
Philadelphia Community Kollel Weekly Update

August 20, 2015
Parshas Shoftim  5775
In This Issue
This Shabbos at the Kollel
Community Partnership Sefer Torah
TCN Season Begins Tonight.
A New Zeman begins at the Kollel
Community News
Mazel Tov To:
Mr. Ezra and Mrs. Susan Wohlgelernter  on the birth of their granddaughter, Aviva Gluck!

Mr. Pinchas and Mrs. Orah Fried on the  B ris of their son, Gavriel Leib!

Drs. Israel and Inna Pendrak
on the engagement of their son Yaakov to Chana Basya Weinberg of Lakewood, NJ!

Dr. Jack and Mrs. Alisha Abboudi
upon the engagement of their son Danny! Mazal Tov to the proud great-grandmother, Mrs. Miriam Margolis!


Condolences To:

Mrs. Kristine Schulman and family on the passing of her father,  Martin Glasser .

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News and Events
This Shabbos at the Kollel 
Parshas Shoftim
Thursday, August 20:
8:15 p.m.:  Rabbi Biberfeld's Gemora Yoma Shiur
9:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.:  Kollel Erev
9:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.:  Rabbi Frand's Weekly Parsha Shiur
10:00 p.m.: Maariv
10:15 p.m.: Daf Yomi

Friday, August 21:
7:31 p.m. :  Candle Lighting  
7:49 p.m.:  Shkiya /Sunset

Shabbos, August 22:
8:15 a.m.:  Shacharis
9:05/ 9:41 a.m.: Latest Krias Shema
Ramban Shiur by Rabbi Eskenazi
6 :00 p.m.:  Mincha
7:48 p.m.: Shkiya/Sunset
9:00 p.m.: 72 Minutes

Follow this link to see the new Shabbos  Zemanim  chart for 

The Making of a Sefer Torah
- This Monday

In conjunction with the Community Partnership Sefer Torah Campaign of the Philadelphia Community Kollel, we will be holding a hands-on demonstration for children and adults, on how a 
Sefer Torah is made.

This Monday
August 24, 2015
10:00 am
Lower Merion Synagogue

Sofer, Rabbi Betzalel Katkovsky will Present:

Rabbi Katkovsky will be available to check Tefilin and Mezuzos following the demonstration.

Please join us!
For more information, please contact
Rabbi Yosef Prupas at
610-618-9949 or

TCN Season Begins Tonight
Rabbi Frand at 9:00PM

A new season for Torah Conference Network begins tonight at 9:00pm with the first  shiur of the year by Rabbi Frand.

The Kollel is proud to host live broadcasts of well-known lectures from around the world, including, Rabbi Frand's weekly  parsha shiur  Thursday evenings at 9:00pm and Rabbi Reisman's weekly   navi shiur  on  Motsaei Shabbos.  Periodical special lectures and conferences are broadcast as well such as the popular Rabbi Frand   Teshuvah Drasha.  These  shiurim  are held in the R' Leib and Rachel Kohn Conference Room on our lower level. in addition the Kollel partners with Cong. Bnai Israel, 8201 Castor Avenue, in Northeast Philadelphia to show these broadcasts in their   shul  as well.

Please note:
Rabbi Reisman's  navi shiur will resume after  succos.
~A New Zeman begins at the Kollel~ 
Elul 5775
After the Kollel Rabbis had a nice short break, they come back with a new excitement and invigoration!
The new z'man at the Kollel began on Monday with beautiful sounds of Torah filling the Kollel from early morning until late at night.
All Chavrusos and Shiurim have resumed.
If you do not yet have a chavrusah and would like to pursue a new learning opportunity, please contact Rabbi Yosef Prupas our Director of Placement and Special Programming at
To see a full list of our Shiurim and programs, please see the Programs page on our website, 
Click on the chart below to view a printable schedule.
Community News
  • KoshersyncLike to know what's going on in the community? Join the Koshersync weekly update list! Simply send an e-mail to with the word "Subscribe" as the subject. This free service will update you weekly about the events scheduled for that week and a digest of new events. To post an event, e-mail with the event name, location, time, and description.

  • Bauminger's Library: The library will once again be open every Wednesday from 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., at 228 Stoneway Lane, Merion.
  • " כל השונה הלכות בכל יום ": "Whoever studies two Halachos a day is assured a place in Olam Habah." If you would like to receive a free daily e-mail with two halachos a day, go to and sign up, or send a request to . These are two separate services with separate halachos.
  • Parsha Shiur by Rabbi Ungar of Etz Chaim-  a dynamic shiur on the Parsha- please join us for an unforgettable shiur every Monday night at Jeff and Daryl Klein's home at 161 Union Avenue at 8:15 p.m.