Philadelphia Community Kollel Weekly Update
December 16, 2016
Parshas Vayishlach  5777
In This Issue
This Shabbos at the Kollel
Pre-Chanukah Mesibah THIS Wednesday!
THANK all who made...SHIVTI...a smashing success!.
Masmid Continues
Submit Your Ad and RSVP Today!.
New 10 Minute Shiur!
Connect and Reconnect...Melave Malka for Women.
Are You New to the Area?
Community News
Mazel Tov to:
Aron Bloch and Erika Kurtzman
on their upcoming marriage.

Marc & Katelyn Friedman
on the birth of a daughter.

Yudi and Stephanie Kerbel
on the birth of their daughter, Meira Michaella.

Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Vegh on the marriage of their son, Avraham Yona, to Rebecca Berlin of Detroit.
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Kollel Website
For a complete listing of Kollel events, programs, shiurim links, zemanim and more, visit us at our website:

For free Kollel audio shiurim and publications go to the archives tab.
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Comment Corner:
Questions or comments about our weekly e-mails? We would love to hear your feedback!
Click here to send us your suggestions, praises, criticisms, or any other comment.
This Shabbos at the Kollel 
Parshas Vayishlach
Thursday, December 15:
8:15 p.m - 9:00 p.m. : Gemara Rosh Hashana with Rabbi Biberfeld
9:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.:  Kollel Erev  
10:00 p.m.: Maariv
10:15 p.m.: Daf Yomi

Friday December 16:
4:19 p.m. :  Candle Lighting
4:37 p.m.:  Shkiya /Sunset

Shabbos, December 17:
8:15 a.m.:   Shacharis
8:53/ 9:29 a.m.: Latest Krias Shema
3:57 p.m.:  Mincha
Shalosh Seudos will be served!
4:37 p.m.: Shkiya/Sunset
5:32 p.m.: Maariv
5:49 p.m.:  72 Minutes
6:30 p.m.:  Masmid

Follow this link to see the Shabbos Zemanim chart  for November-December.

Kiddush this week is being sponsored by
Rabbi and Mrs. Yakir Schechter in honor of the birth of their daughter, Tova Sima.

Kiddush this Shabbos

with Rav Mordechai Dov Fine

Join the Kollel for our annual
Horav Mordechai Dov Fine, shlit"a
Wednesday Evening, December 21
In the Kollel's Beis Medrash
Maariv 8:00 pm
Program Begins 8:15 pm
Dessert Buffet from the Kollel Kitchen
For Men and Women

Now with a Roomier Setup to Accommodate 
the Large Crowd

Thank you to

Kutest Kids and  Kids At Play

for sponsoring this session of Kesher
as well as the  bikur cholim packages.

Kesher, a learning program for mothers and daughters grades 1-7, brings generations together in a beautiful atmosphere of bonding through learning. A stimulating curriculum will be explored, followed by an interactive discussion and exciting art activity. Material suited for all ages and all backgrounds. Invest an hour on Sunday morning and change your week!
December 11th and 18th  -  January 22nd and 29th
February 5th and 19th
10:00 am - 11:15 am
In a new, spacious location:
Kosloff Torah Academy 
50 Montgomery Ave in Bala Cynwyd
Grades 1-7
Mother and Daughter Learning
Arts n' Crafts - Pastries and Coffee

to all who made 
a smashing success!
Masmid Continues
This  Week at 6:30 p.m.

This Motsaei Shabbos, December 17, Masmid will begin  at 6:30 p.m. a t the Kollel.  Don't miss it!
Join the crowd during long winter Motzaei Shabbosos at our ever-popular and exciting Masmid Program. Young boys come to learn with fathers, grandfathers, and mentors and enjoy great learning, stories, raffle prizes, and pizza! We welcome you to our sixteenth year. To experience a taste of the Masmid Program, follow these links:
Masmid Stories  Masmid Photos  Masmid Videos
The cost for sponsorship is only $360 per week.
To sponsor a program today, click here:
Masmid Sponsorship
To sign up for Masmid email, click here:
Submit Your Ad and RSVP Today!
The Philadelphia Community Kollel's
16th Annual Dinner
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Meet our Honorees!

The Philadelphia Community Kollel's sixteenth annual dinner will be held on January 15, 2017 at the Hilton City Avenue. Please mark your calendar for a most memorable evening and look out for a mailing in the near future announcing the details of this exciting event. We deeply appreciate our community's support and look forward to your participation.

To met our honorees, click here: MEET OUR HONOREES
10 MINUTES!  Basar B'Chalav
Mon.-Thur. Following Ma'ariv
The first weeks of the shiur were met with overwhelming interest.  It's never too late to join!
10 MINUTES!  Basar B'Chalav Shiur
Following Ma'ariv, Mon.-Thur.
Ma'ariv Mon.-Wed. 9:55 pm  Thur. 10:00 pm
Join Rabbi Biberfeld, Rosh Kollel  and Rabbis Breiner and Eskenazi (in rotation)  for 10 minutes after Ma'ariv to gain basic knowledge in Hilchos Basar b'Chalav - Laws of Meat and Dairy
using the sefer "Kitzur Hilchos Basar b'Chalav."
For more info. please contact Rabbi Yosef Prupas

Missed a shiur? Click here to listen to audio recordings of the Basar B'Chalav shiurim! Updated daily.

Connect and Reconnect
Melave Malka for Women

This Motzei Shabbos, Decemeber 17 at 8:45 pm
At the Philadelphia Community Kollel
For more information, email
Are You New to the Area?

Are you new to the area? The Philadelphia Community Kollel welcomes you to our community. We offer many learning opportunities for men, women and children. We invite you to browse our website, to get an idea of what we do.  You can sign up for email, regular mail etc. and even make a request for a chavrusah here: 
Feel free to give us a shout for anything you might need.  Hatzlacha in your new home and welcome! 
Community News

  • Bikkur Cholim of Greater Philadelphia presents internationally renowned speaker Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller who will speak on the topic - Chanukah: Seeing the Light in the Darkness.
    Monday, December 19th, 2:00 pm at the home of Lisa Lipschutz 321 Brookway Road in Merion Station
    $20 suggested admission
    Sponsorships available $54, $72, $108
    Contact Malkie Schwartz for additional information: 215-805-8668 
  • Bnos of Bala Cynwyd will iy"H meet this Shabbos, Parshas Vayishlach, Dec. 17th from 2:45pm - 3:45pm at LMS.
  • Torah Youth  will iy"H meet this Shabbos, Parshas Vayishlach, Dec. 17th from 2:45pm - 3:45pm at LMS.
  • Bauminger's Library: The library will once again be open every Wednesday from 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., at 228 Stoneway Lane, Merion.
  • " כל השונה הלכות בכל יום ": "Whoever studies two Halachos a day is assured a place in Olam Habah." If you would like to receive a free daily e-mail with two halachos a day, go to and sign up, or send a request to . These are two separate services with separate halachos.
  • Parsha Shiur by Rabbi Ungar of Etz Chaim-  a dynamic shiur on the Parsha- please join us for an unforgettable shiur every Monday night at Jeff and Daryl Klein's home at 161 Union Avenue at 8:15 p.m.