that you have special circumstances that require you to have a specific seat reserved for you, please let us know in the comment box below and we will do our best to accommodate you.
The Kollel Rabbis and Staff wish you and yours a
kesiva v'chasima tova!

To sign up for
Yomim Noraim Seating,
click   here .

To memorialize a loved one on our
High Holiday Memorial Scroll,
click  here .  
Haven't Signed Up
for a Chavrusah yet?
The new Elul zman is underway.
All regular chavrusos and shiurim have resumed. Now would be an ideal time to sign up for a chavrusah or shiur if  you haven't  yet. 
To sign up or to explore the myriad learning opportunities we have available throughout the week, please contact Rabbi Zeffren at, or our Director of Community Programming, Rabbi Yosef Prupas at 
New for Elul!
5-Minute Mussar Shiur Before Maariv

In an effort to capitalize on the auspicious time of Elul and earn merit for a kesiva vechasima tova, we will be starting a new, 5-minute shiur before maariv each night. The shiur offers practical insights into perfecting our avodas Hashem.
The shiur takes place
in the Beis Medrash from 9:50-9:55.
To hear these shiurim online, visit the audio page here .
Can't Wait for Shivti?
Our fabulous  Shivti program will return IY"H
next Shabbos afternoon, September 9th
when they begin
Hilchos Sukkah
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Kollel Lost and Found

Unclaimed items left in the Kollel for longer than 30 days will be disposed of.
We have launched a Lost and Found Page to help people become aware of lost items.  Periodically, we will post on this page photos of items that are found in the Kollel facility or at Kollel events.  Please look at the items and let us know if any of them are yours at  (Please hover over each picture to read further details about the item/s in question.
In addition to this page, there is a Lost and Found box by the coat rack at the back door.
Community News
  • Bnos of Bala Cynwyd  will resume in the Fall.
  • Torah Youth will resume in the Fall.
  • Bauminger's Library: 
    The library will once again be open every Wednesday from 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., at 228 Stoneway Lane, Merion.
  • "כל השונה הלכות בכל יום": "Whoever studies two Halachos a day is assured a place in Olam Habah." If you would like to receive a free daily e-mail with two halachos a day, go to
     and sign up, or send a request to These are two separate services with separate halachos.
  • Rabbi Ungar's dynamic shiur on the Parsha- please join us for an unforgettable shiur every Monday night at Jeff and Daryl Klein's home at 161 Union Avenue at 8:15 p.m.